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Are you ready to make some?
Which fingers?
Which fingers am I talking about?
All right, we'll start out with about four ounces of pig's lard.
If you can't get pig's lard, you may use regular butter.
I hear that's what humans use.
We'll start by creaming this writer or pig's lard, just like this whole Sifton.
Some powdered dog bones.
If you don't have powdered dog bones, you can use some powdered sugar.
Some people think it tastes better.
Not me, but do how you like.
Powder Dog ones do have a lot of Chelsea.
If you can get them, it's worth a shot.
Cream this together once again.
This reminds me of my days at the Braves.
Will add one egg, amusing a chicken egg.
You can find a snake egg that's fantastic.
Use a snake egg you may need to use to snake eggs unless it is a large snake, such as a cobra or pipe to you'll know it's ready when it looks like puss.
Now we'll add some flour.
This is just regular plain flour.
Touch of salt, which is love salt.
Finally, if you can get eye of Newt, use that if not a touch of vanilla will do Just fine.
Mix again.
Now we've got our dough.
If you have room in your refrigerator, move aside the severed heads.
Listen there for about 30 minutes.
Now it's chilled to the bone and you'll want to get a little collection of chicken bones for this recipe.
Sorry, I should mention that earlier, but you don't have chicken bones.
You can use pretzel sticks.
But chicken bones are really what I grew up with, and it's what I prefer.
I'll use pretzel sticks today.
You get a little bit of dough.
This is then the pretzel is.
It really doesn't make a very realistic finger.
If you've never had the pleasure fighting into Fresh child's finger, this is a pretty good substitute, and you just want to wrap a bit of the dough around your pretzel.
Speaking of bones, you could also make penises out of this.
I've seen the devil's Penis.
It's bigger than you might expect.
That's about the size of my finger when you say, Well, ladies on a baking sheet.
If you do ever meet the devil, they asked you to jerk him off.
This is what he likes now make them extra realistic.
We'll take your two fingers and give him two pinches for your knuckles for my knuckles.
Rather take small life, make some wrinkles.
Did you say that I have wrinkly hands.
I'll curse you.
You'll want to get some fingernails.
I've got mine right here.
I'm just gonna pull that off.
It's fine.
It's fine.
And then you just wanna It's to get right in the cookie if you prefer.
You could use a slivered almonds.
These look pretty great.
This is actually very realistic when I don't have my nails freshly manicured.
This is what they look like.
A little bit brown, A little bit pointy.
Now it's time to bake to all done.
Now, you just wanna cut your finger a little bit if you can, you just squeeze it, squeeze it until that blood just comes out and feel so good.
I feel so good.
Um mmm mmm.
It's good stuff.
All right.
Our cookies are ready.
You want a little cool?
A little bit.
You just want to dip those two stupid right into that blood.
If you have some period blood, that's fine.
You little crunch closest thing to a real finger you're ever gonna get unless you eat a real finger check out shoot book.
I hope you make these happy Halloween.