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Hi, I'm Sherry Siler.
I'm the associate principal.
A voice to the New York Philharmonic.
New York Philharmonic has a very heavy schedule.
It's actually too much for one person to play everything all year long.
So an associate principal shares the birdie with principal over elbow has a family of instruments.
There's regular oboe.
I'm sorry, I can't show you the oh Baltimore, which is a little bit longer.
There's an English horn and then a basic.
I'm the solo Baltimore of the Philharmonic.
Now you won't see the A Baltimore very often.
It's a rare instrument the composer Bach used over more multiple.
And that is one of my favorite moments when we have a Bach piece like ST Matthew's Passion or the Magnificat Thio Play the oboe, too.
More souls.
It's a big deal for me.
Italian cats.
No, no question, West Side.
I will say That's a 50 50.
I e have to say My experience representing the New York Philharmonic for the Berlin Wall concert that Leonard Bernstein conducted in 1989 has to be one of the highlights of my career.
Something, when I think about it, brings tears to my eyes to be in Germany on Christmas Eve.
Playing with Leonard Bernstein's and all that this concert represented was on experience of a lifetime.
I have to say I have a magical moment almost every week because my colleagues are such extremely fantastic musicians just to be able to sit on the stage of the New York Philharmonic here, this amazing sound hearing these wonderful musical phrases that come out of my orchestra, it is magic, really everyone.