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  • When I trained candidates for writing, I usually devote a portion of our study plan to repeating accurate sentence structures over and over again.

  • This strategy is tedious, but it does work after sometime.

  • Candidates do start to produce and then adapt these structures in their own writing in accurate ways.

  • So I thought today's video could provide you with a bit more training of this sort.

  • Today's exercise is very simple, but it is effective because it essentially forces you Is the training to repeat sentences over and over in your head so that you can answer the questions correctly?

  • It works like this.

  • I'm going to read a paragraph of a demonstration band nine S.

  • C to you.

  • I'm then going to delete it, and you need to recall the sentences you saw in the original paragraph.

  • For more videos like this one and extra lessons such as those that appear in my podcast, visit my blogging, I'll silence dot com and, as always, please hit that light button and that sure button.

  • So our exercise today is in response to this question.

  • Many people think that public celebrations like national holidays festivals, et cetera, are a waste of money and that the government should spend these funds in a better way.

  • Do you agree or disagree?

  • Give reasons for your answer and examples from personal experience where appropriate.

  • So I'm going to read out the first full paragraph of this demonstration band.

  • Nine Essay National Holidays Cost countries and their governments a lot of money.

  • Wages need to be paid to employees despite their absence from work and the national loss and productivity is experienced.

  • For these reasons, some people suggest governments do away with holidays and instead spend the money on worthy projects.

  • While this might seem at first to be a practical suggestion, I disagree strongly for a number of reasons.

  • Okay, so I'm going to remove the paragraph now.

  • Can you recall?

  • Will go sentence by sentence.

  • Two of these sentences are incorrect in some way.

  • It could be grammatical.

  • Could be lexical.

  • It could be some sort of stylistic problems such as America location.

  • It could be, ah, misplaced bit of punctuation, anything.

  • So two of the senses are incorrect.

  • One is correct.

  • Let's read through the national holidays.

  • Cost countries and the government's a lot of money.

  • National holidays, cost countries and their governments a lot of money.

  • National holidays, cost countries and our government's a lot of money.

  • So the answer here is the second sentence.

  • The first and third are dramatically okay, but stylistically awkward with the use of the and the use of our.

  • So the sentence we're looking for is this one here.

  • Okay, now let's bring up sentence number two.

  • So of these three, can you remember which is Theo?

  • The correct version?

  • Wages need to be paid to employees despite their absence from work and the national lost productivity is experienced.

  • Wages need to be paid to employees even though their absence from work and a national loss of productivity is experienced.

  • Wages need to be paid to employees, albeit their absence from work and a national loss of productivity is experienced.

  • And so the correct version is the first sentence because thes second to our lexical e and grammatically inaccurate.

  • So let's move the sentence up and bring up our third sentence.

  • Okay.

  • For these reasons, some people suggest governments been holidays and instead spend the money on worthy projects.

  • For these reasons, some people suggest governments scratch holidays and instead spend the money on worthy projects.

  • For these reasons, some people suggest governments do away with holidays and instead spend money on worthy projects.

  • And here the correct response would be the third sentence because the 1st 2 with the use of bin and scratch are too informal for academic writing.

  • So let's insert that.

  • Okay.

  • And, um, the lips, the thesis.

  • Okay, While it might seem at first to be a practical suggestion, I disagree strongly for a number of reasons.

  • While this might seem at first to be a practical suggestion, I disagree strongly for a number of reasons.

  • While they might seem at first to be a practical suggestion, I disagree strongly for a number of reasons, and here the correct sentence would be this 2nd 1 So in the 1st 1 when it is used in this way, it is usually with connection to something that's happening later in the sentence.

  • So it reads awkwardly here.

  • So the second sentence.

  • While this might seem at first practical suggestion, So what is this?

  • It's what occurs, and it's the suggestion that occurs in the sentences prior, and they would also be an incorrect reference.

  • So let's stick in the second version as earthy cyst.

  • Yes, A.

  • Okay, Now let's go to the first supporting paragraph.

  • We will read through it one time to familiarize you with the correct structures.

  • Firstly, it is axiomatic that a country's production of goods declines when workers are not working.

  • However, this is a tiny part of a much larger economic picture.

  • Productivity is a function not only of ours works, but also of energy drive and morale.

  • Thus, national holidays, which give workers a chance to relax and to celebrate aspects of their country in their lives, make for a happier and more productive workforce.

  • In Australia, for example, the long weekend is a tradition that helps unify society by making all feel rewarded and valued in a common enterprise and identity.

  • It is for these reasons that labeling public celebrations a waste of money cannot be supported.

  • All right, so those are the correct sentence structures.

  • Let's identify them in the following.

  • So, firstly, it is axiomatic that a country's production of goods declines when workers refrained from working.

  • However, this is a tiny part of a much larger economic picture.

  • Firstly, is axiomatic that a country's production of goods declines when workers don't work.

  • However, this is a tiny part of a much larger economic picture.

  • Firstly, it is axiomatic that a country's production of goods declines when workers air not working.

  • However, this is a tiny part of a much larger economic picture.

  • Okay, so here the use of refrain isn't the right word.

  • Because it is not that workers are refusing to work on holidays, it's that they are permitted to not work.

  • So it can't be this first sentence.

  • And here the use of don't.

  • Where is it?

  • Here don't is too informal.

  • We're supposed to be avoiding contractions in our academic work.

  • So this would not be the most correct answers.

  • So are our best choice is the third option here which uses when workers are not working.

  • Now let's go to the second sentence or I'll bring it up here.

  • Oops.

  • Okay.

  • Productivity is a function not only of ours worked, but also of energy drive and morals.

  • Productivity is a function not only of ours worked, but also of energy drive and morality.

  • Productivity is a function not only of ours works, but also of energy drive and morale.

  • Okay, so this is a lexical question and the 1st 2 options.

  • Morals and morality are with reference to something ethical in nature.

  • But that's not what the purpose of the sentence is.

  • It's talking about the enthusiasm of the workforce.

  • So the correct word we want here is morale all right, and the next three options.

  • Thus, national holidays, which give workers a chance to relax and to celebrate aspects of their country and their lives, make for a happier and more productive workforce.

  • Thus, national holidays, which give work, is a chance to relax and to celebrate aspects of their country, and their lives make for a happier and more productive workforce.

  • Thus, national holidays, which give workers a chance to relax and to celebrate aspects of their country and their lives, make for a happier and more productive workforce.

  • So the difference between these three sentences is the position of the commas, and because we have a relative clause here, which is a short bit of extra information inserted into the middle of a sentence and framed by the two commas, okay, that makes this first sentence the grammatically accurate one.

  • The use of the Kama here is not needed in the second sentence, and um, I think there's a next tra comus somewhere else.

  • Oh, yeah, there's a missing comma in the third option, and then the comments placed here, which is also incorrect.

  • So the correct choice is the first sentence.

  • So let's insert that, all right.

  • Next options.

  • In Australia, for example, the long weekend is a tradition that helps unify society by making them feel rewarded and valued in a common enterprise and identity.

  • In Australia, for example, the long weekend is a tradition that helps to unify society by making all feel rewarded and valued in a common enterprise and identity.

  • In Australia, for example, the long weekend is a tradition that helps to unify society by making by making it feel rewarded and valued in a common enterprise and identity.

  • So the use of them here is it's an inaccurate reference to society, so this one cannot be accurate.

  • The third option uses it by making it, as I guess, suppose with reference to society, but making society feel rewarded and valued.

  • It's awkward to reference society in this way, um, so that can't be the correct answer, either.

  • The use of all is more specific to the people that make up the society, so this would stylistically be the correct choice.

  • So sentence one and three, I need to be deleted.

  • And let's insert that into our essay.

  • Okay, let's bring up the next options.

  • It is for these reasons that identifying public celebrations a waste of money cannot be supported.

  • It is for these reasons that labeling public celebrations a waste of money cannot be supported.

  • It is for these reasons that showing public celebrations a waste of money cannot be supported.

  • And so here, the correct option is this middle option here in the first sentence.

  • It is for these reasons that identifying public celebrations you need to stick in the word as here, so as a waste of money cannot be supported.

  • So that's not the correct option.

  • And the third option here it is for these reasons that showing so showing is not really the word that we want.

  • So let's stick this in.

  • So it's for these reasons that labeling public celebrations a waste of money cannot be supported.

  • Oops.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah.

  • Sorry.

  • That's the end of our second, our first supporting paragraph.

  • Now let's move on to our second supporting paragraph.

  • So let's read through the correct sentences that make up supporting Paragraph two.

  • Further, Having the financial means to start new national projects is a good thing.

  • But the question of apportioning funds in a manner that an entire society agrees is a better way is simply unrealistic.

  • Ah, further consideration is the ramifications of pressure put on workers to work 52 straight weeks a year.

  • Ah, policy that could lead to stress related illnesses and serious social problems.

  • As this shows the canceling of public holidays and redirection of funds is an implausible suggestion.

  • Okay, so those are the accurate senses.

  • Let's take them away, see if we can identify um, the match from these options so further Having the financial means to start new national projects is a good thing.

  • But the question of apportioning funds in a manner that an entire society agrees is a better way is simply unrealistic.

  • Further having the financial means to start new national projects is a good thing.

  • But the question of apportioning funds for a manner that an entire society agrees is a better way is simply unrealistic.

  • Further having the financial means to start new national projects is a good thing.

  • But the question of apportioning funds to a manner that an entire society agrees is a better way is simply unrealistic.

  • Okay.

  • And, uh, the propositions four so for a manner and to a manner are not correct, so these two sentences could not be used.

  • We want in a manner.

  • So that's our opening sentence.

  • Now let me bring up the second sentence in the paragraph.

  • A further consideration is the ramifications of pressure put on workers to work 52 straight weeks a year, policies that could lead to stress related illnesses and serious social problems.

  • Ah, further consideration is the ramifications of pressure put on workers to work 52 straight weeks a year, the policy that could lead to stress related illnesses and serious social problems.

  • Further consideration is the ramifications of pressure put on workers to work 52 straight weeks a year.

  • Ah, policy that could lead to stress related illnesses and serious social problems.

  • So in the first option, policies is plural, and we're only referring to one policy.

  • So the policy to push workers to work 52 weeks a year, So this cannot be the correct, um, choice.

  • Um the definite article here, The quote unquote the is with reference to a specific policy or a policy that has been brought up earlier in the text, which hasn't happened here.

  • So this cannot be the right answer, either.

  • So the correct structure to this a positive is option, the third option with our policy.

  • So let's get rid of these two.

  • And in a straight this sentence, Okay, let's bring up that's the next as the show's canceling of public holidays and resurrection of funds is an implausible suggestion, as this shows the canceling of public holidays and resumption of funds is a is an implausible suggestion, as this shows the canceling of public holidays and redirection of funds is an implausible suggestion.

  • So here we have a lexical issue and two of the three sentences.

  • Resurrection refers to bringing something to life again, so this can't be the right option.

  • Resumption refers to something being started again, so this also can't be the right option.

  • So, um, what we want his redirection of funds, which flows nicely from proceeding sentences.

  • Let's insert that okay.

  • And our final sentence makes up the entire conclusion paragraph.

  • So I'm not going to read wth e paragraph to you because it is only one sentence you're going to have to identify from these three sentences, which one is structured accurately and make sense in the context of this essay.

  • So choose the correct sentence here.

  • In conclusion, I must affirm that while it is tempting to realize the short term increase in productivity and savings that would results from abolishing public holidays, the overall cost greatly outweighs the gains.

  • In conclusion, I must affirm that while it is tempting to realize the short term increase in productivity and savings that would result from abolishing public holidays, the overall cost greatly outweighs the gains.

  • In conclusion, I must affirm that while it is tempting to realize the short term increase in productivity and savings that would result from abolishing public holidays, the overall cost greatly outweighs the gains.

  • So the question here is with regards to where commas should appear that never has a comma before it, unless that specific comma as part of a pair of commas describing something else so that this can't be the correct option here as well as this, you would never see a comma after that.

  • I can't think of an instance when that would happen.

  • There might be one.

  • But in this specific case, this calm is improperly placed, so the correct answer is the first sentence.

  • So let's insert this into the essay, okay?

  • And let's pull the whole essay together and have a quick breed from start to finish.

  • Okay, all right.

  • Now, I'm even going to pull in the question just so that we can refresh ourselves on what is being asked.

  • All right, so now the question reads, many people think that public celebrations like national holidays, festivals, et cetera, or waste of money, and that the government should spend these funds in a better way.

  • Do you agree or disagree?

  • Give reasons for your answer and examples from personal experience where appropriate.

  • So national holidays cost countries in the government's a lot of money.

  • Wages need to be paid to employees despite their absence from work, and the national loss of productivity is experienced.

  • For these reasons, some people suggest governments do away with holidays and instead spend the money on worthy projects.

  • While this might at first seem to be a practical suggestion, I disagree strongly for a number of reasons.

  • So now we'll see the the various reasons why the reader or excuse me.

  • The writer disagrees.

  • Firstly, it is axiomatic that a country's production of goods declines when workers are not working.

  • However, this is a tiny part of a much larger economic picture.

  • Productivity is a function not only of ours worked, but also of energy driving morale.

  • Thus, national holidays, which give workers a chance to relax and to celebrate aspects of the country in their lives, make for a happier and more productive workforce.

  • In Australia, for example, the long weekend.

  • It's a tradition that helps to unify society by making all feel rewarded and valued in a common enterprise and identity.

  • It is for these reasons that labeling public celebrations a waste of money cannot be supported.

  • So you see the reflection on the thesis here and to go into our second supporting paragraph.

  • Further, having the financial means to start a new national projects is a good thing.

  • But the question of apportioning funds in a manner that an entire society agrees is a better way is simply unrealistic.

  • A further consideration is the ramifications of pressure put on workers toe work 52 straight weeks a year.

  • Ah, policy that could lead to stress related illnesses and serious social problems.

  • As this shows the canceling of public holidays, redirection of funds is an implausible suggestion.

  • Case it once again, connecting the entire paragraph back to the thesis of is a very nice sense of cohesion in this essay.

  • In conclusion, I must affirm that while it is tempting to realize the short term increase in productivity and savings that would result from abolishing public holidays, the overall cost great outweighs the gains.

  • So here there is an offer of concession, but a very clear reaffirming of the central position in the essay.

  • So that is the end of today's lesson.

  • I hope you've enjoyed building this band nine essay with me.

  • Thanks for watching and we'll see you next video.

When I trained candidates for writing, I usually devote a portion of our study plan to repeating accurate sentence structures over and over again.


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