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  • A Marriage story.

  • A great movie to learn English with -- the pace is good, the conversation is frank.

  • Today, were going to take a scene from this movie and do a full, in-depth analysis of everything that’s said,

  • looking at how it’s pronounced, why it sounds American, and go over idioms too.

  • Studying English this way will help your listening comprehension,

  • and it will also help you understand how to sound more natural speaking English.

  • First, let’s watch the whole scene.

  • Then well do our in-depth analysis.

  • Henry's teacher wants to meet with us.

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • Can you, uh, answer the email so we can set a time?

  • Yeah. I've been distracted.

  • I understand. I just want to rule out everything, you know, with his reading.

  • I just think he's a little over-anxious. I think he wants it too much.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him. You know, he's like us. He's stubborn.

  • He's still a lousy Monopoly player because he tries to save all his money.

  • And now, the analysis.

  • Henry's teacher wants to meet with us.

  • What are our most stressed syllables in this phrase?

  • Everything links together really smoothly, but we have some peaks where the melody goes up.

  • Henry's teacher wants to meet with us.

  • Henry's teacher wants to meet with us.

  • Henry's teacher wants to meet with us.

  • Henry's teacher-- I'm feeling a lot of stress there.

  • Teacher wants to meet with us.

  • Listen again and notice how every word slides right into the next word with no breaks.

  • This linking is really important to the character of American English.

  • Henry's teacher wants to meet with us.

  • Henry's teacher wants to meet with us.

  • Henry's teacher wants to meet with us.

  • So after the peak of stress on 'teach' we have three syllables, cher wants to--,

  • that are flatter in pitch, said more quickly,

  • wants to--, the word 'to' reduces, it's not 'to' it's 'tuh' with the schwa.

  • Wants to-- wants to-- wants to-- wants to--

  • Cher wants--

  • Teacher wants to meet with us.

  • Then we have a stop T in 'meet' that's because the next word begins with the W.

  • So it's not, meet with, but it's meet with, meet with, that tiny little break, little lift, is what we feel as the T.

  • Meet with us. Meet with us.

  • Meet with us.

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • What about this next question? What happens with the melody?

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • You mean his-- a little bit of up-down shape there. You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • Then we have most of our stress on A. Whenever we have an acronym like this,

  • where we're saying the letters, LA, JFK, etcetera, it's always the last letter that gets the most stress.

  • L.A. teacher? We're going up in pitch, it's a yes/no question, and those usually go up in pitch,

  • but since it's going up in pitch rather than feeling the stress as an up-down shape, it's sort of the opposite.

  • L.A. teacher? It's a scoop down and then up.

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • Can you, uh--

  • Can you, uh-- Can you, uh--

  • That little utterance, very smooth, no breaks in the voice. Can you, uh--

  • And we have that peak on 'you', the word 'can' is not 'can' it's kuhn.

  • I would write that with the schwa, said very quickly, can, can, can, can you, can you, can you, uh...

  • Can you, uh--

  • Can you, uh--

  • Can you, uh--

  • Quick request. If you're not subscribed to my channel, please click the subscribe button, with notifications,

  • I make new videos on the English language every Tuesday.

  • Also, take a second to click that LIKE button. It does help. Ready? 1, 2, 3, click it!

  • Okay, back to the analysis.

  • Can you, uh--

  • Can you, uh--

  • Can you, uh--

  • Uh-- This is the UH as in butter vowel,

  • and it's the sound that Americans make when we're thinking. Uh, uhm, for example.

  • Can you, uh--

  • Can you, uh--

  • Can you, uh, answer the--

  • Answer the-- Then she does a little break here, either because she's drinking, or while she's thinking.

  • Answer the-- So 'an' is the most stressed syllable, and the two unstressed syllables, swer, the,

  • just sort of fall down in pitch from that peak. The letter W, there's no W sound here.

  • Answer the-- answer the--

  • Answer the--

  • The word 'answer' will be written phonetically with the AA vowel, and then N,

  • but when AA is followed by N, it's not quite pure.

  • That would be AA, An--, an--, answer.

  • And that's not how we say it, we say answer. So the back of the tongue relaxes,

  • we move through a sound that's sort of like the UH as in butter sound, aauhh-- aauhh-- aauhh--

  • answer, answer the--

  • Answer the--

  • answer the--

  • answer the email.

  • Email, email. Going up, stress on E. Email.

  • So we can set a time, and then intonation goes up.

  • It's almost like this is a question, and then the second half is also a question.

  • Email, email, so we can set a time.

  • Email so we can set a time?

  • Email so we can set a time?

  • Email so we can set a time?

  • The L in 'email' is a dark L. It comes after the diphthong in that syllable,

  • and you don't need to lift your tongue tip for this dark L.

  • Email, uhl, uhl, uhl.

  • Keep your tongue tip down, that will help you focus on the tongue position,

  • it's the back of the tongue that makes that dark sound.

  • Don't round your lips.

  • A lot of people want to make something sort of like: email, where the front part of the mouth makes

  • the sound, and then it sounds sort of like O or a W sound, but it should be: uhl, uhl,

  • a dark sound to the dark L. Email, email, email.

  • Email--

  • so we can set a time?

  • Now, let's look at this word 'can'. We just had it up here,

  • and it was pronounced: kuhn,

  • how is it pronounced the second time?

  • So we can set a time?

  • So we can set a time?

  • So we can set a time?

  • Can, can, can. So fast, so unclear. So we can, so we can, so we can, so we can, so we can set a time?

  • I guess I'll write it with all of those sounds, but it's just so fast, none of it's very clear, is it?

  • So we can set a time?

  • So we can set a time?

  • So we can set a time?

  • Set a time? A flap T links these two words together.

  • We pronounce the T as a flap T when it comes between two vowels,

  • and that's what happens when we link these words. Set a time?

  • Set a time?

  • Set a time?

  • Set a time?

  • Yeah. I've been distracted.

  • Yeah-- Stress on 'yeah' up down. Yeah. I've been distracted.

  • Couple peaks of stress there.

  • Yeah. I've been distracted.

  • Yeah. I've been distracted.

  • Yeah. I've been distracted.

  • 'I have' or 'I've', 'I've' is not pronounced that way, he doesn't really say the V sound.

  • I've been distracted.

  • I've been distracted.

  • I've been distracted.

  • I've been distracted.

  • I have noticed we do this sometimes when we're saying that word 'been' next. I have been--

  • one of the shortcuts is just to drop that V sound. I've been distracted. I've been, I've been, I've been.

  • So see if you can make that with no V sound at all, just linking the AI diphthong into the B.

  • That will help this transition be more smooth, it will help you make this less important word, less long.

  • And we need it to be short for that rhythmic contrast. That's so important in American English.

  • I've been distracted. Now here, we have EE, two E's but that makes the IH as in sit vowel, not the EE vowel.

  • I've been, I've been, I've been distracted.

  • I've been distracted.

  • I've been distracted.

  • I've been distracted.

  • The ED ending is pronounced as an extra syllable, IH plus D, when the sound before is a T or D.

  • So it's a whole extra syllable here, because it comes after a T.

  • Distracted. Distracted.

  • Distracted.

  • Distracted.

  • Distracted.

  • I understand.

  • I understand.

  • What are our most stressed syllables there?

  • I understand.

  • I understand.

  • I understand.

  • I understand. 'I' and 'un' and 'der', are all going towards the main stress there, 'stand'. I understand. I understand.

  • And this is lower in pitch, less energy in the voice.

  • I understand.

  • I understand.

  • I understand.

  • 'I' and 'uh', these two sounds here linked together really smoothly.

  • I under, I under-- Don't try to make any kind of distinction.

  • The words should slide together. That's okay. That smoothness is important in American English.

  • I under-- I understand.

  • I understand.

  • I understand.

  • I understand.

  • I just want to rule out everything, you know, with his reading.

  • This next phrase is again, sort of lower in pitch and energy.

  • It's sort of like an aside, but we do still have some the feeling of some more stressed syllables.

  • What do you think they are?

  • I just want to rule out everything, you know, with his reading.

  • I just want to rule out everything, you know, with his reading.

  • I just want to rule out everything, you know, with his reading.

  • I just want to--

  • Those first four words, all unstressed, said very quickly. Then we have some stressed syllables. Rule out

  • everything, you know, with his reading.

  • Let's look at these first four unstressed words.

  • They're not that clear. They're not: I just want to--

  • That would be way over pronouncing them.

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to-- What is happening? She's dropping the J,

  • I's-- I's-- I's-- She's dropping the T.

  • Now it's really common to drop the T in 'just' when the next word begins with a consonant, like it does here.

  • It's a little bit less common to drop the J, but it does happen.

  • The word 'just', not important here. It's a filler word.

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to--

  • 'Want to' becomes 'wanna' but it's not as clear as wanna. It's: wanna, I's wanna-- I's wanna-- I's wanna--

  • This is the nature of an unstressed syllable and we have four unstressed syllables here in a row.

  • I just wanna-- I just wanna-- I just want to rule out.

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to--

  • I just want to rule out everything, you know, with his reading.

  • And I'm hearing a light flap T connecting out and EV.

  • Out every, out every, out every, out everything.

  • Rule out everything--

  • Rule out everything--

  • Rule out everything--

  • But everything glides together really smoothly. The dark L in 'rule out',

  • you can't lift your tongue tip there to finish it. Rule out. But link that right into the OW diphthong.

  • Don't make a lift or a break, we want them to link together. Rule out. Rule out everything.

  • Rule out everything--

  • Rule out everything--

  • Rule out everything--

  • 'Rule out' this is a phrasal verb and it means to make impossible,

  • to eliminate as an option.

  • If you rule something out, that means it won't happen, or it can't be.

  • For example, if you're unwell, you may do a series of tests for specific illnesses to rule them out.

  • If it comes back negative, then you know it can't be that.

  • Rule out everything--

  • Rule out everything--

  • Rule out everything, you know, with his reading.

  • Now let's listen to four more unstressed words in a row: you know with his.

  • You know, with his reading.

  • You know, with his reading.

  • You know, with his reading.

  • You know with his--

  • you know with his--

  • you know with his--

  • you know with his--

  • You know, I think that's really more of a schwa. Ye, ye, ye. You know, you know, you know, you know,

  • you know with his, you know with his, you know with his. The H is dropped in 'his', that's a common reduction:

  • with his-- with his-- with his-- with his-- you know with his-- you know with his--

  • You know with his--

  • You know with his--

  • You know with his--

  • The TH here, so light, so weak, not clear.

  • You may think this is insane, why are these words so unclear?

  • But that's just the way American English is. When we have a lot of unstressed words in a row,

  • they get simplified. Sounds get dropped, sounds get changed,

  • but there's enough there for us to get what it is, and it's important to have that simplification.

  • So it can be said more quickly, so that the longer syllables get to be clearer.

  • That change between long and short is important in American English. It's the structure of the language.

  • You know with his--

  • You know with his--

  • You know, with his reading.

  • I just think he's a little over-anxious.

  • What are our most stressed words in this sentence?

  • I just think he's a little over-anxious.

  • I just think he's a little over-anxious.

  • I just think he's a little over-anxious.

  • Just think he's a little over-anxious. Think.

  • DA-da-da-DA-da-da-DA-da

  • Rhythmic contrast. Long and short. I, I don't even hear it.

  • I know it's there, it makes sense, that's what I would write down if I was writing what he's saying.

  • But when I really listen to it, I don't really hear 'I'. Now we have this word 'just', how was it pronounced?

  • Just think he's a little over-anxious.

  • Just think he's a little over-anxious.

  • Just think he's a little over-anxious.

  • Just think he's-- just think he's-- just, just, just, just.

  • Again, that T is dropped. And it's said really quickly. Just think he's-- just think he's--

  • Just think he's-- just think he's-- just think he's--

  • Think he's-- think he's-- Again, dropped H, common to do that in these function words like he and his and him.

  • Think he's-- think he's-- think he's-- think he's--

  • The apostrophe S here is a Z because it's short for the word 'is'

  • where that S is a Z sound. That Z links right into the schwa.

  • Think he's a-- think he's a-- think he's a-- think he's a--

  • Really smooth.

  • Think he's a--

  • little over-anxious.

  • Little overanxious. DA-da-da-da-DA-da. Little, we have a flap T there. Little, little, little over.

  • So we have the unstressed syllable of 'little', and two unstressed syllables in 'over'.

  • Tle over-- tle over-- tle over-- little over-anxious.

  • A little over-anxious.

  • A little over-anxious.

  • A little over-anxious.

  • Anxious. That would be written phonetically with the AA as in bat, and the NG consonant.

  • So the letter N here is actually the NG sound: ang-- made with the back of the tongue.

  • So when that happens, the AA vowel changes. It's more like the AY diphthong, like in 'say'.

  • Ay, ay, anxious. Overanxious.

  • Overanxious.

  • And the letter X here, making the sounds K and SH.

  • Anxious, anxious, anxious.

  • Anxious.

  • I think he wants it too much.

  • Listen to this next phrase and tell me what you think the most stressed word is.

  • wants it too much.

  • I think he-- tiny bit of stress on 'think'. I think he wants it too much. And then a lot on 'wants'. Wants it too much.

  • Did you notice in these first three words, I think he--, that H got dropped again?

  • I think he-- I think he--

  • I think he--

  • wants it too much.

  • Wants it too much. 'Too' and 'much' both have some length like for stress.

  • But they don't have a whole lot of that up-down shape. I think he wants it too much.

  • I think he wants it too much.

  • I think he wants it too much.

  • I think he wants it too much.

  • Then we have 'it' and 'too', and they link together with the single true T.

  • It too-- it too-- it too-- it too much.

  • It too much.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • What are our most stressed words in this sentence?

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • Three peaks of stress, the main one on 'charts'. He's off the charts in Math.

  • Linking together really smoothly. No skips, no break in the melody.

  • If you're off the charts in something, it means you are extremely good at it.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • He is very, very good and successful in math.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • The apostrophe S here, again, this is 'is', it's a Z sound. He's off, he's off, he's off.

  • He's off--

  • the charts in Math.

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him.

  • What are our most stressed words here?

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him.

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him.

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him.

  • He quits too easily when things--

  • a little bit of stress there, aren't easy for him.

  • I think the peak of stress of the whole sentence is on 'easily'

  • but then we also have these other places where there is some of that up-down shape and some length.

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him.

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him.

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him.

  • Let's talk about a few pronunciation things. The word T-O-O, this word will never reduce to the schwa.

  • It will always have the OO vowel, but it might have an unstressed feel like it does here. He quits too easily.

  • He quits too easily.

  • He quits too easily.

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him.

  • Now we have an N apostrophe T contraction.

  • That can be pronounced a few different ways. Either with the true T, aren't,

  • with the stop T, aren't easy ,or with no T at all, aren't easy.

  • What do you hear? True T, Stop T, or Dropped T?

  • Aren't easy--

  • aren't easy--

  • aren't easy--

  • Aren't easy-- aren't easy--

  • Definitely a little lift there, a little stop for the stop component of that T. Aren't easy.

  • Aren't easy--

  • Did you notice the letter S in 'easily' and 'easy' is the Z sound?

  • We have quite a few words in English where the letter S is actually the Z sound.

  • Husband, cousin, easy, for example.

  • Aren't easy--

  • for him.

  • Easy for him. Did you notice the word 'for' is not pronounced 'for'? It's pronounced: fur, fur, fur.

  • That's really common. For him, for him, for him.

  • And she doesn't drop the H but it is unstressed. For him, for him, for him.

  • For him--

  • You know--

  • You know-- You know-- You know-- You know-- The word 'you' reduced, its 'yuh',

  • you know, you know, you know. Not the OO vowel, but the schwa. You know.

  • You know, he's--

  • You know, he's-- You know, he's--

  • She does drop the H in 'he's'. Now, she's using not very much vocal energy, it's a little bit of

  • a popcorn quality in this phrase. That happens in American English towards the end of a phrase,

  • and she's just said he quits too easily when things aren't easy for him.

  • And now this is sort of a continuation of that and her vocal energy has really gone down.

  • You know, he's--

  • like us. He's stubborn.

  • He's, he's, like us, like us, a little bit of stress on 'us', he's stubborn.

  • He's like us. He's stubborn.

  • He's like us. He's stubborn.

  • He's like us. He's stubborn.

  • This quality of less of volume and less energy in the voice is very natural in American English

  • towards the end of a phrase. And it sounds really nice when a student can bring it in.

  • Sometimes I have students who have very good pronunciation, but their voice is always fully engaged,

  • and actually, that ends up sounding a little bit strange.

  • When they learn to taper off the ends of their sentences sometimes,

  • that ends up bringing in a much more natural feeling to their English.

  • He's like us. He's stubborn.

  • He's like us. He's stubborn.

  • He's like us. He's stubborn.

  • And everything smoothly linking together. He's stubborn.

  • Those two words will link together with a single S sound. He's stubborn. He's stubborn.

  • He's stubborn.

  • He's stubborn.

  • He's stubborn.

  • Like us, he's stubborn. And I'm pretty sure she's dropping the H there, too.

  • Like us. He's stubborn.

  • Like us. He's stubborn.

  • Like us. He's stubborn.

  • Like us. He's stubborn.

  • He's still a lousy--

  • I wrote 'he's', that's what makes sense grammatically, but I don't even really hear that whole word.

  • It's implied.

  • He's still a lousy--

  • He's still a lousy--

  • He's still a lousy Monopoly player because he tries to save all his money.

  • Still a lousy Monopoly player--

  • Stress on those two words. Lousy Monopoly player.

  • Still a lousy Monopoly player--

  • Still a lousy Monopoly player--

  • Still a lousy Monopoly player because he tries to save all his money.

  • Cause he tries to save all his money.

  • Now, let's look and see if there are any words that reduce here.

  • He's still a lousy Monopoly player because he tries to save all his money.

  • He's still a lousy Monopoly player because he tries to save all his money.

  • He's still a lousy Monopoly player because he tries to save all his money.

  • Still a-- Don't reduce but they're unstressed, said quickly.

  • Still a-- still a-- still a-- still a--

  • Still a lousy-- Look! It's another word with a letter S where the letter S is the Z sound.

  • Lousy, lousy monopoly player.

  • Still a lousy Monopoly player--

  • Still a lousy Monopoly player--

  • Still a lousy Monopoly player because he tries to save all his money.

  • Because he tries to save all his money.

  • Because he tries to--

  • Because he tries to--

  • Because he tries to--

  • 'Because' becomes: cause, cause. K schwa Z. Cause, cause. Cause he-- cause he--

  • Then the Z links right into the EE vowel because the H is dropped in 'he'.

  • Cause he-- cause he-- cause he--

  • Cause he--

  • tries to save all his money.

  • Tries to-- tries to-- to-- True T but the vowel is not 'to', it's: tuh, tuh, it's the schwa.

  • Tries to-- tries to-- tries to--

  • Tries to--

  • save all his money.

  • And do you hear a CHR in 'tries'? That's really common.

  • To pronounce the TRS, CHR.

  • Ch-- ch-- ch-- tries, tries, tries, tries, tries to--, tries to--, tries to save all his--

  • We have 'all' and 'his', unstressed, coming down in pitch from the stressed syllable 'sa--'

  • what about 'his'? Do we hear that H?

  • Tries to save all his money.

  • Tries to save all his money.

  • Tries to save all his money.

  • Save all his money. Save all his-- Nope.

  • Dropped H there.

  • Save all his money.

  • Save all his money.

  • Save all his money.

  • Save all his money.

  • All his money. 'His', another word where the letter S is pronounced Z.

  • Actually, in the word 'tries', it's a Z as well, but the Z is weak and here, she's making a true T in the word 'to'.

  • That's an unvoiced sound and voiced sounds are stronger than weak sounds.

  • So I actually hear this as an S. It's been shifted into an unvoiced sound. Tries to, tries to.

  • Even this word on its own as 'tries' with a Z.

  • But I think if you make that an S linking into that true T, that will simplify that.

  • Tries to, tries to, tries to, tries to save all his money.

  • Tries to save all his money.

  • Tries to save all his money.

  • Tries to save all his money.

  • There are so many things that make American English sound American.

  • This linking, these dropped sounds, these reductions that help us link things smoothly,

  • and give more rhythmic contrast. There's so much to study in even just a small scene.

  • Tries to save all his money.

  • Tries to save all his money.

  • Tries to save all his money.

  • Let's listen to this whole conversation one more time.

  • Henry's teacher wants to meet with us.

  • You mean his L.A. teacher?

  • Can you, uh, answer the email so we can set a time?

  • Yeah. I've been distracted.

  • I understand. I just want to rule out everything, you know, with his reading.

  • I just think he's a little over-anxious. I think he wants it too much.

  • He's off the charts in Math.

  • He quits too easily when things aren't easy for him. You know, he's like us. He's stubborn.

  • He's still a lousy Monopoly player because he tries to save all his money.

  • Fantastic. I can tell you're interested in learning English with movies.

  • I have a whole playlist for you. Check it out here.

  • Please like and share this video and don't forget to subscribe, with notifications, if you haven't already.

  • I make new videos on the English language every Tuesday.

  • That's it and thanks so much for using Rachel's English.

A Marriage story.


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