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it was going on guys that they were taking a look at this here.
The RD 100 Saku to FC or the doctor to Kai.
Everyone called it from the W 80 War in the pocket.
He's aku that faces off against the Alex and doesn't do too bad for himself.
But yes, this is a variation of the Saku that, as mentioned the m boxing.
I'm not personally very fond of personally the design, but I'm gonna leave out of that for most of the review and just focus on just the kid itself.
I want to give you guys an unbiased opinion first.
And then at the end, I'll talk a little bit more about some of my own personal ideas and how I might want to change the design a little bit in an upcoming work in progress, working on this later in the future.
But for now, actually building the kid, How does this compare to other?
Are you on her tickets?
And this is the first stars one ticket to not use any polar caps, and I think that is definitely for the benefit of the kid.
That's definitely one of the things that this kid does better than other are 100 kids is that it is does feel more stable.
Then most of the past are you 100 kids, And that is due to the new construction technology not using any of those Polly caps anymore.
That said, everything else about it is pretty standard.
It's got a good amount of service details, pretty good amount of color separation, and it's just got the similar kind of construction.
Doesn't have a full inter frame, of course, is just basically like the construction is very similar to a larger high grade, but it just has a little bit better color separation due to its larger size.
They're able to make smaller parts like a little red accents on there, you see, which are very nice.
So as always, guys a huge thing.
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So you ever just copy and paste that let's first take a look at everything that you get included with this kit, which is admittedly not a whole lot, but some interesting in nice options.
So it's gonna look at that, right?
So first up here we have our marking stickers for this, and it's pretty much just a bunch of generic caution markings, mostly in white, a couple ones and yellow.
There seems EON logos.
I put a couple of the marking stickers on your body can see, as usual on dark plastic, the outline of the stickers not going to be looking very good, so definitely have to do some tripping on the stickers or find something else to use for your markings for hand options.
You've got just these standard holding hands is a kind of the default.
Are you 100 hands when we do also have some other hand options for this one as well?
We also have a left like open hand or just a rifle support hand and then a trigger finger hand for the right.
But you'll notice we only have one set of the back covers for the hand, so when you want to switch hands, switch the cover as well, which is pretty annoying.
It would have been nice.
Have been able to just given us a couple extra parts here so we could have backings for all of the hands.
Of course, we've gotten action based connector here.
You've got some different head options, which is pretty cool.
So this is the standard head squished as it is.
And then we also have another version which just has the commander fin on top.
And the third option, which I definitely prefer, is the first time helmet here for that.
Also, you guys, how the different heads look later on.
But I definitely prefer this.
Although I've got to say I'm a little bit tor me because I'd really don't like how smashed this one hooks then this one also makes the head look very large compared to the rest of the gate, which you'll see later.
But we'll see anyway.
So up next we have is rifles or a machine gun.
Actually, I guess we should say it does have one moving part here at the back.
This little bit there opens up like that.
Otherwise there's no secondary handle or anything on this.
So It just is what it is.
You can actually remove the grenade launcher bit at the bottom.
You pull that off, and that's just how it's gonna look without that.
But you just keep that on like that.
You can also remove the demo clip like that, but and we do have a 2nd 1 of those that's just right here.
And that is actually meant to be stored up inside the side skirts.
Let's just take a look at that that just opens up like so and stick that extra ammo in there and close that backup.
Then we have the Heat hawk, which is actually really, really nice in the fact that it's really nicely color separated for once, we actually have green handle here and then the lighter, great part of the blade and the darker, great part of the mechanical parts.
The Heat hawk looks really good straight out of the box, and we have an option part for this as well.
This is This handle is for once in Houston's.
He's got little tab in there, tap into the hand, but when it's stored going to change this part of the handle here, Thio, the shorter version, the not extended version.
I suppose you could hold it in the head like Dad was a short he talk, but this is meant to be.
Then using this connector piece, plug onto the back skirt for a storage.
So you disconnect that.
Plug this back in here, around on his butt.
And there you go.
You can store that on the back.
Start like so.
The last thing here is the grenades, which will plug onto his side skirt there.
Now, this is the grenades, but then you can pull one off and you can have this extended form.
This would be that when you can actually holding hands.
If you want to simulate that, he's actually throwing one of the teenagers and the orders that leaves holding one in the hand.
But for this longer handle that you can actually hold in the hand.
You only have two of those.
Not really particularly sure why you would want to have more than two of the extended handle because you only have two hands.
It's not like you could hold any more than that of the grenades, but just in case.
And I was wondering you only have two of the longer handled handles on there for the grenades to have the extended version doesn't actually extend.
You just have part swap that that is, if everything that it comes with, let's get into talking about some of the articulations the head will go up Thio about their very nice for a sock ahead.
You knows Aku has just by design don't normally expect a whole lot of articulation maybe like up to there.
But the fact that it could go even a little bit further up is pretty nice.
A poor movement there.
The neck is pretty good and then down just until it's pretty much just flat there.
You can also rotate the model I up underneath there, just like with the high grade, the origin gets as well as any master grades Aku.
You can rotate that thing.
It's gonna be easier if I just remove the head here.
You just turn that pop it back on and you can have the mano y looking off to the side like that.
And the money why does have a clear part in there?
But I just got the pink sticker there over the top of that.
And so there you go, you got Also it's a nice color separation.
They were just little grey bit there for the vent in the mouth.
Also very nice.
As for the torso articulation, it can go back pretty nicely to there, then forward only to hear.
But there is a little trick that you can do this front part.
You can pull that out, pulled that out like that.
It looks like it's like supposed to be opening cockpit hatch giving, But it's actually not just meant, so you can get a better stomach crunch there, which is a very nice Democrats now that you're putting this part over this front skirt section there, So it's pretty cool.
Interesting little gimmick there, Scientist side.
You can get a little bit there, so I decide as well.
So all in all articulation here in the torso section.
Very nice.
We do also a little bit more, uh, these side parts of the chess again sort of like exactly the origin kids do sort of open out a little bit.
Not really a whole lot, but those can move a little bit like that.
The side of the torso also does move up and down ever so slightly as well, so you can actually single that down just a little bit.
There is actually little bit of cool detail up inside of there.
It's not really very visible, but it's there anyway.
Oh, you're the shoulder articulation out to the front is very good, so that's looking very nice.
The shoulder armor itself can move on its own.
That's on its own separate little piece there.
Ultimately, you can bring the arm up and up up more than any degrees before those shoulder armor's is basically kind of crashing into the head and getting in the way there.
So the upper movement is also really quite nice here and then the arm.
The rest of it works pretty normally, just rotation there at the top.
Mm, I'm just noticing that that upper part of the arm was on backwards.
Didn't realize that until now.
There we go anyway.
A double joint here in the elbow as well give you a nice, really full band.
They're also that's very nice.
Just have another point of rotation here at the bottom of the elbow joint to find controlled the top.
There, there is a point of art articulation, rotation there and in the wrist, of course, just on a bulge right there.
So that's really nice going down to the front skirts here and just pointing out again, just the nice called separation.
Little bits of red, little bits of red everywhere.
It's really nice, so those front skirts will move up very far.
That doesn't look like it's gonna be a problem, but all the side skirts can also move up a little bit.
And let's do to the fact that this rubber hose is rubber so that can actually move.
If that was a harder plastic, it wouldn't really allow the side skirts to move up at all in any way.
But because they can, you can actually get the leg out pretty far to the side, which is pretty nice.
And hip joint is on a track there, so you can actually rotate that Ford a little bit and then bringing the leg up.
It does come up a little bit more than any, maybe about 90 degrees, maybe slightly more so.
Not too bad for upward movement there at the leg as well, double joint here in the need to give us a nice, really full band with nice part separation there at the knee as well.
And again, nice bending rubber apart there for the side of the leg.
These little flaps covering the thrusters here on the legs don't move or anything.
But it is just cool that they're there.
And again, I'll just point out the really nice color separation we've got down here in the lower life.
Slapping on the back, though, does actually move.
That does open up like that, which is pretty nice.
It does look pretty cool, and the ankles side to side can actually get that pretty far to the sign for a pretty widest stance.
They're not too bad at all offside to said, and the toe doesn't point down, but you can't point the toe up, so that's looking pretty nice like that.
You can kind of Jimmy the ankle joint around.
To get that all the way up to the front like that and then pointed down is also really quite nice.
Could move that part back and move the ankle back like that.
So for a pretty good downward pointing angle there at the foot as well, even though the toad doesn't actually bend down, the whole foot actually point down pretty far things to that part in the back of the leg.
That armor piece folding back like that and then up underneath the feet.
Some really nice detail there as well.
So that's looking pretty good.
Just a little bit of hollow gap here and the back.
Otherwise, it's pretty good, so you can see the articulation.
This is really quite nice.
And again, I'll just point out that it does feel very solid, much more solid than most other Ari kits.
I will admit, despite how much I love our kids, the line in general.
Some of them do have a little bit of weakness in some of the joints.
I suppose I should also mention additional whenever reviewing Zach was.
Always forget that the shoulders are not symmetrical and have to look at them separately anyway.
So this shield the shoulder.
Also, you can see the mechanism that the shoulder armor here, the shield in this case, is connected on.
It's the same mechanism up underneath this shoulder armor here as well.
The extended arm for that's that will that will allow you to move that around, rotate that forward or back, or pretty much any way that you want.
So the articulation on that shoulder armor is pretty nice as well.
Just make sure when you're moving around, pull it out of the ball joint there.
But the last thing that I want to mention here while we've got the kid in hand is the lack of steam lines on almost everywhere except for a few places on the side of the leg.
You got a seam line here on the side of the guys on the inside and outside there.
Obviously, that's pretty normal for a Saku, and it could pretty easily be turned into a pen alliance.
I'm not really too worried about that.
The only other one no really worth noting here is on the shoulder.
This one.
I really think that they kind of messed up on this one.
They really should have molded this.
Produced this in a different ways that you could not have this seam line going over to that.
The spike it doesn't.
Luckily, the seam line doesn't go to Despite the spike there, the center one is a separate peace.
The front and back spikes are part of the same parts is basically two halves, and then you stick the spike on there at the end.
But having that steam line running through the shoulder is a little disappointing Them.
They couldn't figure out some other way to do that.
But all right, so as you guys can see and the kid is very night, all right says Guys can see in the kit itself is very nice.
There's very little to complain about with this kid.
And I got to say, for those people who like, say, for example, you're a big fan of the master grade kids, your big fan of the masquerade line in general, if you go away back to the beginning of the master redlined, those early master raids were not very good.
They're pretty much like glorified high grades, larger high grades like high grade, similar to like Whoa, not even normal hybrids.
Recent release High grades that we're getting these days are better than those old old master grades.
Now, this line as well.
This is only the 13th.
Get in the line, you have to remember.
So there's there's been a, you know, a handful of them or two outs.
So far, we've been 12 already, not including the P Bandai variance.
But I think that this is definitely a step in the right direction for the Ari line.
And the ARI line is going Thio.
I think from now on be something that even for people who weren't a big fan before, who who thought I don't really like the AR e kids, they're basically just big high grades.
This is a definitely a step in the direction of getting those people to get on board and finally see the line.
It's something like I It's actually not too bad.
I think I'm gonna check that out, so I don't know.
That's just my thoughts about it.
I've been a fan of the of the line from the beginning just because I like the fact that they're making some of the more obscure you see designs and so far they haven't strayed from UC on.
I don't think that they will.
I don't think they're gonna make anything from seed or eight or anything like that.
I've just enjoyed getting some cool kids in 100 scale and that's why I like the line and the kids, I think, are nice for my purposes.
But in a way, I can't understand some people's criticism of the lineup into this point.
But I think this is definitely, uh, the 1st 1 where we definitely have, Ah, large improvement where this I think even the people who haven't been a fan of the line so far are gonna find very little to complain about what this get.
Obviously, some people are going to wish that this would have been a master rape kits, and I have Honestly, I'm in that party a little bit.
Not that I wish it was a massacre, just that I don't really understand why it wasn't a master grade.
I think this is a popular enough Czako design.
It's one of the more well known socko variants of all different soccer variants out there, like Czako, too.
F C.
These are two F two are probably a couple of the most well known variants of just the Czako, too, before we start getting into, like, high mobility types and things like that.
But I would say probably the main reason that this end up being an RD 100 is that, Ben.
I seems to be doing this thing where they're liking to match up and Ari 100 release and a master release kind of themes together at the same time.
So we had the master grade two point.
Oh, Alex.
So they needed a already 100 kid to go along with that.
It wouldn't really have made much sense for them to make 100 camper because we already have amassed great of that.
So do I.
One wonders.
Well, 100 skill.
Zachary to Kai is something that I assume probably a lot people wanted so have were left of the choice.
Make another master grade from war in the pocket or make something as an RD 100.
Get inside.
Think that's why they're making this on our own.
And honestly, I don't know.
I don't really know what else this would have had What else, like what other advantages would have had as a masquerade.
What had fully articulated hands probably would have the the two point was aku hands.
It probably would have had just the actual plastic parts and springs for the hoses, which I would have appreciated.
I definitely would have liked the hoses on this.
If it wasn't master grade, more of other than that not really a hole, then I wouldn't have the sea mindless shoulder as well.
Obviously eso small improvements.
That's what I had as a master grade.
But it's not really anything that I think is really that big a deal breaker for me.
If you're a big fan of the design and you've always wanted one her scale version of this, I would say, by all means, get it.
I don't first see that making a masquerade of this anytime soon, especially anytime soon after the release of this particular kid.
So you always wanted a once Kilic it, Zach.
Okay, then definitely pick this one up.
It's well worth the money if you'd We're just We're looking for a nice new or 100 kid to pick up.
Maybe you've built one or two in the past.
That was they go ahead and pick it up because you'll notice some really nice improvements to this from the line so far or for anyone.
For whatever reason, you might be interested in this kit.
If you were at all interested in in any way, then I would say by all means get a chance if you get a chance to pick one up.
It's really fun kids, And that is all.
Despite the fact that I personally do not like the design of this aku, there's certain things that I do like.
But for the most part there's a lot that I don't like.
And I think just like the whole torso and skirt section is this big, boxy refrigerator unit.
And then he's got the legs, which are the legs.
Design on their own is like.
Here's the thing I like the leg designs on their own.
I like the torso in skirt design on it, so it's not that bad.
I like the backpack.
I like the arms designs on them, but all put together, the proportions just don't seem quite right.
So what my plan is is to basically just bulk out the legs so that they match the bulky nous of the torso in the waist, you know, and now people kind of like the main thing, and then we'll see what else it really needs from.
There may be a few other minor adjustments here and there, but that'll be kind of the crux of my project with this kid later on down the line.
So until then, that's pretty much it for the review guys.
Have you had any other further questions or comments?
Feel free to leave those down below, as always.
Thanks so much for that.
And again.
Thank us.
They're gonna store.
Thank you guys for watching.
I'll see you next time.
Bye, guys.