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Welcome to show me the curry dot com.
I'm little I'm manager and today we're gonna be revisiting one of older videos on adding some additional stuff to it.
We're gonna make sure you have to make yogurt and then carried forward and making some Greek yogurt out of it at home alone.
Yep, Healthy video.
So we have eight cups of milk that's boiling, and we're using whole milk, but you could easily use 2% milk.
You can use 1% milk.
You could even use fat free milk.
So So we're gonna wait for them to come to a boil.
So one of the things that people ask us all the time and it's a problem that people have is they say our yogurt is slimy, so the yogurt will set and everything is perfect and tastes okay, but if you lift it up, it's like, you know, you can see little strands coming out.
Nobody wants to eat that, even though it's okay to eat.
But we're gonna tell you how to prevent that.
The big thing about milk is that it's got a bunch of proteins in it, and those proteins need to break down at a certain temperature for at least 2025 minutes.
It needs to maintain that temperature.
So when you're boiling milk, if you crank up the heat and just like boom, get it to boil and then switch it off, then you probably will get seen.
That slime you work.
So was the mill comes to a boil.
You gonna reduce it and just let it carry on Keeping that maintaining that temperature for atleast about 56 minutes and then turn up the heat so milk is starting to boil.
So we're gonna reduce the temperature to a simmer and let it continue for about five more minutes, and they were gonna switch it off.
So the milk boils and it's not cool down to the touch.
Now you want to make sure that it's not cold to the touch.
It still needs to be like warm bath water.
It shouldn't burn you because then all the bacteria from your story over will die.
And if it's too cold, then they won't have really any warmth to grow, and we have two containers over here.
We're gonna be setting the yogurt in this, and you have the start over here.
Now, this yogurt is basically just the yogurt that we had in our fridge from our previous batch.
So every time that you make yogurt, you want to make sure that you keep a little bit of yogurt starter.
Just pull it aside and keep it inside.
Make sure you don't use it all love because you need that to make your next batch of yogurt.
So for four cups, we use one heaping tablespoon.
We have eight cups here, so we have two heaping tablespoons of regular plain yogurt.
It's fine.
Just make sure it's plain yogurt and not the one with the fruit.
And we're gonna add the started to the book and just kind of biscuit in elective biscuit in because they like that Need still makes really well, and we're gonna transfer our milk into our containers.
Make sure you start off with clean containers, so we're gonna cover these containers, and there's several things that you can do now.
Either you keep this in your oven and keep the light on, so the light really keeps a nice warm environment in the oven and just leave it in there and it could take anywhere from like 6 to 8 hours, or you just leave it overnight.
The longer that you keep it outside and incubating this more sour, your yogurt will become.
Everything I wouldn't mention is the bigger your container of more than look longer takes.
So keep that in mind and also the temperature off your place where you are.
The climate makes a huge difference.
Sometimes this kind of containing takes about 33 and 1/2 hours and the days when six hours is not enough.
So really, honestly, you know, just people those variables in mind when you're making you of it right, and then even when your yogurt sets, you need to remember that it's not gonna fully hard enough until you keep it in the refrigerator and let it chill for a few hours, at least, and then you'll get your really super thick yogurt.
So heavy mentioned the whole oven trick and it works really good.
Well, what if we don't have Thea?
Other options is one issue.
Get a tea cozy and cover it.
That's a great option.
The 2nd 1 is you take a blanket and, you know, wrap it up like a little baby and swaddle it and keep it on the side.
Or you can also even just put it in like the sun.
And just again, woman, put it in liquor by the window.
There is some but not please.
Yeah, so a couple of different options and actually, finally, one more option.
Ah, lot of us have ice coolers, ice chest so you can actually feel warm water inside your cooler and just place the containers right into the warm water and then covered so it will maintain the warm temperature within that ice chest.
And it'll do the same thing.
What an excellent idea that really works out.
Well, even insulated containers.
The noted a bus you could do with a small batch of that also.
Then we'll see you some hours later and show you what the final product looks like.
And this morning, let's have a look at this.
Wow, you'll see some way at the top.
No way is always something that's very good.
Some people don't like the watering things that form of the top, but way actually has a lot of nutritional benefits, and it's good for your stomach health and overall digestion.
So if it bothers you, you can always pour it off and skim it off the top.
Look at that nice and thick yogurt.
I'm gonna give it a try.
Oh, homemade yogurt.
There's nothing easier and nothing better than that.
Honestly, Cheaper.
Think making it at home.
So that's, uh, our yoga video.
So we're gonna take it a little further, and we're gonna show you how to make Greek yogurt at home.
So again, uh, a lot off people like Greek yogurt because it's I could creamier.
And it's yummy.
Not to mention it has so much more protein than your regular yogurt because you could eat a less amount and still get a whole bunch more protein, right, So not the same yogurt.
We're gonna take it further and make it into Greek yogurt.
And so again, we're gonna be using a similar muslin cloth as we did for do for paneer.
You know, just any kind of cotton cloth you know, something that doesn't run, have any color running from it very important, and not very many holes.
Also, the weave should be a tighter weave.
Not ready.
Hold on.
So basically, this is what it is, and we've put it on the water and just rinse out all the water.
So it's just kind of damp, really?
So we're like cattle mentioned.
We're gonna, uh that the way is so healthy.
And, you know, you should not just toss it, so we're going to save it.
And so that's why we using this little contraption.
We got a jug over here.
We got this cloth over here.
We're gonna pour the yogurt in here that the way separate.
And that's pretty much what you're Greek, your bitters.
Now, we didn't mention that you can use any type of milk that you'd like.
We used whole milk.
The only difference you'll notice is you might not get it as thick.
If you're using fat free milk, it will still form your work.
But it won't be just as thick, so but still tastes great.
So if you notice over here the way starting door really separate, and, um, we're gonna let her do it, you gotta have some patients and we gonna close, just like you do company, right?
You gonna just make a little Not Michael didn't portly.
This This is like everybody has, you know, see how spatula our school at home.
So what we're gonna do is just We're gonna just put it over the top and just try a little harder to see it.
So a little Greek yogurt making factories ready.
So this is what we're gonna do now.
We're gonna let it hang like this for a while.
You can keep it in the refrigerator if your yoga to start and you don't want it to become any more taut.
So our Greek yogurt has been hanging around for about two hours, and we kind of want to speed things along a little bit.
So we're gonna squeeze it and kind of show you how that works Also.
So quite a bit of ways come out too.
Open up the parcel.
I'm going to squeeze it a little bit more.
Think majority was how the liquid has come out.
Let's take a look.
Look at that.
Thick and creamy.
Take this and spread.
So this basic process that we showed you is the same process.
If you wanted to make sure it's one of our favorite dessert of some people, but it's basically hung yogurt.
And, uh, it's practically Greek yogurt.
And if you make your yogurt really mild, that stricken is also really nice and mild.
Transfer it into a dish.
So now you know how to make regular homemade yogurt or regular homemade Greek yogurt.
Greek over.
It is used for a lot of different recipes like you could make dips out if it you can make desserts out of it, and it just so yummy to eat by their honestly.
I mean, I just put your guy like that had a tree.
Come on, just put sugar or honey and it's a desert.
So yeah, so enjoy your homemade yogurt or homemade Greek yogurt and join us again on another episode of Show Me the curry dot com, adding a pinch of spice to your life.