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  • yesterday I received an email from an Isles candidate that is under intense pressure from their family to perform well on their aisles.

  • And the reason behind this pressure is that the family cannot afford for the candidate to take the aisles, and thus retaking a failed exam is not an option.

  • So in this video, I'd like to describe how you can arrange financial backing for your exam should you need it.

  • Uh, the videos entitled How to Crowd Fund Your Aisles.

  • So the first question you may have is what is crowdfunding?

  • Crowdfunding is away for the financially stronger members of a community to help those in less privileged positions.

  • So it's basically away for several people to donate small amounts of money to a single person or cause the online platforms that I'd like to introduce you to our go Fund me dot com and website called Indy Go go dot com.

  • Um, these air websites that help facilitate the crowdfunding process.

  • So, uh, I'll just quickly go over how to sign up for accounts of these sites.

  • Go fund Me is available to people that are living in Canada, United States, the U.

  • K.

  • Australia.

  • I believe New Zealand and perhaps a few select others.

  • Indiegogo is more widely available and can be hooked right up to your PayPal account.

  • And basically, the way these sites work is you set up a campaign.

  • You explain why you're seeking funding.

  • You can remain completely anonymous if you if you wish to its good t share a little bit about your story, though into, uh, just explain to people what the money is going towards and why you're asking for it.

  • So setting up an account is pretty straightforward.

  • I'm sure you can work through the sign up.

  • Process yourself.

  • And, by the way, please feel free to use any other crowdfunding site.

  • If there's one that's maybe more applicable to your situation or or accessible to you in your country, and you can still post the link to your campaign from the outs.

  • Network End elicits support from the community that way.

  • So after you get your account set up and your campaign established and you hooked it up Thio to some vehicle that will allow you to withdraw all the funds, um, come to I'll snap work dot com and scroll down and click on crowd fund your isles and click on new topic.

  • And do you have to log in quickly?

  • Okay, And after you do that, then you can post a bit of information to the community and just tell everybody's, you know, similar to what?

  • What you've posted in your campaign.

  • You can share a CZ much as you like, or as little as you like.

  • As I was mentioning, though, I mean, if you share a little bit more about your story, people are probably more likely to to help you out.

  • And, of course, don't forget to post a link to your campaign wherever it may be, whether it's in the go go a go fund me or some other website.

  • I know that some people may be suspicious of those asking for funding, but I can tell you, based on the e mails that I have received, that there are several members of our community that are in financial circumstances that make it difficult or impossible for them to sit there aisles.

  • And if we can help these people out, that would be great.

  • So to demonstrate confidence in our isles community and that this avenue for funding won't be abused.

  • I am going to personally donate $10 to each of the 1st 50 people that require this service before the end of 2014 and I hope that those of you in a position to do so to help the community out, to help those out that can't pay for their aisles, consider providing what you can and contributing even as little as $1.

  • It all helps.

  • Thanks for listening and have a nice afternoon.

yesterday I received an email from an Isles candidate that is under intense pressure from their family to perform well on their aisles.


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B1 中級

如何眾籌雅思(實驗思路) (How to crowdfund your IELTS (experimental idea))

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