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  • in this video, we're going to read through a model essay that was written in response to a recent task to question at 10 different points in the essay, you will be asked to choose the correct proposition.

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  • So the question that was reported is what are some alternatives to fossil fuels?

  • Do you feel the world will ever stop using them?

  • Okay, so this is a double action question and you will see both questions very clearly addressed in the following essay.

  • And as I mentioned at 10 different points, I'm going to pause to give you a few seconds to choose the correct proposition.

  • Global dependence on with fossil fuels continues to be a pressing problem in the modern world, and the answer here is bond dependence on fossil fuels.

  • Although environmentally friendly energy sources are available, market prices make these alternatives prohibitively expensive for by most people, and the answer here is by Excuse me 44 most people.

  • I argue that humanity will indeed stop using fossil fuels at in the future.

  • But this will only happen when the price of cleaner energy sources falls to a point of competition and this is in in the future.

  • This will be proved by looking specifically at among current trends within solar energy and biodiesel consumption, and this is at current trends looking at.

  • Firstly, the increased availability of in solar water heaters has made solar energy prices competitive with fossil fuels in some parts of the world, and the answer here is availability of.

  • For example, the mass production of solar water heaters in China has led to their adoption as a cheap alternative to water heated using coal.

  • Because this trend comes as as a direct result of financial incentive, it is logical to conclude that market shifts will eventually cause green energy to take the place of four fossil fuels.

  • And this is take.

  • The place of this phenomenon is further exemplified by alternative fuel types such as biodiesel, for instance, although still slightly more expensive than energy sources derived under from fossil fuels.

  • Biodiesel Sze Steady decline in price over the past 20 years coincides directly with a rise above in its sales in most parts of the world.

  • So the first answer is derived from, and the second is with the rise in its sales.

  • As most experts argue, a massive ship to biodiesel consumption will occur when prices remain consistently below fossil fuels.

  • Thus, worldwide dependence on fossil fuels can be expected to erode as alternatives become more economical, as evidenced by along these trends in solar energy and biodiesel consumption.

  • Humanity is gradually shifting itself between from fossil fuels, tomb or environmentally friendly energy sources, and I hope this development continues.

  • So this is firstly, as evidenced by and secondly, is gradually shifting itself from Okay, so I hope that quick exercise was helpful.

  • Please leave me some feedback in the comments below.

  • Are these exercises helpful, or what could I do to make them more helpful to you?

  • So that's the end of the video.

in this video, we're going to read through a model essay that was written in response to a recent task to question at 10 different points in the essay, you will be asked to choose the correct proposition.


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