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Hello, everyone.
This is Beth of cooking and crafting.
Today we are making rice Crispy cookies, U two's best for creative things.
It's cooking and crap Sting.
Hey, kids, this is a really old local recipe that I found really old local, So I have a total right now of one cup of lynch browned butter that is in here, and we are going to add to that one cup of granulated sugar on one cut of brown sugar, and we're gonna clean this until it's nice and fluffy.
We're going to one at a time, making sure that they're mixed well before Addy and the next picture you picked on the sides of your booth.
I have sifted two cups of flour, all purpose flour, a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of baking powder.
I know we're gonna go ahead and start in there now we're gonna add in about a teaspoon of vanilla.
I am also adding in two cups of oatmeal, but I don't like to leave the oatmeal and it's fools, you know, in its full shape anymore.
I like to run it to my processor so that a lot of it.
It's nice and, um, Sandy, But then some of them still retain their shape.
I have two cups of quick Quaker oats and two cups of Rice Krispies that we are going to now add into next.
Then we're gonna form our piece.
Preheat our oven to 325 degrees and we're gonna make those cookies for 15 minutes.
Now, if you scoop them up by just t scheme fools, you should be able to make 100 cookies.
But if you're gonna use a scoop like I am, we'll see how much we end up with Paul using that method.
All right, so I'm going to be popping these into the oven.
Since they are a little bit bigger than a teaspoonful, they probably will take a little longer than the 15 minutes.
These are nice and chewy, but if you cook them a little longer, they'll become crunchy.
So it's all up to you on what you enjoy, chewy or crispy.
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