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  • Hey, I'm Billy and this is pancake manner.

  • What one is a number two Tuesday Next B or C.

  • Ah, Musical.

  • Siri's for kids on you, too.

  • Excuse me, can I get a push?

  • Banks.

  • It's not just me that works a pancake manner.

  • I'm Rev In addition to our YouTube videos, we have CD and DVD cases, Yes, cases, because right now they're empty, but they don't have to be empty way.

  • Want to hire this guy?

  • Hello To design a CD and DVD put in your hot little hands.

  • So why are we doing this?

  • Because you asked you better way.

  • Want to give it to you but way need your support.

  • We've created a Kickstarter, and if we reach our goal, will be able to send you pancake manner, CDs and DVDs by Christmas.

  • And that's not all.

  • We've also loaded the campaign with all kinds of cool rewards that we think you'll flip for.

  • So what if we exceed the goal?

  • Well, we'll be taking those funds and putting them towards pancake manner projects, including a super duper top secret expansion.

  • But we can't talk about that.

  • A new puppy Thanks for your support.

Hey, I'm Billy and this is pancake manner.


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A2 初級

2013年煎餅莊園Kickstarter (Pancake Manor Kickstarter 2013)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日