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  • Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.

  • Now this is my deal in sprung 3000 laptop.

  • When I purchased it last week, it was the cheapest laptop Del had for sale on their site, costing just £149 down from £199 in a sale.

  • It's also the very laptop I took on my recent holiday on one I used every evening for a few hours spanning four nights.

  • Although back to £199 here in the UK and well, currently out of stock in the US I wanted to review it because it shares some much with other budget laptops at this price point in that it features a jewel course seller on any 306 so CPU, four gigs of RAM and a standard 500 gigabyte hard drive.

  • It also has a bun to installed a version of the Linux operating system.

  • But I've been using it with both this and Windows 10 and I'll be talking about my experience with both.

  • So what's it like living with Dell's cheapest inspire on?

  • Well, let's find out, starting with the design and this laptop features a simple yet sleek black finish and features and HTM aiport to USB to port one USB three ports and a media card reader around the outside.

  • It also comes with a DVD R W drive.

  • A nice bonus considering a lot of portable devices have dropped this feature.

  • This is accompanied by a 15.6 inch 13 66 by 768 screen that looks a little washed out, but it's no better or worse than other £200 or dollar laptops I've tested in the past.

  • The spill resistant and nicely spaced out keyboard feels comfortable to use on the individual keys feel.

  • Perhaps a little spongy, though I had no problem typing on this machine during my prolonged the usage.

  • Firing it up for the first time, I was greeted by the unfamiliar You ban to interface that in all honesty was a pleasure to use and pretty easy to get used to.

  • Even if you're a complete novice, chromium browser and labor office software comes pre installed think Google Chrome and Microsoft Office software on both friend flawlessly on this machine, it's just a cz well, because its Web browsing and creating documents that this system is best suited to.

  • Given its specs.

  • The battery lasted around 6 to 7 hours during a constant basic usage test compiled of Web browsing and watching a few videos as a new planting machine.

  • It gets the job done no more, no less.

  • But the drivers are all natively available from Dale should you want to switch to Windows, which doesn't run as smoothly.

  • But let's talk about that now.

  • Making perfect usage of the DVD R W drive here, I inserted my Windows 10 disc within the hour.

  • I had everything set up and ready to go with Microsoft's latest operating system addition.

  • Windows is a little more taxing on this cellar on CBU.

  • But once again, navigating to a couple of my favorite sites felt quick enough, though occasionally I did encounter some stutter.

  • Sticking is opening up a couple of programs at any given time is your best bet, and I can't imagine the target basic use of straining this thing too much at this point.

  • No, I'd have to say this machine feels best on a bun, too, on its with that you'd get the most pleasant experience to get an idea of raw processing power around the sinner Bench AR 15 multi corps test, which got 72 points.

  • If you want a comparison, it has similar processing power to a Pentium 2160 or a 2180 desktop CPU from late 2006 or 2000 and seven.

  • Just like with any other modern seller on Jul Cause onboard Intel graphics are also included and clocked at 320 megahertz.

  • This means that any of you gamers out there could probably get away with playing older and less intensive games.

  • But more demanding older titles like GT A San Andreas here will still struggle to run with 30 frames.

  • But second, I averaged between 20 and 30 at 7 20 p.

  • Once again, though, the battery life lasted between six and seven hours on Windows 10.

  • Even with half a hour of GT a San Andreas gameplay included, I mentioned at the start.

  • This laptop isn't all too common outside the UK, but like many others at the price point, it features a seller on drill core process, Sir, that is fine for basic usage of their really benefits from an alternative operating system like a bun, too.

  • Ultimately, this inspire on 3000 is no better nor worse in performance than other sub £200 offerings, though it certainly has a better build quality and battery life than a lot of the competition.

  • And if you live in the U.

  • K like May that it would be a great treat choice if you can get it from DEL £149 in their next sale.

  • Just like with the desktop market, though, you would have no problem finding something a couple of years older, with much more power at the same price on used or refurbished marketplaces.

  • So bear that in mind if you have a smaller budget but want to make your money go as far as possible.

  • I actually reviewed a cheap Lenovo laptop a while back with same CPU on less RAM, and that felt a little snappier, perhaps because of the fast to drive.

  • It was also cheaper but featured a much smaller display, though I'd still recommend that over this if portability is more important to you than screen size.

  • Either way, the next laptop I review will be one from a slightly higher yet still reasonable price points to get an idea of how much or how little spending a tiny bit extra affects the end users performance experience.

  • So there we have it.

  • This has been the Dell in Sprint 3000 review, and I hope you guys have enjoyed today's video.

  • If you did, please leave a lock on it down below.

  • If you didn't leave a dislike, subscribe to the channel.

  • If you haven't done so already, let me know if you own this laptop on whether or not you run you Bantu or windows on it.

  • And as always, I hope to see you all in the next one.

Hello, everyone, and welcome to another video.


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與戴爾最便宜的筆記本電腦一起生活 (Living With Dell's Cheapest Laptop)

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