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in this video, we're going to write a task to response to a question seen recently on the Isles.
The question reads.
Some people think that the government should invest money in arts and culture, while others believe the government should spend money on Maur important things.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
You can see below a few notes I quickly made to myself after reading the question to help prompt me as I write this essay out.
So firstly, like all Isles essays, the response is very likely going to be four paragraphs in length, so we can already be prepared for that.
The instruction words request.
We discuss both views so we know we're going to use a discussion essay approach.
And that means declaring both points of view in the introduction and then analyzing them in turn in the body paragraphs.
An optional link we might attack to the end of each body paragraph is an acknowledgement of merit.
If our reading progresses in a way that makes it appropriate to do so, I usually try to declare at least one merit for each point of view, and then perhaps reveal any disadvantages to a point of view while comparing them in the second body paragraph for in the conclusion paragraph.
While I'm brainstorming and creating these quick notes, I try to make note of any relevant example that comes to mind that could be used in the body paragraphs.
If I can't think of one, I will start the writing process and then hope that something will come to mind as I get to the body paragraphs.
And if I can't think of anything in that moment, then I will just make up an example, which is a strategy that could help save you some time in the exam.
I think the Beijing Opera could play a good example of how government funding of arts and culture can be helpful to a country for two reasons.
One is it encourages, sought the soft power of the country, and it also helps to create a sense of identity.
And I'm going to look at both of these points.
As I flush this essay in the second Body paragraph, I will share an example of a painting that was purchased for the National Art Gallery in Canada.
But unfortunately it displeased the public.
So this paragraph should show some healthy contrast between the two points of view and should help lead the essay towards its conclusion in the fourth paragraph.
Now, actually, before even start writing the essay, I already have a clear sense of what the conclusion is going to be.
I feel that it would be impossible to prescribe a set rate of spending for all governments when it comes to arts and culture.
So I know now that I'm going to concludes the at this essay by recommending that the many differences and nuances between nations means they are best to decide what spending is most appropriate for them.
But remember that the nature of this essay as a discussion essay dictates an objective approach.
So I'm not going to declare this position until the very end of the essay in this conclusion.
Now you can see that in these notes I've included a few phrases you could see that the senses air are kind of stalk ish phrases.
I mean, of course you want to adapt them to your own writing, but they're very common to discussion essays in general, so it's sometimes helpful to have a few of these in mind that you can tailor to the needs of your essay.
So these items and the quick notes that I've pulled together here should help accelerate us through the writing process and in creating a plan like this, it also helps ensure the essay has a strong sense of creation and faithfulness to the essay question.
Just having some overarching plan like this can help move your essay towards quality.
Okay, so I'm going to start fleshing out the essay, so I'm just going to delete these points as we as we move through them here.
So the first thing we want to do is deliver a sort of broad statement on the topic that we can narrow to the two points of view s.
So I'm just gonna quickly read the question myself again.
So some people think the government should invest money in arts and culture, while others believe the government should spend money on more important things, discuss both views and give your opinion.
Okay, so, eso we might want to say something about that.
The nature of how governments use money is an often debated topic, right?
Just to sort of ease us into, um into the essay.
So the manner in which um, uh, nation decides how to use public funding is on just that on often debated topic.
And then we want to get into declaring the two points of view.
So maybe for some, um, providing financial support to the nations, arts and culture, uh, is seen as healthy or I'm gonna say, uh, necessary.
However, others feel this money is best Spence elsewhere.
Let's see.
Okay, so that's the two points of view that we have declared, right?
So when the Examiner reads this, they're very clear on the two positions that are going to be looked at.
Now we want to finish this introduction paragraph with a very clear statement of how we're going to approach this thing issue or this discussion, and that's where this sentence fits in.
So this, as he will analyze both opinions before reason conclusion is reached.
And of course, you can switch this sentence around any way you need.
So perhaps you could say something like before arriving at a reasoned conclusion, ticket is reached.
We could change, analyze to examine.
Um, we could change opinions.
Two points of view.
So let's go to the first body paragraph.
Okay, I noticed myself.
One way to start the paragraph.
So we're gonna look at the first point of view, which is providing financial support to nations.
Arts and culture is seen as necessary.
So as many argue, that's a fostering on nations.
Arts and culture is wise use of government funding.
Okay, now, as I mentioned, we're going to look at the Beijing Opera, and we're going to look at two positive outcomes of funding the traditions of the Beijing Opera.
So let me just stick that in here really quickly.
So there are several several merits to this position.
So the first point is that funding the Beijing Opera and preserving it helps to promote the traditions of China.
And it gives people sort of a historical window to look through into the traditions of the nation.
So we could say something, like, for one financially supporting the arts in hell.
Um, establish or solidifying maybe historical record and understand.
So for one, financially supporting the arts can help solidify historical record and understanding.
And now we wanna use our example of big jumper.
So, in China, let's see that a lot of money is used to preserved the Beijing upper.
So a tremendous amount of money is, um and you're too deserve and promotes traditions and then just mentioned giving people Ah, window, as I was saying, are, you know, sort of some historical perspective.
These efforts give modern people window to pass.
Okay, this encourages worldwide worldwide understanding I know and its history.
And you know what?
I can connect these together.
It'll help the sentences flow a bit better.
Um, so so far, it reads, as many argue foster donations, arts and culture is a wise use of government funding.
There are several merits to this position.
For one, financially supporting the arts can help solidify historical record and understanding.
In China, for example, a tremendous amount of money is spent every year to preserve and promote the traditions of the Beijing Opera.
These efforts give modern people a window into the past, and this encourages worldwide understanding of China and its history.
Okay, so that's positive point number one that results from government spending in arts and culture.
Now, the second thing that I thought about in planning for this S e is that it it helps to create a sense of identity for people which can have a stabilizing effect.
And that might be helpful to very large countries like China.
So maybe we could say something like another benefit.
Okay, please notice these bits.
That ad in cohesion Sze It's not just a benefit, it's another benefit.
It links to the that progression that came before.
So another benefit is, um, let's see the the manner in which a strong arts and culture scene, hello, national nd, etc.
I'm just going to switch the manner just because we used it at the beginning of the essay.
So another benefit is the way in which a strong arts and culture seen promotes national identity, encouraging people to collectively identify um with the historical art and culture produced in there, Nation establishes.
It's just well say peace and stability or helps to establish peace and stability.
Um, and on that just point out, this is helpful to large countries like China and large countries, like another benefit is the way in which a strong arts and culture seen promotes national identity.
Encouraging people to collectively identifying with the historical art and culture produced in their nation establishes peace and stability in large countries like China.
And, uh, then I'm just gonna tack on our S o.
The advantages of this point of view are very clear, Which fits Fine.
Okay, now, in the second, supporting the second body paragraph, we want to look at the opposing point of view and, um, include any bits of language that can show comparison between the two, which will help generate an organic sense of conclusion when we get to the fourth paragraph.
So in this body paragraph, other people, however feel So we're saying that government spending on arts and culture is wasteful, and I was going to use the example of that painting from my home city.
So other people, however, feel, um, such spending.
And once again, these little bells and whistles that show your examiner that you're able to write with it a sense of cohesion.
So such spending is sort of with reference to the spending that we've been talking about earlier.
So on arts and culture spending under school is school.
See, um, and neglects Ah, uh, nations more pressing needs.
Okay, So other people who ever feel such spending on arts and culture is wasteful and neglects a nation's more pressing needs.
Okay, so the example.
For example.
Just for instance, an art gallery in my clothes A lot once spends over, uh, on a, uh, large continue displayed varying shades of white.
And it's important to point out that most people felt this was a rather boring painting and a rather wasteful use of government funding.
So I'm just gonna stick in here a piece most people described as dull.
Okay, For instance, an art gallery in my home city of Ottawa once spent over a $1,000,000 on a large painting that displayed varying shades of white apiece.
Most people described as dull local residents.
I found this.
This was this.
I'm going to use the word municipal.
It was probably national spending, but municipal move.
This tastes awful.
See you responsible.
So and you're responsible any responsible.
And I want to say that they felt this way because the money could have been used elsewhere.
So maybe given the fact that the money could have, um put towards social projects like and then just fill in the blank with anything really like homeless, um or maybe like helping the homeless find steady employment.
Okay, okay.
And and then we can finish it there with this phrase.
It is thus understandable why many are proponents of this point of view.
And as I was saying, these these are kind of stock phrases, but you can adapt, um, as you need so we could change this too.
Um, I don't think we've used the words support anywhere with dignity.
Supporters of this point of view or this position for these phrases just helped to create a sense of unity between the different paragraphs and a sense of closure toothy position that were analyzing in this paragraph.
So you can see a very objective look at the two sides.
We've shared something positive, at least one thing positive for each side.
There is a bit of comparison.
We haven't shared our personal opinion on any of it yet.
We're gonna get to that in the conclusion paragraph.
But as I was saying, my feeling on the matter is that you can't really say one way or the other.
You know how governments should use money, whether they should absolutely not put any spending into arts and culture, or whether they should commit a lot of it darts and culture because it's going to be different depending on on on the country's needs.
So that's what we're going to stay here in the fourth paragraph.
Now, I've already noted to myself declare that it is impossible to prescribe a set spending pattern for all governments and conclude that nation's air best to decide on spending rates and amounts for themselves.
So that's what we're going to plug in here now.
We want to make reference to the discussion that has taken place.
So let's say, the above discussion, um, popular streets.
How how the mild differences are nuances between countries, make it.
Let's say I'm just gonna even use what I put here in my notes.
Make it impossible.
Prescribe a set spending pattern for all governments and I might just couldn't recommend change.
There s o The above discussion illustrates have nuances between countries.
Make it impossible to recommend a set spending pattern for all governments.
And then, um, her final notice just that nations are thus best to fund their arts and culture in accordance see to their specific needs.
Okay, I might just even just to demonstrate to the examiner, some different language.
So nation's air thus best to channel, um, funding to their arts and culture in accordance to their specific needs.
Okay, so that wraps up the essay.
Now you could see that it.
As I was saying, It's a very clear, very objective point of view.
There are lots of instances of cohesion, which creates a nice flow to the entire essay and a good sense of linking between its various parts.
It's faithful to the question throughout, and let's give it a final read, and I'm gonna read the question as well.
So some people think that governments that the government should invest money in arts and culture, while others believe the government should spend money on more important things to discuss both views and give your opinion.
The manner in which a nation decides how to use public funding is often isn't often debated topic.
For some, providing financial support to nations, arts and culture is seen as necessary.
However, others feel this money is best spent elsewhere.
This as he will examine both points of view before arriving at a reasoned conclusion, as many argue fostering and nations, arts and culture is a wise use of government funding.
There are several merits to this this'll position.
For one, financially supporting the arts can help solidify historical record and understanding.
In China, for example, a tremendous amount of money is spent every year to preserve and promote the traditions of the Beijing Opera.
These efforts give modern people a window into the past, and this encourages worldwide understanding of China and its history.
Another benefit is the way in which a strong arts and culture seen promotes national identity.
Encouraging people to collectively identify with the historical art and culture produced in their nation establishes peace and stability and large countries like China.
The advantage is this point of view are thus very clear.
Okay, now we flipped around and look at the other side.
Other people, however, feel such spending on arts and culture is wasteful and the Glaxo nations more pressing needs.
For instance, an art gallery, my home city of Ottawa, once spent over a $1,000,000 on a large painting that displayed varying shades of white apiece.
Most people described as dull.
Local residents found this municipal move distasteful any responsible, given the fact that money could have been put towards social projects like helping the homeless find steady employment.
It is, That's understandable.
Why many your supporters of this position and again, you know, as you read through your essay and you check it, you might actually want to add in certain things.
So I'm gonna stick in here Alternative position now the final paragraph.
The above discussion illustrates how nuances between countries make it impossible to recommend a set spending pattern for all governments.
Nations are thus best to channel funding to their arts and culture in accordance to their specific needs.
And this word makes a very nice link back to the sentence and all of discussion that has happened prior.
So our conclusion is very much a result of the discussion that we've demonstrated here.
So I hope that quick video was helpful.
And don't forget to note some of the language you see here in your journal and review it.
Don't just watch this video and then walk away from it and not take anything from it.
There are lots of good instances of linking language, good demonstration of a variety of vocabulary, and this is a very relevant topic because this question was seen recently on the isles.
So get that journal of Make some notes.
Perhaps try writing this essay out word for word, right to just copy it from the screen.
Read it word for word.
Try to produce it from memory and then try to adapt some of the language items and play around with them so that you can become more familiar with accurate grammatical and lexical structures and start using these structures in your own writing.
Thanks very much for watching.
We'll see you next video.