字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hi everybody! 嗨大家好! Today I'm going to make something the whole family can make together 今天我要來示範全家大小可以一起製作 and enjoy together. 和享用的東西 it should be delicious, number 1. 它是1. 美味 Number 2: pretty. 2. 好看 And it should be hearty. It should be nutritious. 還有暖心、營養的一道點心 Jjinppang! Korean steamed buns filled with sweet red beans. 就是包子! 韓式豆沙包 That's my favorite! 這是我的最愛! When I was in high school, I used to buy all the time in front of the school 在我念高中的時候,我常在學校前買(豆沙包) When they open the big, large steamer, a lot of steam comes up and then there are white large buns inside. 當他們打開大大的蒸籠,一大堆蒸氣跑出來 然後你會看到很多白色的包子 Soooo tasty. 超~~好吃 Really sweet red bean inside. 裡面有超甜的豆沙 That's all my favorite things: fluffy buns plus sweet red beans 都是我喜歡的東西:鬆軟的包子加上甜甜的紅豆餡 But when I go home, I eat more for dinner. 但我回家後,我的晚餐反而吃得更多 That's why I had fluffy cheeks. (laughs) 這就是我有肉肉臉頰的原因(笑) Usually steamed buns sold at a bakery or on the street 通常蒸包子可以在麵包店或是路邊買到 they usually make the dough with water. 他們通常用水做麵糰 But today I'm making this dough with milk 不過今天我要用牛奶來做麵糰 And also a little bit of butter. 和一點點的奶油 Butter flavor really makes it stand out. 奶油會讓味道更具風味 All you can do is follow my recipe and make this. 你只要跟著我的食譜做 You will loooove it! (laughs) 你會愛上的!(笑) Let's start! 我們開始吧! These are dried red beans. 這是乾的紅豆 They are sold at a Korean grocery store. 這在韓國超市有賣 Or sometimes you will see them at any grocery store these days. 現在你也可以在任何超市買到 We need one cup of red beans. 我們需要一杯的紅豆 I soaked these for 10 hours. 我已經泡了10小時的水了 Look at the size. 看看兩邊的大小 This is really larger than these. 這個(泡過水的)大小比較大 I will show you, you can squish this 我示範給你看,你可以用手指壓碎 with your fingernail. 看到了嗎? See? 你很輕易地就可以弄碎 You can just break these easily. 要泡水直到紅豆可以被捏碎 So soak these until they are breakable like this. 我要把水瀝掉 And I'm going to strain these. 它原本是一杯的量,現在會變成大約兩杯半的量 It used to be 1 cup but now it's going to be around 2 and a half cups. 把紅豆放到鍋子裡 So I will just add to my pan. 加入4杯的水 4 cups cold water. 蓋上鍋蓋 And then cover. 你必須使用厚底鍋 You need to use a thick pan. 否則會很容易燒焦 Otherwise it's going to be burnt easily. 我要用中火煮一個小時 I will cook this for 1 hour over medium heat. 現在,我們來做麵糰 So now, let's make dough. 就像我之前說的,我們要做營養價值更高的麵糰 As I told you, we are going to make a very nutritious dough. 所以你可以直接當成午餐來吃 So you can actually eat this bread for lunch. 我要使用我的鍋子 I'm going to use this pot, my pot. 我不需要任何碗或是其他容器 I don't need any other bowls or anything 我只需要這一個鍋子 I'm just going to use this one pot. 先加熱 So, let's heat it up. 這些是兩大匙的奶油 這種是無鹽奶油 This is 2 tablespoons butter. This butter is unsalted butter. 兩大匙的糖 Sugar around 2 tablespoons 看到了嗎?奶油都融化了 So you see? The butter is all melted. 就可以把火關掉 Then turn off. 一杯半的牛奶 One and a half cups milk. 一杯... One... 半杯... and a half cup... 任何牛奶都可以;低脂、去脂或是全脂都可以 Any kind of milk. 2%, 1%, or skim milk you can use. Or whole milk. 這是全脂的牛奶 This is whole milk. 牛奶已經用餘溫加熱了 Ok, so now it's warm milk. 接著加入酵母 Let's add yeast. 乾酵母 Active dry yeast. 兩茶匙 Two teaspoons. 靜置大約5分鐘 Let it stand around 5 minutes. 我的紅豆已經滾了 Now my beans are boiling over. 預防萬一,將蓋子掀開一點 In that case, just crack the lid a little. 像這樣 Like this. 看到了嗎?酵母已經活化、冒出了小泡泡 Can you see? This yeast is well well now a little bubbling. 看起來有點像拿鐵 It looks like a latte. 對吧?(笑) Isn't it? (laughs) 好了...直接攪拌均勻 Yeah so... just stir this well. 接著我們需要加入鹽 And then we need salt. 1茶匙 1 teaspoon. 接著加入麵粉 And then let's add flour. 3.5杯 3 and a half cups. 一杯 One. 兩杯 Two. 三杯 Three. 最後再半杯 And a half cup more. 然後用木湯匙攪拌 And then stir this with a wooden spoon. 然後一起把手洗乾淨!(笑) Let's wash hands together! (laughs) 準備開始揉麵糰! Time to knead! 這個麵糰有點黏 This dough is a little sticky. 但這是正常的 But it has to be. (笑)你們會不會很興奮阿? (laughs) Are you guys excited? 這個包子超好吃的 These buns are really delicious. 不要浪費任何一丁點麵糰 We should not waste any dough. 然後蓋上鍋蓋 And cover. 煮紅豆時,我通常會完全蓋上鍋蓋 My red beans, I like to cover these fully. 我會在旁邊隨時注意 當滾的時候,我會打開蓋子一點 And then I'll keep watching this. When it's boiling over I can open it a little bit. 但紅豆應該要被煮透,所以我又把蓋子蓋上 But now it has to be well cooked, so I just covered it again. 麵糰要靜置一個小時 And then my dough, it takes one hour. 在室溫下靜置一個小時 One hour at room temperature. 我的屋內室溫大約攝氏20度 My house temperature is around 20 Celsius. 不過,這邊會比較溫暖一些因為我在煮東西 Besides, it's a little warm because I'm cooking here. 所以一點都不冷 So it's not cold. 如果你的廚房比較冷,你需要再多發酵一個小時 If your kitchen is so cold, you'll need to ferment more than 1 hour. 直到麵糰變成兩倍大 So until this dough is doubled in size (輕快的音樂) (Jaunty music) 一個小時過了 So 1 hour passed. 來看看我的紅豆吧 My red beans, let's check it out. 哇,豆子變得很大! Wow, beans are big! 來看看我可不可以壓碎紅豆 And let's see if I can smash or not. 看到沒?很好,已經煮透了 You see? Nicely. Well cooked. 看見了嗎?像這樣 You see? Like this. 你們可能會說 Probably some of you guys will say: "天阿,Maangchi竟然直接用手去捏碎滾燙的豆子" "Oh my god, Maangchi crushed these hot beans with her own fingers!" (笑) (laughs) 長時間烹飪,我已經可以忍受比較高的溫度 Long time cooking and then I can handle some heat. 好了,我需要加入糖和鹽 Anyway I need to add some sugar and salt here. 還有香草精 And also vanilla essence. 我要先把火關了 So I like to turn off. 1/4茶匙的鹽 Quarter teaspoon salt. 這是有機紅糖 This is organic dark brown sugar. 我要用1/4杯 I will use a quarter cup of this. 你也可以用白糖或是黑糖 But you can use white sugar or brown sugar. 1/4杯紅糖 Quarter cup dark brown sugar. 然後我要加入糙米糖漿 And I will add ssalyeot. 大約1/4杯的糙米糖漿 Rice syrup, around a quarter cup. 如果你沒有糖漿,你也可以使用糖代替 If you don't have rice syrup, you can just use sugar. 不想吃那麼甜,你也可以加1/2杯就好 Instead of a quarter cup, you can use a half cup. 我試著用少一點的糖,但這個至少要有點甜才好吃 I try not to use much sugar but it has to be sweet at least, so that we can enjoy food 這個量是非常剛好的 So this amount is really perfect amount. 我也要加入2茶匙的香草精 I also add vanilla extract, around 2 teaspoons. 再把火打開 Let's turn on the heat. (瓦斯爐點燃聲) (stove ignites) 我要把紅豆壓成泥 I will just smash. 就使用馬鈴薯壓泥器 Just use a potato masher. 像這樣 Like this. 這樣的稠度剛好 This consistency is good. 當你這樣做... So when you do this... 還是有點濕潤的 Kind of, very juicy. 如果煮過頭,豆沙就會太乾 If it's too much evaporated, it's not going to be juicy sweet red beans. 當我做豆沙包的時候,我還是想吃到豆子的口感 When I make some steamed buns, I still want to chew some whole beans. 這就是我沒有全部壓碎或是用研磨的原因 That's why I didn't crush all, I didn't grind. 所以你還是可以看到豆殼 Also you can see the bean skins. 手工包子之所以特別是因為紅豆餡比較有口感 Homemade buns are very special because the red beans are kind of rough and coarse. 讓豆沙冷卻下來 Let's cool it down. 嗯,聞起來好香! Mmm, smells good! 一個小時過了,來看看麵糰發酵得如何 So one hour passed. Let's see how much the dough rose. 哇,你看看 Wow look at this! 看起來很軟 It looks really soft. Nice. 好黏手! So sticky! 但聞起來好香、好香 But smells really good, smells really good. 我要把麵團靜置半個小時 I will leave this for 30 minutes. 好了!半個小時過了 Here you go! 30 minutes passed. 我們總共發酵了一個半小時 So one and a half hour we fermented. 膨脹的很好 It's rising nicely. 你看!很棒! Look at that! Gorgeous! 避免沾黏,先倒1/4杯的麵粉 For dust, around a quarter cup flour. 非常軟! 我要把麵糰分成十份 Very soft! I like to divide this dough into ten pieces. 記得嗎?剪刀手! You remember? Scissor hands! 有多少人記得我的剪刀手?記得吧?像這樣!(笑) How many of you guys remember my scissor hands? Right? So like this! (laughs) 這邊... Here... 我們必須讓每塊大小均等 讓我看一下 We need to make them really even sized. Let's see. 這邊總共有10塊 These pieces are 10 pieces. 我都分割成一樣的大小了 I made these even sized. 然後用塑膠袋蓋起來 And then I just always cover with a plastic wrap and then I can work. 這是我的蒸盤 This is my steamer basket. 我要來做包子然後一個個放進去 I will make buns and then I will put them one by one. 我通常會鋪上什麼東西隔開 I have to line this with something. 通常使用棉布最好 So usually cotton cloth is best. 但最近我找到這個商品 But these days this product is so good. 你到韓國超市,有時候可以找到 When you go to a Korean grocery store, sometimes you can find this. 這種紙是特製的 This kind of paper is specially made. 好,放在這... Ok, here... 然後一個一個來 And then now let's do one by one. 壓扁來塑形 Just press down to make a shape. 邊緣的部分,像這樣用手指壓平 And this edge part, press down with your fingers like this. 把紅豆餡加到這 Ok here, let's add sweet red beans. 像這樣 Like this. 像這樣用湯匙壓進去 Just press with your spoon like this. 再多一點 And more, a little more. 用雙手往內將麵糰捏進去 Just grab with both hands. 看到沒?像這樣 非常簡單! See? Like this. So easy! 然後封口 And then seal. 像這樣 Like that. 這部分朝下,所以好看的部分會在上面 This part is going to the bottom so the nice part is on top. 好,我要把這個放在中間 Ok, and then I will just put it here in the center. 你看看,麵糰還在持續發酵膨脹!! Look at that, it's rising, expanding! 你們冷靜點! Calm down! 看到了嗎?像這樣 See? Like this. 壓進去 然後將麵糰像這樣抓捏在一起 Press down. Then grab this all together like that. 我還有另一個蒸架 I have another rack. 我把這部分的紙剪掉 I cut it off, this part. 像這樣 And like this. 放在這邊 因為我需要把手伸進這邊 Put it here. Because I need to use my finger inside. 所以不能把包子放在中間 So I can't cover this with one bun here. 最後一個 噢,你看看!(笑) Last one. Ooh whey, look at that! (laughs) 這一個圓滾滾的 This guy is so plump. 我的十個小寶寶 My 10 babies. 我需要再次發酵 所以要再靜置約30分鐘 I need to also rise these guys again so I need to wait around 30 minutes. (更輕快的音樂) (more jaunty music) 我在等我的計時器 I'm waiting for my timer. 就快了、就快了~(計時器響) Just soon, soon ~ (timer rings) (笑)對吧! 我正在煮水,已經滾了 (laughs) See! I'm boiling water now, really vigorously boiling. 你看看,我們準備要來蒸這些包子 Look at that, these guys are, we are going to steam soon. 關火 Turn off. 哇!然後... Wow! And then... 我要把我的手指像這樣放進去 I gotta put my finger like this and... 噢我要非常小心! Oh, I gotta be careful! 第二層 然後... Second floor. And... 我要蓋上我的棉布 And I like to cover this with my cotton cloth 因為當水煮沸時,蒸氣上升後會凝結成水 because when the water is boiling, the steam goes up, turns into water. 水滴滴在包子上會破壞我的包子 So water drips back down then the shape of my buns are going to be ruined. 這個棉布會吸住水 So this cotton cloth will catch the water. 放在這 Here you go. 然後... And... 開火 Let's turn on. 使用中大火 Medium high heat. 12分鐘過了 12 minutes passed! 我要把火轉小 And now I'm going to really lower the heat. 非常小的火 再蒸3分鐘 Very low, and three more minutes I'm going to cook! (輕快的音樂) (Jaunty music) 三分鐘過了! 讓我看看你們的臉吧!(笑) Three minutes passed. Show my your face, everybody! (laughs) 我希望你們也很興奮 來看看 I hope you guys are excited, huh? Let's see. 噢~~~哇! Ohhh wow! 不錯吧? Awesome, see? 你看看! Look at that! 哇!我的包子! 第一步,我通常會這樣吃 Wow! My buns! First stage! Usually I eat this way. 太燙了 像這樣把皮剝掉 It's too hot. Peel off skin like this. 你看看 Look at that. 皮非常的薄,就像馬鈴薯皮一樣 Skin is nicely, like a potato skin. 這是我吃包子的第一步 This is my first stage. 嗯! Mmm! 你看,天阿!燙! Look at that, oh my! Hot hot! 嗯! Mmm! 好吃! So good! 第二步! My second stage! 像這樣 Like that. 把包子成兩半 撥開 I just cut in half like this. Cut it. (吹氣)嗯! (Blowing wind) Mmm! 嗯! Mmm! 質感很好,就像一塊海綿,熱呼呼的海綿 Texture is awesome, really like a sponge, a hot sponge. 帶有一點牛奶香和奶油香 And also a little milky and buttery. 豆沙很有口感 This sweet red bean is very coarse, 不像機器製作的包子 not like machine made. 很有口感、很樸實 Coarse and earthy. 口味很棒,像是手工製作、用心製作的 Tastes really awesome, it's like homemade, made with love. 你看蒸氣,看得到嗎? Look at that steam, can you see the steam? 這是非常好的點心或是簡易的午餐 It's going to be a good snack or simple lunch. 今天我們做了十個豆沙包 Today we made ten jjinppang. 製作豆沙包的時間到了 So jjinppang time! 你們還在幹嘛?快和你們的家人一起做 You guys, what are you doing? Make jjinppang, all family members get together making 並和家人朋友分享 And all share with family and friends. 並敲敲鄰居的門 And also knock at the door next door "我準備了一些韓式豆沙包(笑)" "Oh I brought some Korean jjinppang!" (laughs) "什麼是 jjinppang?" 所以也和你的鄰居分享! "What is jjinppang?" So maybe get along with your next door people! 希望你喜歡我的食譜 Enjoy my recipe. 下次見! See you next time! 掰掰! Bye!
B1 中級 中文 包子 麵糰 紅豆 牛奶 發酵 小時 紅豆餡的鬆軟饅頭(珍品坊:찐빵)。 (Fluffy steamed buns filled with sweet red beans (Jjinppang: 찐빵)) 11 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字