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  • This is the Lamborghini Huracan perform anti or the artist formerly known at the Gallardo Superleggera is what happens when you put a hurricane in a cage, feed it raw meat and then poke it with a pointy stick.

  • So faster, harder, more hardcore.

  • More track focused.

  • This is Lamborghinis.

  • Answer to the portion on 11 GT three way like wings.

  • But this isn't any old wing.

  • This is Lamborghinis, New Allah, Active Aero, Dynamic system.

  • And it's very clever indeed.

  • It can operate in high downforce or low downforce modes, but more importantly, conscripts, the downforce from one side to the other.

  • Basically, you've got to air boxes here that feeds air in along these channels, up the uprights on out through slits in the bottom of the wing.

  • But there's flaps.

  • They're so flaps closed.

  • Maximum down, falls flat open, reduces the drag, increases your speeds on the straights.

  • But the clever bit is you can shut off one side and not the other when you're in a corner.

  • Therefore, increasing the downforce only one of the rear wheels and helping you to turn in.

  • You were never gonna ask first things first.

  • Let's find out what a very angry Italian V 10 and 631 horsepower actually sounds like it's very good indeed.

  • It's absolutely sublime powertrain.

  • Pretty much perfect.

  • The question we need to answer here is Can we feel more that trick?

  • Aero?

  • Actually working in the surprise answer is, Well, yes, you can.

  • And it's all down to stability, which is quite a boring word.

  • But stability under braking.

  • You can break song much later.

  • Then you thought you could.

  • And in those medium fast corners, the Carters feels totally locked into the road, totally glued down.

  • Normal hurricane would be wagging its tail properly under steering a little bit, but this thing is just absolutely keyed into the road.

  • Of course, if you want to be silly, turned everything off, then, yeah, you could be silly, but that's just not what this car's about.

  • This car is about grip.

  • Suddenly, that Nurburgring black record starting to make sense.

  • The difference between this car and the standard hurricane is just staggering.

  • What it gives you is supreme confidence, supreme confidence to break later than you thought to turn in 150 miles an hour.

  • And no, it's not gonna understand it's just going to stick.

  • Of course, it still does all the Lamborghini things.

  • It's loud and brash.

  • It's outlandish.

  • But when you're only, it also makes you look like a better driver than you actually are, and that's my kind of cop.

This is the Lamborghini Huracan perform anti or the artist formerly known at the Gallardo Superleggera is what happens when you put a hurricane in a cage, feed it raw meat and then poke it with a pointy stick.


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蘭博基尼Huracán Performante|《Top Gear》雜誌社 (The Lamborghini Huracán Performante | Top Gear)

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