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  • What's up everyone? Welcome back to my channel!

  • Now today I am really excited because, oh my god,

  • Now when I've been doing all these first impressions lately

  • I always ask you guys at the end if there's anything that

  • you want me to try, please, leave your comments below.

  • Now, the last few videos, I have never gotten

  • this many requests before.

  • So of course, you know when I upload the video,

  • I'm reading all the comments, I saw so many tags of this

  • "silisponge", like oh my god Jeffree, please try this silicone

  • "beauty blender", silicone sponge, and I was like, what the f**k

  • is going on around here? So, I hopped on instagram

  • and, girl, there is a brand called Molly Cosmetics all the way

  • from Hong Kong, and the owner created a product, which is,

  • I know you guys have all heard and seen it by now,

  • it is a "sponge", but it is made out of silicone

  • So it is basically not going to absorb your products

  • like a brush or a beauty blender, it is more sanitary,

  • you get more uses out of it, I don't know

  • it's supposed to be magical. So, bitch, I hopped online

  • and you know Miss Thing had to get hers.

  • Now, this thing reminds me of the rainbow highlighter because

  • oh my god, it was so hard to get a hold of

  • Now, I'm looking on their website and they've done eight re-stocks.

  • I just think it's really cool because this is a indie brand that

  • a lot of people have discovered from instagram

  • The owner must be so overwhelmed from all these orders,

  • shout out to Molly Cosmetics, I think it is so cool that you guys

  • created something that has exploded so big, so

  • congrats on that.

  • Today we're just going to do a little first impressions

  • and unbox this and we're just gonna try it right on my bare skin

  • Now, I have nothing on except moisturizer, so I'm serving you

  • Lord Voldemort realness today. I am going to do primer just like

  • I normally do because I don't think it's fair to try a product on

  • bare, bare skin with foundation, and I don't do it like that,

  • so we are going to apply a little bit of primer.

  • Now, if I talk a little weird today, I was just in Atlanta

  • and I got 12 stitches underneath this lip right here

  • I had my teeth done, now I have temporary teeth on the bottom.

  • It's a long story, but basically I got a crown lengthening,

  • for any hygienists or dentists out there,

  • and I am getting six of my teeth crowned so that my whole

  • entire mouth will be finally done! It's been a long f**kin journey

  • But besides that, I am in a little bit of pain and there is

  • stitches going throughout my teeth, so if you see anything weird down here,

  • that's what's going on. So, besides that you guys,

  • let's dive right in. Now, I want the primer to sit

  • on my skin for a minute, so before I open up the envelope,

  • and take everything out, I'm just going to go in with

  • my usual primer. This is the Guerlain Gold primer

  • oh my god, it's about time to order me a new one

  • So, as you guys know by now, I like to apply this with a little

  • synthetic foundation brush. And I'm just going to do it

  • like I normally do, and coat that all over my skin.

  • Alright, so while this primer is settling into my skin,

  • we're going to open up this guy. Now I just cut this with scissors and

  • open it, so it comes in an envelope like this

  • and it says that it is coming all the way from Hong Kong.

  • So when you open it, it comes in a - this envelope -

  • it comes in a little black nylon bag with the product inside, and

  • I got two of them. Alright, now it comes with this

  • little card that says Molly Cosmetics, and then also on the back you guys

  • it says that it's cruelty-free paraben-free, 100% love

  • and it just says their website. The other side is their logo

  • and then inside is a cute little message: thank you for your support

  • Love, Molly sponge. You better work!

  • And let's get to what y'all really want to see

  • Here is what it comes in it is in a cute little bag

  • It almost reminds me of when I go to the dispensary and I pick up

  • some weed, yes mam! Now I'm just going to open this up

  • let's see what it looks like. I'm nervous, I have seen

  • so many images of this all over the internet. Oooooo!

  • Yes! Here she is! So here is the sponge that went viral

  • I'm going to call it "sponge" because that's just what everybody else

  • is calling it, obviously a sponge soaks in product and this one is not

  • supposed to do that. So it basically looks like a little

  • chicken cutlet, like a little bra thing. I know there are a lot of people

  • that have been using bras to find a dupe for this, but I don't have any

  • bra cutlets handy - sorry - but we are going to try this one

  • and we're going to see how it f**kin works

  • So it comes like this. it is about ...

  • I don't know how many inches that is, I'm used to 9 or 10 inches,

  • but it's cute, it's little. Let's compare it to a dry beauty blender

  • on my table here. So here is the comparison.

  • Cute. Of course when this is wet this will expand.

  • Now I guess the final tee is we gotta try this damn thing!

  • Now foundation you guys, that was a tricky thing for me cause I

  • you guys know I have a lot of favorite foundations.

  • So I'm looking on my table I'm like, what do I want to use?

  • OK, I think I'm just going to go in with the Giorgio Armani luminous

  • silk foundation, I've been using this for about 2 and a half years now

  • and it does require a shake. So I've seen different techniques

  • using this to apply. Now I'm just going to go on their

  • website really quickly, I always do that during these videos

  • because I want to know what is exactly gonna happen

  • Now it says wasting products is a history, now of course it doesn't

  • soak up a thing, the foundation needed is literally half the amount

  • compared to using a brush or sponge. Oh, that's going to be interesting

  • we'll see if it uses the same amount of product or not.

  • And it says spreading the product will take some getting used to

  • but final blending can always be finished with a brush or a normal sponge.

  • Well, I'm gonna try doing this with my entire face without using

  • something else, because, that's what we're here for, right?

  • It also says cleaning this is a lot easier,

  • it's minimal, blah blah blah. People, ok cool, sorry.

  • I'm like ready to roll, I'm excited, I'm like, great

  • thank you for the f**kin message, I'm ready to roll!

  • So I've seen a video on their website they actually posted one,

  • which, thank god, because I was like how am I supposed to do this?

  • Basically, you are going to spread it around and then kind of pat it in.

  • So, I think it's time to of course try this out. Alright guys.

  • It says to use half the amount so do you do it on the sponge,

  • on your face, I don't know! We're just going to try this.

  • And then it has double ends, so I'm like, do you use,

  • which side do you use? I guess we can use both.

  • So let's see what happens. So we're just going to use a little bit

  • cause I'm scared, y'all. Oooo. Ok, bam! Let's try this out.

  • Ok, so I'm just going to, just kind of put it around

  • oh wow, ok, so when you're doing that, oh, ok, so of course, spreading it around

  • does look a little streaky right off the bat.

  • But I'm going to, let's buff it in. Oh (laughs).

  • Can anyone else hear that? It sounds like, hold on, hold on

  • Turn up the volume on your phone or computer and tell me what this sounds like

  • I mean, I don't know about you guys, it sounds like Nathan's cockslapping me.

  • But hey, different opinions, right? Okay, so, besides that amazing noise

  • I'm kind of living for it, honestly. I'm just going to buff this in.

  • O, ok, so now that I'm patting it into the skin, it is definitely

  • I'm going to put it on my lips too spreading out way easier

  • Now that literally covered - usually I use like 5 or 6 pumps,

  • I'm just going to be really honest, and for two pumps, that got

  • half of my face, I'm pleasantly surprised!

  • Ok, obviously we gotta keep going, I don't know, I'm gonna try the other side

  • just for fun, because I want to see what happens.

  • So now we have it on the other side, look, it looks like a bleeding heart!

  • Okay, here we go. Now the only thing that's a little weird

  • you see that part of my nose that it didn't get?

  • You kind of have to really go in to get all the crevices and corners

  • of my face. So the other side appears to be working the same as the other,

  • I'm looking close up now, oh wow. Wow, okay, I need a little bit more

  • to finish the forehead and neck, so we're going to go in a little bit more.

  • Alright, the only spot that I haven't gotten yet that I really -

  • is kind of hard to reach - is the eyelids, I always put

  • foundation on my lids so I'm just gonna try to pat the lid I guess.

  • Pat my crease. There's not really any product left

  • so I'm just gonna take the tiniest amount, like that and try to get it on my lid

  • oh, we got some, we got some baby, we're making some progress

  • Oh, this actually does fit right into your eye right there, you see that?

  • Alright, I think that this is all blended into my skin

  • Let's take a closer look. Ok, so you know, every time

  • I do a first impressions, I never know what to expect

  • I never go into a scenario really expecting to like or hate anything,

  • I always come in with an open mind. So, when I saw, you know, this going

  • all over the internet, I was like, ok, we've seen a lot of these things

  • before, is it really going to work? I am pleasantly shocked,

  • I'm looking in the mirror, and I'm like, ok, the foundation blended,

  • and I haven't touched up or done anything off camera, it's just

  • straight from the silisponge, and I'm like, oh my god,

  • it like, I keep going over my eyes cause I'm so meticulous,

  • but it worked! It mother f'in worked! Ok, now would I normally use this

  • and buff out my foundation? Unless someone told me and made it,

  • I would never have thought to use this. Girl, I think we've got something

  • on our hands today! I'm looking close up in this mirror

  • you guys, and it looks like I normally, like I normally do my makeup.

  • Nothing looks different, which I'm so shocked, I'm like "Hi!"

  • So I think what I want to do right now is, just for fun, I want to

  • add some concealer and powder with a brush and just to see how the foundation

  • looks after, because you guys know, you never know.

  • Oh my god, I haven't used this in a minute let's just apply this real quickly

  • Oh my god you guys, now that summer's over I feel like I've gotten paler.

  • Look at this concealer, it's like my foundation color, really

  • Let's just make an arrow right down to my f**kin filthy mouth. Hiiii.

  • Now you know what I did last time which I really enjoyed,

  • was using the little artist brush, just brushing this on my chin,

  • why is it already done? I'm like, oh, that took 2 seconds.

  • Now I'm sure a lot of you are like, why didn't you blend out your

  • concealer with that silisponge? It really just said it's for foundation

  • so I'm gonna apply my concealer and powder how I normally do,

  • and then we're just gonna see how the foundation looks, if anything's changed

  • or looks weird, and then we're going to give our final thoughts.

  • Oh my god, you guys, I put on a lot of concealer.

  • Alright, I am just going to quickly powder these under-eyes and set that

  • concealer, oh my lord, I don't think that you can set concealer with that silicone

  • sponge, so girl, I'm just going to use this powder puff.

  • Alright now, I think the last thing I want to do is just put on some

  • powder foundation, I'm just going to grab this studio fix, and this is what

  • I normally do after I buff everything, I just put some more foundation,

  • but the powder version, on top, so we seal everything

  • and my face is ready to go for an all-day excursion.

  • Alright guys, I think it is time to finally give our final thoughts.

  • Alright, so, I mean, I was really, really happy with how this turned out.

  • Now I never imagined blending out my foundation with silicone,

  • I can't believe it's finally been created, I think it's so cool that an indie brand

  • has done something that the whole internet is talking about and the

  • beauty community, so yeah. I love it, I think it worked really well

  • I'm looking in the monitor, you know I always say this, I'm looking

  • in the monitor, like oh my god. But it actually worked.

  • The skin is beautiful, it blended - now of course it was a little weird

  • at first, to kind of slather it around until it kind of like settled,

  • it was almost like a magic trick where I'm like, wait,

  • it looks streaky, then all of a sudden it's settling fine, and once you patted

  • the foundation into the skin, it turned out and blended amazing.

  • So, I actually, really recommend, you guys have to try this

  • Now these are really easy to clean and disinfect, of course we all know

  • sponges can get mold after time, and of course you gotta throw

  • them out. Now, this one says that if there's any tears into the

  • outer - I guess - silicone, that's when you have to change them out, so of course

  • it's a lot less frequent. And I'm like, oh my god,

  • this is so easy to travel with, you don't gotta wet it or do

  • anything! I'm f**kin shook! Alright, the final thing that

  • I have to say is that the silisponge is Jeffree Star approved.

  • Wooorrrrkkkkk!!! (laughs)

  • Thank you guys so much for watching this video,

  • if there are any other craziness out there any crazy products that y'all

  • wanna hit me up about or try, please leave a note in the comments

  • section below, you guys know what's up with that.

  • And I will see you in the next one you guys.

  • I don't want to leave you, I'm just holding on right now,

  • I'm like noooooooo, alright guys, love you. Bye

  • Serving you Lord Vo (coughs) whoa I just like choked on sperm.

  • A bitch is thirsty.

What's up everyone? Welcome back to my channel!


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SILISPONGE硅膠海綿評測與演示|Jeffree Star(傑夫裡星) (SILISPONGE Silicone Sponge REVIEW & DEMO | Jeffree Star)

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