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  • DA-CHENG JUAN: Neural networks have

  • emerged as an effective and promising approach

  • to many machine learning tasks including

  • computer vision, language understanding,

  • or classification in general.

  • In this video series, we are going

  • to introduce a new learning framework

  • to you called neural structured learning, which

  • enables neural nets to learn with structured signals

  • for improving model quality and robustness.

  • I am Da-Cheng, and I'm going to be your guide.

  • You do not need to know a lot to get started,

  • and we will be coding with Python language.

  • Don't worry you have never used it.

  • It's simple to understand, and you will

  • be up and running in no time.

  • So let's get started with a simple example.

  • Consider you are creating a neural network to classify

  • an image into a cat or a dog.

  • Like this figure shows, the image

  • is fed into the neural net, activating neurons layer

  • by layer, forming several activation

  • path that determine this image to be

  • classified as a cat or a dog.

  • Seems pretty straightforward, isn't it?

  • What if I tell you there are other similar images related

  • to this input image?

  • That is, there there's actually a structure,

  • for example, a graph representing the similarity

  • among all these images.

  • And as you can see, all these images are English bulldogs.

  • So is it possible that we can make a neural net learn better

  • with the whole structure in addition

  • to just using one image?

  • And the answer is yes through neural

  • structured learning framework.

  • Neural structured learning jointly

  • optimizes simple features and the structured signals

  • existed among samples in order to learn a better neural net.

  • Specifically, we now have two types

  • of input for a neural net.

  • The first input is the features of a training sample,

  • for example, the pixels of an image.

  • And a second input is the structure,

  • for example, the graph representing

  • the similarity among samples.

  • Both the features and the structure

  • will be fed into a neural net for training.

  • You may now have a question.

  • We know in a neural net the input features

  • are used to activate the neurons layer by layer

  • for making a classification.

  • But how do we use the structure to help a neuron net learn?

  • The structure is used to regularize the training

  • of a neural network.

  • Don't worry if you are not familiar with this concept.

  • We are going to provide more details to you

  • about this whole training process.

  • Are you ready?

  • First, each training sample is augmented

  • to include its neighbor information from a given

  • structure, specifically the neighbor information here

  • refers to the features of a neighbor.

  • So we get a new training batch where

  • both the original training samples and their neighbors

  • are included.

  • Next, both the training sample and its neighbors

  • are fed into the neural net.

  • After the training sample is fed into the neural net,

  • its features activate different neurons layer by layer,

  • forming and embedding representation for this sample.

  • If you're not familiar with the concept of embedding layers,

  • just think of it as a new representation

  • formed by the second to last layer of a neural net.

  • The neighbor is processed in the same way.

  • So we will have an embedding representation for the neighbor

  • as well.

  • Then the difference between the samples embedding

  • and its neighbors embedding is calculated and added

  • into the final loss as a regularization term.

  • So what is the intuition here?

  • By adding this regularization term,

  • the neural network learns to keep

  • the similarity between a sample and its neighbor.

  • In other words, the neural net learns

  • to maintain the local structure of a sample

  • and its neighborhood.

  • By leveraging these structured signals,

  • neural nets can learn with last label data

  • and also be more robust.

  • We also provide several hands-on tutorial

  • to guide you step by step how to use the neural structured

  • learning framework.

  • In a next video of these series, we

  • will take what you have learned and apply that

  • to a language understanding problem,

  • classifying the topic of a document.

  • You will find a tutorial for that in the description below

  • as well as more information on getting

  • started with neural structured learning.

DA-CHENG JUAN: Neural networks have


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B2 中高級

神經結構化學習--第1部分。框架概述 (Neural Structured Learning - Part 1: Framework overview)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日