字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (upbeat music) (歡樂的音樂) - Soy sauce and fish sauce aisle. - 陳列醬油和魚露的架子 There are two kinds of soy sauce in Korean cuisine. 韓國料理使用的醬油有兩種 Soup soy sauce and also just usual soy sauce. 湯醬油和一般的醬油 This is guk-ganjang it says, 上面寫著這是湯醬油(guk-ganjang) I gotta wear my eye glasses for now, they're all small letters. 我需要戴著我的眼鏡,上面的字好小 Korean soup soy sauce, use this when you make soup. 韓式湯醬油 在製作湯料理時會使用 So here, classic soy sauce. 這邊,一般的醬油 That means traditional soy sauce. 就是傳統的醬油 This is my all-time favorite jin-ganjang. 這是我之前最喜歡的醬油(jin-ganjang) This jin-ganjang brand name is Sempio. 這個醬油的牌子是泉牌(Sempio) I've been using for decades, but I heard there are other 我已經用了數十年了,但是我聽說 types of jin-ganjang also good. 另外一個牌子的醬油也很不錯 I see the Sinsong, Sinsong jin-ganjang. 順昌(Sinsong)的醬油 It says also soy sauce. 上面寫這也是醬油 - So I remember from your video where you made - 我記得在你的影片中 soup soy sauce that you boil it 你都會將湯醬油煮沸 and I was wondering is the boiling 我想知道煮湯醬油 is that necessary because of like bacteria 是否是必要的 是因為像是細菌 or disinfecting it or why was that part of the process? 或是為了消毒 為什麼會需要這道程序? - Because I like to stop fermentation, slow down - 因為我想讓湯醬油停止發酵 by boiling. 煮沸會抑制發酵 Otherwise, all the time fermenting and then 否則,讓醬油持續發酵的話 sooner or later lot of fungi still keep coming. 菌種很快的就會在裡面成長 But you still can use it. 但你還是可以使用有菌種的湯 Delicious. 很美味的 Just remove the fungi and then use. 只需要將菌種移除就可以使用 Last year, I made ganjang again. 去年我有做醬油 I had no time to go to the park to, you know, 我沒時間到外面去 secretly boiling, so that's why just let it go 將醬油煮過,就這樣放著 in my earthenware crock and then now very very busy busy 我的陶罐裡長了很多很多 making fungi flowers. 菌絲 But taste really like a kind of really smells like pungent. 但嚐起來非常辛辣 If I have time, then I like to boil this and so that 如果我有時間,我會將湯醬油煮過 I can slow down. 這樣可以抑制發酵 Fish sauce, when you make kimchi, without fish sauce, 這是魚露 當想做泡菜但沒有魚露 I cannot make it. 我根本沒辦法做 My favorite brand in America is the Viet Hong fish sauce. 我在美國最喜歡的魚露牌子是Viet Hong Three crab. 三蟹牌 Taste like real Korean, really long time, old, pungent 很像韓國很古早、味道很刺鼻的 soup soy sauce taste. 湯醬油的味道 And also Korean product, kkanari aekjeot, kkanari aekjeot, 還有這個魚露 this is also good quality, All imported from Korea. 品質也很不錯 都是從韓國引進的 This myeolchi aekjeot, "myeolchi" means anchovies. 這是鯷魚醬(myeolchi aekjeot) myeolchi 是鯷魚的意思 I understand why you guys are so confused 我明白為什麼你們為什麼常常會搞混 because "Oh everything is in Korean, so confused!" 因為"噢全部都是韓文,真讓人困惑" On the back you can see 轉到背後你可以看到 there's little tiny letters, it says: "Ingredient: anchovy" 有著很小的字寫著 "原料:鯷魚" Can you find the anchovy? 你看到"鯷魚"的字了嗎? Anchovy fish sauce, you can use in kimchi also. 鯷魚魚露,你也可以用來做泡菜 And this section is tea. 這區是茶類 Just you you guys remember my yuja cha? 你們記得我的柚子茶嗎? Yuja is yellow and skin is kind of rough. 柚子是黃色、外皮有點硬的水果 It's a citrus but the flavor is unique, really really good. 是柑橘類的一種但是是很特殊的品種 非常、非常美味 I have a recipe but problem is not easy to find 我有柚子茶的食譜,但問題是新鮮的柚子在美國 the fresh yuja here. 不太容易找到 But in Korea, Koreans love the yuja tea so they imported 但在韓國,韓國人特別喜歡柚子茶所以店家引進這個產品 and then they display it here so you can find so easily 他們將產品放在這裡,你們在任何超市都很好找 any grocery store. 柚子茶,你看看,很漂亮吧 So yuja cha, look at that, really pretty. 用糖和柚子製成 Mixed up with sugar and yuja. 當你想喝的時候,只要和熱水混合 So when you use this, just mix with hot, hot water. 煮沸的熱水 然後就可以享用柚子茶了 Boiling water and then enjoy the tea. 你也可以直接吃 You can eat it all. 當你選購的時候 記得確認 When you choose this, always check out 保存期限 還有在罐子上面 the expiration date plus here on the top. 有時候會看到深褐色的 Top part is sometimes I see the really dark kind of 不要買那種的 some brownish color, never choose that. 要找全部都是黃色的 So it should be all yellow, pretty. - yuja 和 yuzu 是同樣的東西嗎? - Is yuja the same thing as yuzu? - 沒錯 - Same. - 好的 - Okay. - 柚子日文叫做 yuzu - Yuza the Japanese call this yuzu. 這是糖漿(mulyeot) And also this is mulyeot, clear. 透明的糖漿 Transparent this syrup. 通常是玉米做成的 This is usually made with corn. 我特別喜歡這種的 This is I really love it. 因為這是用傳統方式做成的 Because this is made traditional way. 用麥芽粉和米做成 你只需要 Barley malt powder and rice and then you just boil 用低溫煮並燉煮一段時間 like lower heat and then simmer this for a long time. 麥芽有一些酵素 Barley malt powder has some enzyme. 會將米的澱粉轉成醣 The enzyme convert the starch from rice into sweet, sugar. 這就是我喜歡用它的原因 So that's why I make like a sweet. 這個韓文稱為 jocheong We call this jocheong. 你要怎麼買到這個呢? So how can you find? 上面寫這是韓國米糖漿 It says Korean rice syrup, 韓國米糖漿 it says Korean rice syrup. 裡面含有豐富礦物質和營養 it contains all these minerals and all nutrients here. 而透明的這種,這是經製過的 But in case of this transparent, it's refined. 當想燉煮東西時 When you make or braise something, 我會用這個取代糖,讓食物色澤好看 instead of using sugar, I use this and then make it shiny 並讓食物變得黏稠有甜味 and a little sticky looking and sweet. 這是果寡糖 It's a ssal-oligodang here. 這不耐高溫,所以當你想燉煮東西時 It doesn't endure really high heat so when you braise 最好不要用這種 really something, you should not use this 會讓味道變得比較不甜 because it turns into less sweet. 接著要介紹的是春醬(黑豆醬) Next, black bean paste. 什麼時候會用到呢? When can we use? 韓式炸醬麵(Jjajangmeyon)(笑) Jjajangmeyon (laughs) jjajangmyeon, 當你製作炸醬麵時你會需要用到春醬(黑豆醬) when you make jjajangmyeon you need this black bean paste. 上面寫已發酵的黑豆醬,看到了嗎? Jjajang! It says black bean paste fermented, right? 韓國超市裡通常有兩種春醬(炸醬醬料) So there are two types of jjajang sauce in Korean 看到這種了嗎? grocery store. 這種需要用油炒過 You saw this? 另外一種你不需要炒過 You have to fry this with oil. 因為那種已經經過處理了 And another type is that you don't have to stir fry with oil 上面寫已炒過的春醬 because it's already pre-stir fried with oil. Bokkeum 是炒的意思 It says bokkeum-jjajang. 而這是未煮過的炸醬 Bokkeum is stir fried. 上面的翻譯都是一樣的 "black bean paste fermented" (已發酵的黑豆醬) This is raw, uncooked jjajang. 這個也是一樣 So this is same translation, "black bean paste fermented." 你無法從英文翻譯去辨別 And also this is also "black bean paste fermented." 你可以用韓文去做區別,這個有兩個字 짜장(jjajang) You can't find the difference. 而另外一個 짜장(jjajang)前面還有兩個字 All you can find is there are two words letters, jjajang. 볶음(Bokkeum) This is jjajang before there are two more letters, 볶음(Bokkeum)就是已炒過的意思 bokkeum, bokkeum. 聽起來滿方便的但是我最喜歡的還是 So bokkeum means fried. 未炒過的春醬 因為我可以在家自己炒 It sounds like very convenient but my favorite 這是已經炒過的春醬 is raw black bean paste because I can fry at home easily. - 很好吃 That's bokkeum jjajang, already roasted black bean paste. - 這個是還沒處過的黑豆醬,吃吃看 - It's so good. 味道有什麼不一樣? - But this guy is raw, raw black bean paste, taste. - 未處理過的比較酸? So taste and then what is the difference? - 我嚐看看 - The raw is maybe a little more sour? - 味道比較淡 - Let me check. - 另外一個味道比較重 - Lighter flavor. - 沒錯 - Lighter, the other one is more umami the first one. 已炒過的黑豆醬 他們在裡面加了調味料 - Yeah. 像是糖或是其他的東西 Pre-fried black bean paste is they added something there. 讓它帶有一種鮮味 Added some sugar, or something like that 豆醬(Doenjang )是已發酵的黃豆醬 so make it more umami taste. 你每天都可以做韓式大醬湯 Doenjang is fermented soybean paste. 至少一週一次或兩次 Every day you can make the Korean bean paste soup. 大部分的韓國家庭都會在家做大醬湯 So at least once a week, twice a week, 記得都要確認保存期限 all Korean family making this doenjang-guk, doenjang stew. 這些牌子都很不錯 Always check the expiration date. 像是順昌(Sunchang)、清淨園... All this is good. - 我之前買過豆醬,上面寫著已調味 So Sunchang... jeju-bori-doenjang... 我有看到另外一種是沒有調味的 - I bought one of these and it said seasoned on it. 我想要的是沒調味過的豆醬 And then I noticed the other one was unseasoned. 但我不知道兩種的差別是什麼 And I wanted the one that wasn't seasoned - 好問題 and then I didn't know the difference. 當你買豆醬的時候,你可以看到 - Good question. 這個產品上寫著"pyogo-buseot myeolchi"(香菇 鳀魚) When you see the doenjang you can see, look at that. 這個已經加入香菇 This product is, it says "pyogo-buseot myeolchi" 和乾鳀魚做調味 they added already shitake mushrooms here 讓它更有鮮味 and also dried anchovies 你在選購的時候,你看到上面 so make more like umami taste. 有呈深黑色的區塊,這樣比較不好 When you choose this, you can see that on top like this, 要選顏色平均的 kind of a black line, it's not good. 這是泉牌(Sempio)的大醬 The color should be even. 品質也很不錯 This is Sempio, soom-shwi-neun-jaeraesik-doenjang. 我喜歡和我的讀者一起品嚐 This is also good quality. 這是兩種不同的大醬 I like to taste this with my readers. 嚐看看 This is two different kinds of doenjang. 我們是很嚴謹的測試人員 So taste this. 你比較喜歡哪一種? We are so serious testers. - [Shawn] 我喜歡淺色的 Which one you like better? - [Andrew] 我比較喜歡深色的 - [Shawn] I like the lighter one better. - [Cora] 我兩種都喜歡因為不同的原因 - [Andrew] I like the darker one better. - 每個人的看法都不一樣 - I like them both. - 深色的吃起來比較平易近人 - [Cora] I like them both for different reasons. - [Shawn] 沒錯,香菇的味道 - Everybody has a different opinion. -- 我看看 - The darker one, really the taste like stays with you. 我用了兩種牌子讓大家比較 - [Shawn] Yeah like a mushroomy flavor. 如果你喜歡較濃的味道 - So let's see. 你可以選這種 Two brands I compare so you guys go to Korean grocery store. Soom-shwi-neun-jaeraesik So if you like the darker and also more deeper flavor 這是用傳統的方式做成的大醬 you can chose this one. 這個顏色比較深 Soom-shwi-neun-jaeraesik 這個味道比較淡,對嗎? it's the traditional way doenjang. 我比較喜歡這種 This one is a darker. 辣醬(gochujang) This is a lighter, simple taste, right? 你可以在家自己做辣醬 但忙碌的人通常 And I prefer this. 直接購買 Hot pepper paste, gochujang. 辣醬也有很多不同的種類 You guys can make it at home but busy people they just 你們通常用哪一種? buy the gochujang. 我選了三個牌子 Gochujang is also many many different kinds 上面寫大辣、小辣和一般 of gochujang. 我通常是買大桶裝的,你知道的 Which gochujang you usually use? 三公斤大桶裝的辣醬 I just chose three brands. 今天我要讓我的讀者嚐看看 It says very spicy and mild and regular. 然後比較看看 And usually I buy huge tub, you know, 我們先嚐看看中辣 three kilos, huge tub. 這個牌子是Haechandle(해찬들) 上面寫"sunhanmat gochujang" Today I like to let my readers taste this and Sunhanmat 是溫和的意思 then compare the taste. 看看背後的標示 So first let's taste the mild taste. 這邊有寫等級1 It's brand name Haechandle, it says "sunhanmat gochujang." 意思是比較不辣的口味 Sunhanmat means mild. 如果你不太能吃辣 Check out the back. 你可以用這一種 And here, you can see the level one. Sunhanmat 小辣 Means really mild taste. 等級1 So you can't tolerate really spicy food, - 對,吃起來甜甜的 then you can use this one. - 但時還是有點辣吧? Sunhanmat mild. Mild. - 有一點啦 Level one. - 接著是超辣的(Chung Jung ) - Yeah it's sweet. 上面寫"bul-taneun"(불타는) 超辣 - But still, still hot eh? 超辣辣醬 - A little bit yeah. 上面寫... - So and then, really spicy one is Chung Jung One. 這個上面沒有等級數 It says "bul-taneun" fire, on fire, 但你可以看到 spicy, hot pepper paste. 上面有火焰還有乾辣椒 It says... this guy doesn't have on the back, 代表非常辣 doesn't have any level of spiciness 我們來試看看有多辣 but only you can see. - [Shawn] 我滿能吃辣 You see the fire and also the dried red pepper here, 而這個對我來說超辣的 that means really spicy. - 對阿 Let's see how spicy it is. - 好吃嗎? - [Shawn] I can eat pretty hot things 這個是順昌(Sempio)辣醬 and that's pretty hot. 上面沒有任何辣椒圖案 - Yeah. 這種就是一般的辣醬 - Good? 吃看看 So this is the Sempio ssal-gochujang and 有點甜,對嗎? there is no spice here, 沒錯 it's just the regular hot pepper paste. 溫和帶點辣 Let's taste. 你們最喜歡哪一種顏色 Kind of sweet, isn't it? - [Cora] 這個顏色好看 Yeah. - [Maangchi] 這個顏色大家都喜歡 Mild and spicy and regular. 大家都同意這個顏色很漂亮 Which color you like better? 這是順昌(Sempio)的辣醬 [這句中間有些因為不懂韓文沒有翻出來] - [Cora] This is a nice color. 當你做韓式泡菜時 - [Maangchi] This is best color everybody. 很重要的原料就是辣椒粉 Everybody agree this is a really beautiful color. 這是必要的 So Sempio sumshwineun taeyangpyo ssal-gochujang. 你可以看到有很多種不同的辣椒粉 When you make Korean kimchi, 但你還是可以看看內容物做區別 main ingredient is Korean hot pepper flakes 有時候你會看到這種包裝 gochugaru, you need that. 圓形的部分 But when you see this, just all different products. 可以看到內容物 But like you can pick inside what it look like. 要選顏色亮紅色的 Sometimes you see this, 不要選橘紅或是暗紅色的 我不喜歡那種的 you see like some kind of circle shape 我喜歡亮紅色的 and you can see inside. 你看,我喜歡這種 亮紅色的 And color should be very bright red, 你知道這個多少錢嗎? but not orange or some dark red, I don't like it. 54美金! I like bright red. 這個超貴因為是從韓國引進的 See I like this one, bright red. 這些也是亮紅色的 You know how much it is? 我會選這種的 It's 54 dollars! 上面寫辣椒粉但其實這不是粉 It's so expensive because it came from Korea. 你可以看到其實是片狀的,對吧? But you can see that this is a kind of little bright red. 這種是粉狀的 So I like to choose this. 上面寫fine(細) It says red pepper powder but that's not powder. 辣椒粉 You can see this is flakes, right? 我做辣醬時 This is powder. 自製的辣醬 我會使用這個 It says fine, F-I-N-E. 還是不知道要買哪一種? Red pepper powder. 那就選比較貴的那種 I make hot pepper paste, (笑) homemade hot pepper paste, I have to use this. 這是韓國包飯醬(쌈장, ssamjang) And you still confused? 包飯醬是一種沾醬 Then just choose more expensive item. 這個包裝是綠色的 (laughs) 你也可以在家自己做 and this is ssamjang. 但如果你很忙又想 Ssamjang is a dipping sauce. 烤肉,你可以買這個 This color is green color packaging, 接著要介紹芝麻油 but this is usually like you can make it at home 沒有芝麻油的話,就別說你要做韓國料理 so easily but if you are so busy and you have 我說的芝麻油指的是熟芝麻油 a barbecue picnic, you can pick it up. 而不是生芝麻油 So next, sesame oil. 大小包裝他們都有 Without sesame oil we can't talk about Korean cuisine. 這是日本的牌子Kadoya Sesame oil is always toasted sesame oil, 這是我最喜歡用的 not raw sesame oil. 這個是韓國的牌子不倒翁(Ottogi) 還有Sun的芝麻油 Large size, small size, they all have. 熟芝麻籽 And this is Japanese sesame oil Kadoya. 烤過的芝麻籽 So that's my favorite. 已經洗乾淨、烤過的 This one Korean brand from Ottogi and sun chamgireum. 你可以加到你的蔬菜小菜裡頭 Sesame seeds, toasted sesame seeds. 只要撒上去就很香 Roasted sesame seeds. 這是未烤過的芝麻籽 It's already washed and roasted, toasted. 你需要洗過、瀝乾 不需用油去炒 You can add it to your vegetable side dish. 可以做出很香脆的芝麻籽 Just sprinkle this and nutty. 這次有沒有學到很多呢? These are sesame seeds but it's not toasted 下一個影片是第三部分:麵條、粉類、 so you need to wash and drain and then fry without oil 穀類、蔬菜乾和海帶 to make really crispy sesame seeds. 下次見! Well did you learn a lot this time? 我的網站上有很詳細 Next is part three: noodles, powder, 世界各地的韓國超市 grains, dried vegetables, and seaweed. 這些店面的資訊都是 See you soon! 由我的粉絲上傳的 所以資訊都是正確的 My website has a really good list 並可信的 of Korean grocery stores worldwide. 去看看吧 All the information about each store was submitted 如果你附近有韓國超市、 by my readers so all the information is very correct 當我到國外旅遊 and reliable. 我需要做韓國料理 Check it out. 我都會到我自己的網站上找附近的韓國超市 If you have Korean grocery store in your area, 然後購物 whenever I travel to a foreign country, I need Korean cooking, I come to my own website to see the grocery store and then I go.
B1 中級 中文 韓國 醬油 柚子 牌子 辣醬 發酵 韓國雜貨店購物。醬油、醬料、調味品 (Korean Grocery Shopping: Soy sauces, pastes, & spices) 6 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字