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Hey, I'm Milo.
And today, on highly cooking, we're getting crafty and we're making marzipan fruits.
That's fruits made out of candy that you can eat if you want it.
Hey, here's a joke.
What's Willy Wonka's favorite planet?
Mars a pan?
What's Elon Musk's favorite Candy Electric cars?
Pan Wait, What was the original title of David Boies hit song?
Life on Mars?
A Pan?
Which one of those do you like best?
Some of the old timers might remember.
Actually did a silent video highlight talking about fruits right after Chef Baby was born and Chris was doing like the 1st 30 days of yoga.
Siri's and I didn't have help with videos, so I made like a silent video, and it was cool.
But a lot of people were like, There's no talking anyway, so I'm gonna talk a lot.
What's new?
Okay, this is Mars of Han.
It's basically just ground up all ins with sugar and that you can also this brand also make something called almond paste.
That's often right next to the Marshall Plan.
I don't know what that ISS I mean, besides from almond paste, but I don't know if they're exchangeable or interchangeable.
Um, so just get the Mars pan, okay?
I'm gonna start making my little dies.
I find it easier to rather than try to work a drop of green dye into this big blob of marr Japan to dilute the food coloring a little bit first, Um, so I've got a little bit of water in each of these dishes, like 1/4 teaspoon of green.
And then I'm gonna d'oh orange here.
So that's 12345 six.
I can count six drops of yellow and two drops of red Should make a pretty nice orange.
And then if you plan on eating these, I do recommend starting with some new paintbrushes that have never been used by a child art project.
But whatever.
A lot of people don't even want to eat him.
But it's fun to know that you could eat them, right?
So let's get my grandma doing green pairs.
Of course, pairs come in many colors, but I'm gonna do green pears, orange oranges and Yello.
Oh, wait.
No, I was going to green apples.
Okay, let's start with apples, green apples, yellow pairs, orange oranges.
God, good thing I caught that and then just sort of needed in.
This will stay in your hands, so get over.
It could start to get sticky.
You can add a little powdered sugar or corn starch, just so it's not like going up on your hands, because when you add the food coloring, it does start to get a little bit stickier.
Another thing is, try not to do this.
If it's really humid, like this time of year in a lot of places in the U.
At least we have our heaters on him.
So the air is really dry.
Um, so it's not really a problem.
But if you're trying to do this like in the summertime and you live in Florida or something, they might just stay sticky forever.
So I do recommend storing them in the refrigerator.
Okay, so this is good enough.
Good enough, gal.
That's what they call me.
It's It's enough.
Uh, mixed had my English today is very poor, but it is starting a little sticky, so there's my little just add a little pile of that.
They're okay.
Okay, So start rolling it into a ball.
This is totally like when you used to play with Plato in your kit and then just sort of grabbed like the top half of it and start to roll it like a doobie roll that like a doobie If you don't know what a doobie is, get off of this channel.
I'm just kidding.
So you just wanna narrow the top of it so that it's shaped like a pear or a teardrop or something like that?
Um, isn't that adorable?
And I don't worry too much about making them perfect, because obviously, pairs don't all look alike, but I like to sometimes bend the top over a little bit.
Oh, I did it up.
Supposed to make green apples.
Okay, it doesn't matter because there's green apples and green pears and yellow pairs.
So let's just I'll just show you how to make an apple real quick.
How's up?
Pretty much all of these starts with the ball, Then for the apple.
Almost do the reverse of what we did with the pair.
So you wanna taper the bottom just a tiny bit?
Not as much.
We're making like an alien head.
Tradeoffs will be fun.
And then I'm gonna tap the bottom of my apple on the cutting board surface just to get it a little bit flat.
It doesn't totally look a like an apple now, but I'll show you when we put our little stem in the top, it'll get more happily shaped.
Okay, great.
Somehow I did a better job of this video when I had, like, just had a baby, and I was doing it by myself at the table, but also the first time I made them.
Oh, this is kind of a good story.
I don't know.
It's not really that good to me, but, uh, So I had this boyfriend when I was in high school who was a terrible person.
But, I mean, who among us had a good high school boyfriend?
That's what I'd like to know.
Ah, but this person was particularly heinous.
Um, but anyway, for his birthday one year, I made this elaborate in cake that was covered in Mar Japan.
Fruits like of all different.
Like I think I made like grapes and guava and like watermelon slices, I spent like all day making this amazing cake.
And this was like in the nineties before you had, like, phone cameras and shit.
Just before we had cell phones.
I had a pager.
I didn't even have a pager yet.
I just used pay phones.
Anyway, I presented this beautiful cake, and I guess he liked, like, didn't stuff.
But then I was like, Oh, wait, I want to take a photo of this cake is I was so proud of it, like with a film camera, and this apple laughed at me, and then I never got the picture.
Can you believe?
Anyway, I think that's very rude.
Okay, I'm gonna make ah, Banana.
I haven't made a banana since I was in high school making that cake for that terrible person.
But I think it was something like this.
This seems about right, uh, blunted end, and then sort of a fat little stem at the top that later on, we can paint with some green once it dries a little bit.
Okay, cool.
But, Nana Okay.
I'm gonna make one yellow pair because I do think that the yellow pears look very cute.
Yeah, the yellow pears look better than the green pears.
I am H o.
Okay, so I'm gonna make some oranges.
You just really roll it into a ball.
But then I have a cool, cool, cool trick to show you.
Do you have you one of these box graders?
And you use this sometimes and use this sometimes And maybe use this one.
But like who even uses this?
What is this for?
I have no idea.
But it makes a really nice little stippling pattern for your Citrus.
You marr Japan Citrus.
So Oh, my gosh, I don't know if you can really see this, but it's, like, so cute.
It looks so realistic.
Now people are gonna full lip their butts.
Okay, Sorry.
I'm kind of excited.
This is actually quite fun, so I hope that you try it.
So, lemon, again, we'll start with the ball, and then let's taper the two ends.
This is the thing.
You do the big, weird, greater thing first, and then you flip it around and do the little one.
Now, make some red apples.
You really should have taken my rings off.
What's your favorite kind of apple?
You know, I used to hate macintosh.
Just think they're so gross and mealy until I took a trip to Maine.
and had McIntosh apples like as like, just picked off the tree and I couldn't believe it.
They were so good.
Have you ever had that?
There's so sweet and like Crunchy.
I think they just really don't travel well, so it's a shame that we insist on traveling them when they don't want to.
So there's the start of a Macintosh.
Okay, Right now we're gonna add some stems and do some painting with the food Coney.
So for a lot of the stems, I'm going to use whole clothes.
I'll show you a trick.
So for the apples, you want to stick the round like the bud in Bud end into the apple first, and that will create a sort of little like dib it.
So, like a natural little Oh, yeah, totally realistic.
Don't worry about if you've got a little like powdered sugar on there and it's fine, we'll paint over it Just a minute.
Oh, my God.
See, it looks like I don't know.
I mean, I just feel like this is amazing how natural it looks, and it's really not very much work.
And a lot of people are like, Oh, but I wanna edible stem.
But guess what?
Clubs were totally edible, and I like it.
I like a little crunchy clothes in there.
I don't know what to tell you.
For the oranges, We're gonna do something very cool.
And you want to break off the little bud of your clothes so that you end up with just the little four pointy things sticking off there and then you precedent so that the little star and is poking out and then look how realistic that looks.
Isn't that nuts for the pears?
I do a little care away seed because they have a little tiny little skinny stem.
So tiny ass little carraway seed right in there.
Just like that.
So realistic.
Okay, for the lemon.
Well, hang on to limits.
Have stones.
Yeah, Okay.
They kind of custom sometimes, right?
Oh, my God.
Oh, okay.
Let's give the van a little but stem right Like that.
Little like, brown end.
Oh, yeah.
Just peeking out.
Just poking and peeking out.
Okay, Now we're gonna paint, and we just want to, like, dab a little bit of pink around the stem of the pair to make it look a little ripe sometimes a little bit of orange looks nice.
This is just, like, honestly, your chance to go creative on Christmas or Hanukkah.
I'm gonna add an extra dab of yellow, just a coded, A little bit.
And sometimes the ones mar Japan fruits that you find like it fancy candy shops and stuff that air, like imported a lot of times have some sort of shiny glaze on them.
And honestly, I don't know how to do that.
I think it's, um, corn syrup.
I I have never tried it.
I don't really find it unnecessary because I feel like they look more realistic if they're not super shiny, Um, and they kind of tend to dry out.
And then I think maybe they last longer.
I don't know.
Not a food scientist just telling you what I think.
All right.
So that little beautiful pair look how gorgeous it is for the oranges.
I am just going to do a nice, thick coat of orange and you'll notice that's when your texture really starts to pop out more.
Okay, but, Nana, But, Nina So I'm gonna do some yellow awash.
They call it in watercolor world, and then I'm gonna dab a tiny bit of green, and hopefully it's not too much.
Could be really Jack and myself up here.
No, it's okay, Mr Lemon.
Last ones are my apples.
So for the Macintosh, let's just go extra red and then a touch of yellow.
Yeah, that's nice.
Very subtle.
And you can do multiple layers to again.
Just like watercolor.
Um, you can go back after it dries and add more colors if you want.
I think for the green apples, I actually painted them yellow because the food, color and green is kind of a bluish green, which is not actually the color of the greatest with apple Goofy gear.
Also want to do a little bit of a pink Blash.
Oh, my God.
Maybe ever did that one a little bit.
What are their fruits?
Should I make I'm going crazy.
I'm just kidding.
I'm not gonna do any more right now, but maybe this would be a fun thing to revisit, Um, for like, a community video.
And I could just goof around and make some more fruit, so I don't know, um let me know what you think about that?
Thanks for watching.
Oh, should I eat one?
Tastes like green.
The caraway seed is actually nice in there.
Like I said, the instructions and all the measurements, The stuff on my web site.
I could not come.
Um, See you later.