字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (upbeat music) 大家好! - Hello everybody! 今天,我要做的是韓式湯麵 Today, I'm going to make guksu. Guksu就是韓式湯麵 Guksu is Korean noodle soup. 這是我一直以來的最愛 This is my favorite, all time my favorite. 可能你們會說 Maybe you guys are, 你老是說這是你的最愛! "You always say that this is my favorite!" 但是這真的真的是我的最愛 But this is real my favorite. 因為非常簡單和好味 Because easy, easy, easy and delicious. 比起在外面吃飯 Instead of go eating out, 在家做飯更加省時 making homemade food is time saving 而且對於我來說更加美味 and also more delicious for me. 我起碼會一周在家做兩次午飯 At least twice a week I make for my lunch. 只是簡單的材料準備,煮湯底 Just making, boiling some delicious stock 然後再加泡菜! and then adding some kimchi 然後一個只用一個鍋子就能完成的菜就完成啦! and then one pot meal. 就這麼簡單! That's it. 我平日里很忙,所以吃這些就夠了 I'm busy so I don't need anything else. 湯麵和和一些泡菜已經足夠 Just noodle soup with some kimchi. 這些面很細很長 The noodles are long, thin noodles. 這是長壽的象征 It symbolize, long life. 所以我們會在特別的時候(例如生日)的時候做這道湯麵 So we make this also some special occasion. 能和大家分享這個食譜我真的很開心 I'm so excite to share this recipe, 一起開始吧! let's start. 今天我要做的是兩人份 Today we are going to make for two servings 但是我會用四人份的湯料來做湯底 but I'm going to make the stock four servings. 這裡是14杯水 This is 14 cups water, 我已經提前測量好放到鍋子里了 I pre-measured here. 白蘿蔔,或者大根都可以用 Radishes, a Korean radish or a daikon you can use. 八盎司,約半磅 Eight ounce, half a pound. 白蘿蔔和小魚乾在一起真的很搭 Radish and anchovy really go well together, 特別是用他們一起熬湯地的時候 especially when you make stock. 我會把白蘿蔔切得非常細 I slice it really thinly 因為這樣很快就可以入味了 because the flavor goes into the stock quickly. 蔥 Green onions. 但是蔥我只用根的部分 But green onion only I'm going to use this roots. 所以我們需要四根蔥的根部 So four roots of a green onion. 除去根部以外的部分我一會兒還會用 Without the roots I'm going to use this later. 然後就到洋蔥出場了 And then onion. 兩個中等大小的洋蔥 Two medium sized onion, 我會把皮剝掉然後洗乾淨 I just all peeled and then washed them. 大約12盎司 Almost 12 ounce. (切快點切快點!!小心手哦!) (slicing onions quickly) 好多好多洋蔥啊啊 Lots of onion. 就是為了讓湯底甜一點! To make it sweet! 這裡大約有20只小魚乾 These are 20 dried anchovies. 大的 Large size. 我們需要摘掉內臟和頭的部分 Let's remove the guts and heads. 你可以看到這些黑色的東西 See, here, you can see the black stuff. 這些腸子都在裡面干了 It is all intestine part dried. 如果你把他們也放到湯里一起煮的話 When you cook this together, 湯會變苦哦 it tastes a little bitter, 所以我總是把他們摘掉再拿去煮湯 so I always remove. 當我小時候還在韓國的時候 When I was young in Korea, 我媽媽會買這麼大袋的小魚乾 my mom bought this kind of a size, 就像一個枕頭一樣 it looked like a pillow, 裡面全部都是小魚乾 fully filled with the dried anchovies 這裡大約有3千克 and this is three kilograms 然後我們帶回家 and then when we bring home, 有時媽媽就會讓我來做這個 and then sometimes my mom made me do this, 摘掉內臟和頭的工作 remove the guts and heads. 我們還會把頭留下來 We would want to save even the heads. 因為魚頭里還是保留了一些令食物好味的物質 The heads has some delicious stuff still there. 我們一般會分開三個步驟 So, we did three kind of a section, 先洗乾淨身體的部分 so clean one body part 然後是頭部,再把內臟都丟掉 and head part and we throw away the inside. 頭部還是會用來做小魚乾湯底 But head part still we use to make the anchovy stock. 我不用頭部的原因 Why I don't use, 可能是因為我很懶 I can use maybe I'm lazy 而且我不覺得 and I don't think there's really much 會有很大的改變,所以只用身體的部分就夠了 big difference so I'm using just only body part. 下一個出場的就是海藻或者海帶了 Next one is kelp, dried kelp. 如果你沒有干海帶的話 If you don't have a dried kelp, 你可以不用 actually, you don't have to use 不過,像我告訴你的那樣,有海帶的話這個湯底就100分了! but I told you, perfect, perfect anchovy stock, 我想出這個食譜 I developed this recipe, 你就最好跟著做啦! you gotta follow this. 我們大概需要一盎司 We need one ounce. 其實1盎司真的很多 Actually one ounce is really a lot amount. 然後我們就用中火煮大約30分鐘 And then let's boil for 30 minutes over medium high heat. 然後轉小火繼續煮 Then later I'm going to lower the heat. 打開中火,蓋上蓋子 Medium high heat and cover. 開始計時咯! (timer ticking) 我已經餓得不行了 I'm already getting hungry. 我已經等不及要吃我的湯麵啦啦啦啦 I can't wait to eat my noodle soup. 30分鐘已經過了 30 minutes has passed, 我要把火開小一點了 I'm going to turn down the heat to low. 繼續用小火煮20分鐘 20 more minutes we have to cook over low heat. 一起來準備我們的紫菜把 Let's prepare the seaweed paper. 其實這隨你喜歡,可以有可以沒有 This is actually optional 如果你喜歡把湯麵做精緻一點 but if you like to make it really nicely, 我會推薦大家用這個哦 I just recommend this. 我會拿去烤一烤,然後把他們揉碎 I'm going to roast this and crush. 最後就會撒在表面 Then later I'll sprinkle on top. 真的超好吃的! Really tasty. 顏色已經轉綠了 The color change to green color. 而且開始變脆了 And also crunchy. 兩面都要烤哦 And both the sides you can, 確保每個部分都烤到 move around this this. 然後放到一個保鮮袋里 Put this in the plastic bag. 這就是做紫菜碎的方法啦 This is the way how to make the gimgaru. 聞起來真的很香 Really good smell. 我們等一下再用 We are going to use later. 是時候煮面了! It's time to cook noodles 首先,我們把水煮開 and first, we got to boil the water. 這裡大約有10杯水 This is 10 cups of water in the large pot 開始煮了! and let's boil. 等麵條煮好了 Once the noodles are cooked, 我們要吃快點 we gotta eat quickly, 不然麵條會坨掉軟掉 Otherwise the noodles get soggy, 所以我們總是先煮湯底 so we always make the stock first. 等所有東西都準備好后,再煮麵條 Everything's ready and then noodles, 所以我現在就煮水 so we boil this. 這是我自己做的泡菜 My kimchi. 聞起來好辣好爽! This is kimchi, oh, smells really pungent. 拿出剛剛的蔥 Start with green onions. 四根蔥 Green onion four, green onions. 切碎 And chop it up. 4盎司的泡菜 Four ounce of kimchi. 這裡是半杯 So this is half a cup. 像這樣,四盎司夠兩個人吃了 Like this, four ounce, for two people. 切細一點 Cut really into thin pieces. 泡菜和蔥 And then this guy, this guy, 把他們混起來 then let's mix this. 先把泡菜放到碗裡面 Kimchi first over here. 在菜板上的泡菜漬要在用完以後馬上洗 This kimchi stain you need to wash away, 不然泡菜的痕跡會一直留在那裡 right after using. 我們現在就要把泡菜和調味料混在一起拉 Otherwise the stain is sitting there. 韓式辣醬 We need to mix this kimchi with seasonings. 大約兩湯匙 Hot pepper paste. 蜂蜜 Around two tablespoon. 一茶匙 And this is honey. 芝麻油,兩茶匙 Honey, one teaspoon. 然後把他們混起來 Sesame oil, two teaspoon. 甜甜的,酸酸的,脆脆的泡菜 And then mix. 還有很多的蔥 Sweet and sour and crispy kimchi mixture 真的好好吃 with lots of green onion, 還有我自己在家做的烤芝麻粒 this is really tasty. 很香很脆 Home toasted sesame seeds, 大約放1茶匙 very crispy 碾碎! and then I'm going to use around one tablespoon. 完全碾碎! (pounding and grinding seeds) 要把湯麵做的好吃的關鍵 So well ground. 就是紫菜碎,泡菜+蔥,還有烤芝麻 To make this noodle soup tasty, 這三個士兵在等著把湯麵弄得好好吃! the gimgaru and kimchi mixture and sesame seeds. 我把他們先放到一邊 These three soldiers are waiting for to make this tasty. 我們還在等湯底煮的時候 So I'm going to set aside here. 我做一個非常有趣的東西給你們看 While we are waiting for this stock finish, 就是水煮蛋 I'm going to show you a really fun thing. suran就是韓式做法的水煮蛋 This is a suran. 用你的長柄勺 Suran is a poached egg Korean style. 放一些芝麻油 Using your ladle. 一點點就夠了 I'm going to add the sesame oil, 然後放到湯里 just a little bit. 放進來 Let's go to the stock. 一般需要煮幾分鐘 Put it here. 要做水煮蛋的話,一定要有人拿著 You need to cook like this a few minutes. 以前啊, To make this suran somebody has to hold this. 當他們要做水煮蛋的之後 In the older days, 就是這個水煮蛋 when they make this kind of a suran, 媽媽會叫她的小朋友 the egg, poach the egg 叫其中一個 and the mom calls in her child, 你來拿著 one of the children, 這個小孩子要非常耐心地拿著 hey and hold this. 不過當水煮蛋做好后 The child is holding just really patiently 根本不會給這個小朋友這個小朋友吃 but later when it's done, 而是給爸爸或者爺爺 even the child, that's not the child that's eating. 你覺得怎麼樣 For the father or a grandfather. 你想做嗎? How do you like it? 好,我覺得差不多了 How much do you want to cook? 這就是我的Suran啦 I think done. 一個漂亮的水煮蛋 This is my suran. 我的湯也好了! A poached egg. 我現在要把開到最小了 Then, my stock is done. 然後要開始煮麵 Now I'm going to really, really lower the heat. 水已經開了 Then while I'm making, cooking noodles, 然後我會把面 water is boiling 直接放進去 and then I'm going to put this, 非常細長 my noodles there directly. 看到了嗎? So little thin, thin and long. 素面! See? 我會取兩人份,10盎司 Somyeon. 但是看看你想吃多少啦 I use for two people ten ounce 打開蓋子 but depends on how much you like to eat. 像這樣放進去 Open this, this boiling water. 隨便轉變一切角度就可以了 Put this like this. 攪拌一下,他們等一下就不會黏在一起了 Just to change a little angle like that. 然後蓋上蓋子 Stir this, so they not to get stick to each other. 無論我什麼時候做麵條, Then cover. 我都會聽著那面煮開的聲音 Whenever I cook noodles I'm just ready to, 然後跑過去,再攪拌一下 hear the sound, the shhh boiling over 它快要滿出來啦!!! and then run and then just you know, stir this. 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 It's boiling over, ready to boil over, oh! 現在攪拌一下 (laughing) 我用中火煮四分鐘 Then just stir this. 然後再用小火煮一分鐘 I cooked four minutes over medium heat 用冷水沖一下(過冷河) and one minute lower heat. 然後 Cold water. 有些人問我 And then. 你為什麼煮面的時候總是要過一遍冷水? You know some people ask me, 因為如果不這樣做的話,它會黏黏的,不清爽 how come Korean noodles you're always rinsing cold water? 也會有泡沫浮出來 Because otherwise all this is going to be some starchy, 煮麵的湯也會變得黏黏的 coming out and then the noodle soup 但是我們要非常清的湯 by itself is going to be kind of really sticky. 還有非常Q和爽口的面 What we need is very clear soup 分成一份份 And also chewy, noodles are very more chewy. 因為下面放了芝麻油 So one portion. 所以底部應該非常乾淨 Because there's some sesame oil on the bottom, 還有這裡 so it should be come clean, see, 看看這顏色,是不是很吸引 and then here. 這肯定非常美味 Look at this color, so pretty isn't it? 白蘿蔔也變透明了 I know this is so delicious 這也說明裡面好味的物質有充分釋放出來了 and the radishes almost translucent. 兩個半茶匙的鹽 That means that all delicious stuff came out. 對於一個人的分量 Two and a half teaspoon salt. 用一個篩子 For one serving. 因為我們只用非常清的湯 To make a hot noodle soup, use a strainer. 像這樣 And we are only going to get only clear broth. 這些面又重新變熱一點了 Like this. 然後把湯倒回去 This noodle is going to be little warmer. 再來一次 So pour out stock. 大約兩杯的湯 And again, for one person. 泡菜和蔥混合物 Around two cups. 哇,看起來真的好棒 Kimchi mixture. 我會放一半 Wow, really good. 然後就是紫菜碎 I'll use half. 芝麻 And then gimgaru. 我的天,看起來好棒 Sesame seeds, like this. 還有這個蛋 Oh my, looks good! 就這樣! And this egg. 讓我來試試 That's it! 聞起來很香的泡菜味 (fun upbeat music) 好好吃!! Let me taste this. 麵條也很Q Mmm, smell really good, kimchi. 湯很熱 (slurping noodles) 泡菜很酸甜和脆 Delicious. 有些時候這些東西混起來 Noodles are chewy, 混起來 soup is so hot and also kimchi mixture 真的真的好好吃! with really like sweet and sour and spicy and crispy, 今天,我們一起做了湯麵 you know some texture, 湯麵!就是湯麵! this thing is all mixed together. 希望你們喜歡我的食譜 This is so, so tasty. 下次見啦!掰~ Today we made guksu. Guksu, guksu. Enjoy my recipe. See you next time, bye! (instrumental music)
B2 中高級 中文 泡菜 湯底 麵條 放到 韓式 內臟 韓國麵條湯(Guksu: 국수) (Korean Noodle Soup (Guksu: 국수)) 14 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字