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>> Hilah: Hey dudes!
I am Hilah, and today on Hilah cooking, I’ve got a special Valentine’s Day surprise for
all you lovebirds out there.
It’s dog poison!
Just kidding, it’s chocolate truffles, but it actually is poisonous for dogs, so don’t
give these to your dogs, even if your dog is your Valentine.
[Chocolate Truffles Recipe]
>> Hilah: So chocolate truffles are pretty much like one of the most easiest little candies
in the world you can make.
All we are gonna need is some heavy cream which I’ve got here.
We’re gonna to put it in our little saucepan and just bring it up to almost a simmer, so
keep an eye on it, it’ll take a few minutes, kind of over a medium heat.
You don’t want to scorch it, and just watch it.
Once it starts to steam, we’ll take a look, and if you see little tiny bubble, like right
around the edges, just barely, barely, barely bubbles, turn the heat off, so we’ll just
wait a few minutes for that.
All right, so we’re gonna pour our hot cream over our chocolate, and I’m using a combination
of some dark chocolate and some semi-sweet chocolate.
If you want to use all semi-sweet or milk chocolate or whatever, it makes no difference
to me, and we’re just gonna stir this around until the chocolate is melted and it’s a
smooth mixture.
This will probably take a few minutes.
Basically what we’re making here is a ganache which is French for chocolate cream I think.
I don’t know what it actually means, but you can use it to ice cakes and stuff too.
With this ratio of cream to chocolate it’s gonna make a nice, hard truffle center, delicious,
creamy truffle, and it’s gonna look like this.
It’s gonna look horrible.
It’s gonna look like it’s never gonna come together, but it will.
Just keep stirring it, and I do prefer to use a glass bowl for this because I think
it helps retain the heat a little bit better than like a metal one would, but maybe that’s
just something I made up in my head, I don't know.
It’s starting to happen now.
See that coming together.
See them in there.
See what it’s doing there, and if you wanted to add some flavoring to this you could do
I would recommend using like an oil-based flavor like a peppermint oil or something
like that, cinnamon oil that you can get rather than an extract, but we’re just going to
do plain and simple because I like to keep things not very complicated so that my tiny
brain can comprehend.
So, once you’ve got a smooth, chocolate mixture, now I like to transfer it into a
metal bowl because I think the metal disperses the heat quicker, just give it a stir every
five minutes, not a big deal.
I promise you if it was a big deal, there’s no way in hell I’d be doing it.
Once it gets to room temperature we’re going to stick it in the fridge for about three
hours until it’s nice and solidified, so keep stirring!
You don’t actually have to stir it constantly.
Once your chocolate is hard and cold, we’re gonna wash our hands, remove your valuable
family jewels, and then just use a spoon, or I am using this little scooper thingy,
whatever to like kind of get little balls.
You want them like, a little, like maybe an inch or a little bit bigger or a little bit
It doesn't really matter.
The idea is the reason that they’re called truffles is because they resemble the fungus,
so they can be irregular.
They don’t have to be perfectly round.
They can be varying sizes.
You can make that one truffle that sold for like a million dollars and it weighed like
80 pounds.
You can make that out of chocolate.
That’d be a cool Valentine’s present right?
Okay, so it’s messy, you know, sometimes it gets kind of messy up here, but we get
So once you’ve got your tray filled up with balls.
Look at that!
We’re going to put the balls back in the fridge for another hour just to get them nice
and firm again, firm balls is what we’re going for.
Balls are nice and firm, and I’ve got here in just some cocoa powder that I sifted to
get any lumps out, and now you can add flavoring to your cocoa powder, or you can have cinnamon.
You’ve got to put a little cinnamon in there.
You can add cayenne pepper.
Maybe I’ll put a little cayenne pepper in there, spice it up a little.
You can add some salt.
Salt might be nice.
You know, a little bit of saltiness on the outside there, and sometimes you’ll see
truffles that are dipped in a chocolate coating, but traditionally they are just rolled in
cocoa and the cocoa resembles the soil that is found on the outside of the natural fungus
So, whatever, you could call it lazy or you could call it fancy and French, take your
I just want to coat them in this cocoa, and then you can give it another, if you want
them a little bit rounder once it’s sort of covered in the cocoa, cup your hands.
Cup your hands gently around the ball and caress it to get it more spherical if you
like, but I don't know, I like the rustic look.
Y’all probably know that about me by now.
I like lumberjacks and lumpy looking candies, so I just do like that, and if you wanted
to use like shredded coconut instead of cocoa or really finely chopped nuts, you could do
all those things.
If you wanted to put little centers in these, you could put like a toasted almond inside
it, or a hazelnut.
You could do all sorts of things.
The options are endless.
I think they look just cute as a button, and so you could make these, you know, this weekend
or whatever, but they’ll stay in the fridge for like three or four weeks with not problems,
so there, you can make them ahead of time that’s awesome, and they do need to be kept
refrigerated, but they are best eaten if you like take them out of the fridge maybe 30
minutes before you’re going to eat them until they get a little bit warmed up, and
get that, get the chocolate flavor will really brighten up on your tongue.
So, anyway you’re probably tired of me talking by now, so I’ll just go ahead and eat one
of these.
How does that sound?
It sounds pretty good to me to answer my own rhetorical question.
Smooth, velvety, chocolatey, bitter-sweet, with that cocoa outside, ah man!
It’s luxurious I tell you.
There you go.
There’s how to make traditional French.
It’s French, traditional chocolate truffles.
Hope you try this.
Hope you mix it up.
Try some variations.
Add some things to it, and whatever you can have a lot fun with this.
It’s a really simple basic thing to build on.
So, have a great weekend everyone!
Thanks for watching.
If you have any questions, leave them below in the comments.
I’ll get to them as soon as I can, and please subscribe, and thumbs up and all that jazz.