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Accountant, accountant, adjective, adjective, adult adult, afraid afraid after after afternoon afternoon agriculture, agriculture, air conditioner, air conditioner, airplane, airplane, airport, airport alcohol, alcohol, allergy, allergy.
Always always angry.
Angry ankle, ankle Annoying, annoying answer.
Answer and aunt apartment apartment appetizer, appetizer.
Apple Apple April cuts Paper cuts.
April April Arm, arm arrive, arrive Art art Ask ask asthma, asthma athlete Athlete A T M A T M Attic Attic.
August August Baby baby back, back backpack, backpack, door door Bad, Bad Bakery, Bakery banana, banana Bandage, bandage Bank, bank, bar bar, barley, barley Baseball, Baseball Basement, basement Basketball, Basketball Faith, Faith Bathroom.
Bathroom to be to be Be late Be late Beach beach being sprout bean sprout Beautiful, beautiful bed, bed, bedroom, bedroom.
Be be beef, beef, beer, beer before before beige beige to believe to believe.
Bell peppers, bell peppers, belly, belly, belt, belt, bicycle, bicycle.
Big Big Bill, Bill, Biology, biology, Bird, bird, birthday, birthday bidder.
Bitter black black black tea black tea Black board blackboard blouse, blouse blue blue blueberries, blueberries, boat boat, body body bonus bonus book book boss, boss, boutique boutique, bull bowl, boy boy boyfriend, boyfriend brain brain bread, bread break break breakfast, breakfast breast breast broccoli, broccoli brown brown brush, brush, brush brush buffet buffet bus, bus Business Business Busy, busy but ducks but ducks button button.
Bye bye Bye bye.
Cabbage, Cabbage Cake Cake Calculator, Calculator Call Call calm calm.
Can can candy candy car car Carrots, carrots, cash, cash, cashew nut, cashew nut cat cat, collie flower A collie flower ceiling ceiling.
Celery, celery.
Cell phone.
Cell phone chair, chair, character, character.
Cheap, cheap Check Check.
Cheek cheek Chef, Chef Chemistry, Chemistry Cherry Cherry Just Jess.
Chest, chest chicken, Chicken Child, child Kin Chin, chocolate Chocolate Chopsticks.
Chopsticks City City Class class, Classroom Classroom Clean, clean to clear up to clear up.
Clerk clerk clothes, clothes, closet closet cloth cloth clothes, clothes, clothing, clothing Cloud cloud cloudy, Cloudy Coat Coat Cockroach, cockroach Coffee, coffee, coin, coin, cold, cold collar collar College college company, company, company worker, company worker, computer computer, Computer science, Computer science concert, concert conditioner, conditioner, convenience store, convenience store Cook, Cook cool Cool Corn corn cost cost Cow cow a coworker a coworker crab crab credit card, credit card, cucumbers, cucumbers Cup cup customer, customer cut cut cutting board cutting board dance, dance.
Dark dark daughter daughter.
Day day debit card Debit card.
December December.
Delicious Delicious Deodorant deodorant Departure Departure.
Desert desert desk, desk Dessert Dessert, Dictation, Dictation Difficult.
Difficult Dining room, dining room dinner Dinner director director.
Dirty dirty to discount to discount.
Disgusting, disgusting dish dish.
Dissatisfied, dissatisfied Do do dog dog door door downstairs downstairs draw.
Draw Dream Dream dress dress drink, drink drinking, glass drinking glass Driver, Driver Duck Duck Here here hearing Hearing Earthquake, Earthquake East east Easy, easy Eat, eat, Eat out, Eat out Education, Education Egg, egg eggplant, eggplant.
Eight eight 18 18 88 88 Elastic band, Elastic band elbow elbow electric plug, electric plug.
Electricity, electricity, elementary school, elementary school elevator elevator 11 11.
Email, email.
Emergency room.
Emergency room Employees, employees Engineer, Engineer, English, English Enjoy, Enjoy.
Enter entrance entrance.
Entrepreneur, Entrepreneur Envelope Envelope.
He race.
He race.
Eraser Eraser Exciting, exciting Exit exit.
Expensive, Expensive.
I I Eyebrow eyebrow.
I lash eyelash.
I would I would face face factory worker, factory worker, family, family, fan fan, far far farmer farmer father, father Fatigue, fatigue to fear to fear February February Feel feel Field field 15 15 55 55 Figs, Figs Final final find.
Find fine.
Fine Finger finger finish Finish.
Firefighter Firefighter First first fis This five five flight flight Flight attendant Flight attendant Flood Flood floor Floor Flower flower Fung Fung Food Food!
Foot, Foot, forest Forest Fork fork 44 44 four four, 14 14 Freeze!
Friday Friday Friend, Friend.
Frog frog.
Front front, Fruit, fruit Fool, Fool!
Funny funny Furniture, furniture, garlic, garlic Geography, Geography Get up!
Get up, Girl, Girl!
Girlfriend, girlfriend Give give glasses, glasses, gloves, gloves, Glue, Glue Go, go, go out!
Go out!
Goat, Goat!
Gold, Gold.
Good, good.
Grape, grape, Grapefruit, grapefruit, grass, Grass Gray, gray.
Great Green green Guidebook, guidebook, Guitar guitar.
Hair, hair Hairdryer, Hairdryer.
Hallway, hallway, Hand hand!
Hard, hard, huh?
Hat had head here.
Heavy, heavy Helicopter!
High school.
High school history, history Holiday holiday home, home, home.
Cooking home Cooking homework.
Horse Horse Hospital hospital Hot Hut Hotel, Hotel Our Our House House housewife, housewife How how humid, humid, hungry, hungry husband husband I I ice ice I scream, I scream Ice hockey!
Ice hockey Important Important Incorrect.
Incorrect Industry Industry Infection Infection Information.
Inside Inside Insurance insurance Internet Internet Island Island It it Itch Itch jacket jacket.
January January Genes.
Genes Job Job juice, juice July July, June June Kettle Kettle Key Clean kind kind Kitchen Kitchen Me, Me Knife knife Ladle Ladle.
Late lake lamb, lamb Language language Leapt up, Leapt up large l large l Laugh.
Laugh Lawyer Lawyer Learn, Learn, leave Leave Lecture, Lecture.
Left leg, Leg Lemon Lemon Lesson Lesson Letter Letter.
Lettuce, lettuce Library, Library License License Light, Light, light, Light to like to like lip lip Listen, listen.
Living room Living room lobby, Lobby Lobster, lobster Lose.
Lose love love Low low luggage Luggage.
Lunch, lunch Machine Machine.
Main Course.
Main Course Mall Mall Man Man Manager manager map map.
March March Marta Martha Marketing Marketing Mary Mary May May meal meal Meat, meat, mechanical pencil, mechanical pencil Medicine, medicine, meat, meat, melons, melons, Menu menu, Microwave oven, Microwave oven Middle School, Middle School Midnight Midnight milk milk minutes, minutes.
Mirror mirror, Ms Ms Monday Monday Money Money Month, Month Mope Ed Mope Ed Morning Morning Mosquito Mosquito Mother, Mother Motorcycle, Motorcycle Mountain, Mountain Mouse Mouse Mouth, Mouth Move move Movie Movie.
Muddy Muddy Museum Museum Mushroom, mushroom Music, Music name, Name Narrow, narrow, nausea, Nausea Near near neck, neck necklace, Necklace, Necktie, Necktie Need need Never Never.
News News Newspaper, Newspaper Nice.
Nice night Night nine nine 19 19 99 99 No, no Noon noon North North knows knows Notebook Notebook.
Noun, Noun.
November November Now now Nurse Nurse No Nut Ocean Ocean.
October October Octopus Octopus office office office Worker Office Worker.
Often often one one 100 100 onions, onions Open open operation Operation Orange Orange outside outside oven oven Pain, Pain.
Painful painful Pajamas, Pajamas, Pence, Pence Paper, paper party, party passed.
Gas passed gas passenger, passenger passport, passport, patient patient peach, peach, peanut, Peanut, 10 pen, pencil, pencil Person, person, pharmacy, pharmacy, phone number, phone number, photo, photo physics, physics, piano, piano Pick up, pick up Pig, pig, pigeon, pigeon, Pimple, Pimple, pineapple, pineapple Ping pong, ping pong, pink, pink Picture, pitcher, place, Place plate plate platform platform, please.
Plum plum pocket pocket Police officer, police officer, police station, police station Politics, Politics.
Poor poor popular popular pork pork post office post office pot pot potato potato present present President, president price price Problem problem.
Professor, professor, programmer, programmer projector, projector, Prune, Prune pumpkin, pumpkin purple, purple Purse.
Purse Question.
Quiz, Quiz.
Rabbit, Rabbit Radio, radio Rain, rain, rain, rain rainbow, rainbow Rash, rash Read, Read, Read aloud.
Read aloud.
Receipt, receipt receive.
Receive red red refrigerator, refrigerator, rent, rent.
Repeat, repeat, resemble, resemble reservation, reservation, respect, respect Rest, rest Restaurant, restaurant retire, retire return Return Rice Rice, right, Right Ring Ring River River Road road room room Rose Rose Ruler, Ruler run, run Sad, sad Salary salary sale sale sales person sales Person Salt salt.
Salty, salty, satisfied, satisfied sauce sauce Say say scary Scary School school Scissors, scissors, scooter, scooter, seafood, seafood Search search seat seat Seatbelt, seatbelt.
Second, second, second, Second Secretary Secretary See.
See September September.
Serious Serve.
Serve seven seven 17 17 77 77 Shampoo, Shampoo to shave to shave.
She she see sheep, shit, ship shirt, blouse, shirt, blouse, shoo shoo shop, shop shorts shorts, shoulder shoulder shower shower.
Sick, sick silver, silver sing sing sink sink six six 16 16 66 66 Skiing, Skiing Skin, skin skirt, skirt sleep, Sleep Sleepy Sleepy sleeve sleeve Small, small smoke smoke, snack, snack Snake, snake, sneaker, sneaker Sneeze, sneeze Snow, snow.
So so.
Sucker sucker.
Sociology Suck suck soda soda sofa sofa soft, soft soldier soldier sometimes sometimes son son Sour sour South south Soybean soybean speak Speak spicy Spicy spider, Spider, spinach, spinach spoon spoon Spouse, spouse Sprain Sprain Spring Spring Stand stand Star Star start start Steak knife, steak knife, stomach, stomach store store stove stove Strawberry strawberry Strong strong student student Study Study Subway, subway, sugar, sugar suit suit Suitcase Suitcase Summer Summer son son Sunday Sunday Sunglasses, sunglasses Sonny Sonny Supermarket Supermarket Sure sure.
Sweat sweat sweater, sweater.
Sweet potato sweet potato Sweets, sweets swim swim swimsuit, swimsuit table, table Take take talk talk Taxi Taxi T t teach.
Teach Teacher Teacher Telephone, Telephone, television, television Temperature temperature.
Tennis Tennis Terminal terminal test test text, text, text message.
Text message.
Textbook Textbook.
Think I think that that there.
There they they Thing thing.
Third, third.
Thirsty, Thirsty 13 13 33 33 US We US We three three Thursday Thursday Ticket ticket time.
Time Tip Tip Tired, tired Today Today Toilet paper toilet paper Tomatoes, tomatoes Tomorrow tomorrow Tongue tongue tooth tooth toothbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, toothpaste, juice pick toothpick torso, torso tourists, tourists tell Tell train trained Travel Travel Truck Truck True True Trumpet Trumpet Turkey, Turkey Turn off, Turn off, Turn on, turn on turn it, Turn it turtle, turtle 12 12 21 21 22 22 two two Ugly ugly umbrella Umbrella underlying Underline Undershirt, undershirt To understand, to understand underwear, Underwear University, university Urinate, Urinate Use use usually usually vacation.
Vacation Vacuum cleaner.
Vacuum cleaner Vegetable vegetable vehicle vehicle Verb Verb.
Very very.
Vest, vest Violin, Violin, Visa, Visa Waiter, Waiter!
Wake up!
Wake up!
Well, well.
Wallet, wallet Want.
Want warm, warm wash, Wash Washing machine washing machine What?
What Watch Watch Water, Water, Watermelon, Watermelon Week Week.
Weather Weather Weekend Weekend.
Well, well West.
West What?
When When?
Whiskey, Whiskey.
White white whiteboard.
Wide wide Wife, Wife WiFi WiFi window window.
Wendy Wendy Wine Wine Winter Winter Wireless Wireless Woman Woman Work, Work Worry, worry, wrinkle, wrinkle.
Wrist, Wrist, Right, Right.
Year, year.
Yes, Yes.
Yesterday You You.
Zero zero.
Great work.
Here's a reward.
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