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  • In March 2017,

  • 60,000 Russians took to the streets

  • in 80 cities protesting government corruption.

  • Hundreds of people were arrested and imprisoned

  • including my dad, Alexei.

  • My name is Daria Navalnaya.

  • I’m 17 years old, and I’m from Moscow.

  • When I saw people my age going outside and not being afraid,

  • it made me want to find out how young people like me

  • in Russia really feel about politics,

  • our government, and our futures.

  • So I asked a polling company to find

  • a selection of kids my age with a range

  • of different views.

  • Putin’s been in power longer than I

  • and the people I’ve interviewed have been alive.

  • It’s a small survey, but I wanted

  • to share this with the world because it’s rare

  • that people outside Russia get to hear

  • from young people like us.

  • Let’s go!

  • This is Kirill.

  • He told me that he was a big supporter

  • of Putin and his politics.

  • She was even a member of Putin’s youth group.

  • I was just really excited to talk to a young person who

  • supports Putin, but that’s when

  • I discovered that Kirill's feelings were much more

  • complicated.

  • Not a single person I’ve interviewed

  • thought that things are going to change, at least not soon.

  • One of the problems is our parentsgeneration,

  • who grew up during the last years of Soviet Union,

  • For them even Putin’s Russia is

  • better than what they have experienced before.

  • And that really

  • made me wonder if young people don’t really have

  • hope for change in Russia,

  • do they dream of leaving and making a life somewhere else?

  • I guess every teenager

  • dreams of traveling the world and experiencing new things.

  • But I was also amazed to hear how

  • conflicted some of my interviewees

  • felt about their home.

  • And, unlike our parents, who lived through the Soviet

  • Union,

  • were more outward looking.

  • We see the world outside of Russia.

  • We care about democracy.

  • We want the same opportunities as young people

  • in other countries.

  • When the next election comes, it

  • won't be easy to make me and other people

  • my age to vote for Putin’s system again.

  • We will change it,

  • I think. At least, I hope.

In March 2017,


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A2 初級

在普京的俄羅斯,青少年是什麼樣子的? (What It's Like To Be a Teenager in Putin's Russia | NYT Opinion)

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