Soyou'regoingtogetsugar, becausewait, I foundtherestofdowntownDisney, and, um, everytime I wouldbuylike a cookieor a fanorsomethinglikethat.
I said, youknowthatthisisonlyforresearchpurposes, right?
Yeah, that's mySothatiswhat I'm goingtodo.
I'm goingtobemakingtwoofthecookiesthat I atewhile I wasthere, A coupleofotherthings, and I'm justgonnabefartingbecause I'vebeenslackingoutsickfortwoweeksbefore I left.
Andthen I leftfor a week, youknow?
So I had, youknow, justthrowingupsomevideosthat I don't likesometimeago.
Butanyway, um, I alsowantedtoaskyouguys a question.
Um, I mighthave a coupleofcraftscomingup.
Like I said, Krafttake a hugeamountoftimeformetostartupandgetreadyandand, youknow, andgoing.
So I don't tendThiohavethetimetomakethosebecauseunlikesomepeoplethatyouknow, youtwofulltime I have a fulltimejob.
I'm selfemployed, whichmeans I havetwofulltimejobsontopofyoutoo.
So, um, doyouguyslikedessertsordoyoulikedinners?
Youknow, whenwatchingmychannel, I justwanttogetanidea.