字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 (happy music) 大家好 - Hi, everybody! 今天我們要做美味的海鮮湯 Today, we are going to make delicious seafood stew. 用什麼做呢? Made with what? 螃蟹! Crabs! 韓國的螃蟹 Korean crabs. 你看 Here you go! 這是韓國的螃蟹 This is Korean crabs, kkotge. 我們叫這個꽃게 We call this kkotge. 꽃게 Kkotge. 好可愛的名字 Isn't it a cute name? 今天我要做韓式螃蟹湯 꽃게탕 Today, I'm going to make Korean crab stew, kkotgetang. 新鮮的蟹好鮮美 Fresh crabs are so tasty. 但是在美國我找不到新鮮的花蟹 But you know, in America, I can't find fresh flower crabs. 所以我在韓國超市買了這個 So I just got this from a Korean grocery store. 已經清理好了冷凍的 They're all cleaned and frozen. 我放在冰箱裡解凍 I thawed this out in the fridge. 可能你們對藍蟹比較熟悉 Probably you guys are more familiar with blue crabs 畢竟在美國 because in America, all the crabs, 藍蟹是最常見易得的品種 are like easily, you can get blue crabs. 問題是藍蟹的外殼太堅硬了 The problem is that blue crab shells are too hard, 韓國的螃蟹的外殼比較軟 but Korean crabs are softer. 也比較多肉 Very meaty inside them, 很多很多肉 lots and lots of meat, 而且很便宜 and price is so cheap. 這裡超過一磅的蟹 只需$4.99 for just more than one pound, it is only $4.99. 你可以做四人份的 You can make for four people, four servings. 我想找一件衣服配合今天的主題 I try to find my T-shirt to match with today's theme! 這龍蝦算是螃蟹的表親吧 (笑) These guys are cousins of crabs. 我先把它們放回冰箱 I'm going to put these guys back into my fridge 準備料理的時候再取出來 until I'm ready to cook this. 首先 我要先做飯 First, I'm going to make rice. 白花花蓬鬆鬆的飯 White, fluffy rice today. 第一遍洗的水 不能要 First, milky water, I will throw away. 第二遍 Second one. 這些水我留著做湯 I'll just reserve this water to make this kkotgetang. 放一些水在這 Put some water here. 我讓它就這樣浸著 大概十到二十分鐘 So I'm going to let it soak, maybe 10 or 20 minutes, 然後再開火煮飯 and then I will just start making rice. 在等的同時 我們來做湯 Meanwhile, let's make stew. 我們需要三到三杯半的水 We need around three or three and a half cups of water. 我經常用洗米水做螃蟹湯 When I make kkotgetang, I always use the milky water, 但是你也可以不用 but you don't have to. 清水就可以了 You can use just plain clear water. 再一點點 我們用三杯半 Just a little more, three and a half cups, let's use. 這是鯷魚乾 These are dried anchovies. 你也可以不用 Dried anchovies are optional. 如果你沒有的話 If you don't have, just skip it. 湯依然會很鮮甜的 Still delicious, because delicious stuff 因為有螃蟹 is coming from crabs. 如果你要加鯷魚的話,七隻就可以了 But if you add more, seven anchovies added, 會更美味的 it'll be more tasty. 這是鯷魚濾包 This is an anchovy bag, 韓國超市也有賣的 sold also at a Korean grocery store. 我把鯷魚放在這個濾包裡面 I will just keep these anchovies inside of this bag. 如果你沒有的話 Anchovy bags, but if you don't have, 也可以直接放在湯裡 just put it there. 最後記得七隻鯷魚乾要拿出來 Later remember, seven anchovies, take it out. 我們把內臟去掉 Let's remove the inside. 還有頭 你看這裡 head, and see? here. 這個黑色的部分是腸子 It's a kind of black stuff, this is intestine. 把它們放進包裡 I'm going to add here, put it here. 你看我做菜的時候 You guys are following my recipes, 常常用這個鯷魚乾 you saw me use, a lot of times, dried anchovies 做美味的高湯 to make a stock delicious, right? 開始你可能覺得很滿恐怖的 At the beginning, probably you were scared, you know? “怎麼清理這個呢” "How can I remove this?" 但是現在你們知道其實很簡單 But now, many of you guys know very easily, “清理腸子真輕鬆” "I'm good at removing guts!" 我們把這些全部放進包裡 So I'll put these all in this bag. 然後這樣封起來 And then, cover, like this 就不會掉出來啦 so that it's secure, 放進去 and put it inside. 然後我們要加一些蘿蔔 Next, we are going to add some radish. 我已經洗淨削皮了 I already washed and peeled. 白蘿蔔是做螃蟹湯必不可少的 When you make kkotgetang, you need radish. 只需一點 四到五盎司 Just a little bit, four or five ounces. 切薄片 And cut thinly. 可以入口的薄片 Slice into bite-size pieces. 加入這裡 Add this here. 然後我們要加韓式豆醬 And then, we are going to add doenjang, 大概兩湯匙 Korean fermented bean paste, around two tablespoons. 然後韓式辣醬 一湯匙 And this is hot pepper paste, gochujang, one tablespoon. 我們把它煮開 And then, let's boil. 中火 Medium heat. 煮二十分鐘 I'll just boil for 20 minutes, 然後再加螃蟹和蔬菜 and then I will add crabs and vegetables. 櫛瓜 大概四盎司 Zucchini, around 4 ounce of zucchini. 只需要一點 Just a little bit, because zucchini 櫛瓜在這個湯裡很好吃 is very tasty when you make this stew. 還有蔥 And this green onion. 一隻青辣椒 Just one green chile pepper. 你一定要用青辣椒 Green chili pepper, you have to use. 會給湯增加風味 It gives a really good flavor. 還有洋蔥 一個小的洋蔥 And onion, one small onion. 四瓣蒜 要大瓣的 Four large cloves of garlic. 蒜 Garlic. 你看到蒸氣了嗎? You see the steam? 好香啊 Really good smell! 哇 Wow! 蘿蔔可以再煮一下 The radish is not cooked yet. 我們把火調小 I'm going to lower the heat to low. 我們來處理螃蟹 So let's take care of our crabs. 它們都已經清理乾淨了 但是我們要進一步清理 They're all cleaned, but we still need to clean more. 還有一點冰 Still a little frozen. 幾個小時前 A couple of hours ago, 我把它們從冷凍拿出來放進了冰箱 I transferred this from the freezer. 你看 And you see... 看這個 look at this. 這一部分我們要去掉 像這樣 This part, we usually cut it off, like this. 然後把它切成一口的大小 And then, just bite-size pieces, like this. 尾端這裡 Tip of this. 我也經常料理貝類 I also always use shells, large shells, 每一次都要把尾端去掉 Everything I use, but always cut off the tip. 因為料理之後,尾端不美觀 Because after making, this tip doesn't look good. 所以你要清理乾淨 So you need to clean up. 我們稍稍沖洗一下 We are going to wash, rinse just quickly, 因為這個已經清理過了 because it's already clean. 我不想洗太多次 I don't want to wash many, many times. 因為不想把鮮味都洗掉了 Because, in case of that, all deliciousness stuff is gone. 再一次 And one more time. 我們看看這個 Let's open this. 有一點半透明 a little translucent, 再煮一下 so we are going to cook longer. 把鯷魚乾拿出來 And just let's take it out, these anchovies. 然後這些蔬菜 And then, these vegetables. 蔬菜和蒜 Vegetables and garlic. 加大到中高火 And turn up to a medium-high heat. 把蟹加進去 Add these crabs. 蓋子蓋上 Close the lid. 用中高火 Cook this over medium-high heat 直到把蟹煮熟 until all the crabs are well cooked, 蘿蔔變得透明 radish looks translucent, 湯非常鮮美 the stew, the soup is very, very tasty. 現在可以開始煮飯了 Now it's time to make rice. 煮開了 攪拌一下 把火調小 Rice is boiling over, and stir this and lower the heat. 這湯 太驚人了 The soup is... wow! 很香 It smells really good. 太香了 Kkotgetang smells so good. 這是真正的螃蟹湯的味道 This smell's a real kkotgetang smell! 如果煮沸了 拿濕布擦乾淨 Use a wet towel to always clean. 我要把火調小 I'm going to turn down the heat. 大概十五分鐘 So 15 minutes. 我要煮 15 minutes, I'm going to cook. 一共三十五分鐘 A total of 35 minutes. 我們準備一些紅辣椒 Let's prepare some red chili pepper 和茼蒿 and Chrysanthemum greens. 韓文叫쑥갓 很香 It's called ssukgat in Korean, really fragrant. 這兩樣 我們最後放 I'll just add this in the last minute, these two guys 因為它們顏色鮮豔 because they're colorful. 全部都可以吃的 梗的部分也很美味 You can eat it all, this stem part is also really tasty, 當你做韓式包飯的時候 and when you make ssam wraps, 生菜包飯加包飯醬 lettuce wraps with ssamjang, 這個整個吃下去 you eat whole this thing. 好吃 我很喜歡 Really tasty, I love that. 這些是我做的一些拌菜 Then I'm going to show you my side dishes that I made. 這是茄子 This is eggplant. 開飯囉 So it's time to eat. 這是黃瓜 And this is cucumber. 這是장조림 滷牛肉 And this is jangjorim, braised beef brisket. 飯好了 The rice is done. 關火 Turn off. 我的飯! My rice! 然後這個湯 And then the stew. 一小勺韓式辣椒粉 Just one teaspoon. 和這個 And this. 完成了! That's it! 哇! Ooh, wow! 味道真好 Very flavorful. 有豆醬古樸的風味 Earthy, because we added soybean paste. 還有辣味 And spicy. 然後螃蟹的鮮甜 And from the crab, really delicious sweet stuff coming out. 這蘿蔔 我喜歡 And this radish, I like to eat the radish. 我家裡的冰箱 Radish, I always have some 必備的就是白蘿蔔 in the corner of my refrigerator. 每次做湯我要用蘿蔔 Any kind of stock I'm making, I just add. 飯 Rice. 好燙! Hot! 一點辣 一點甜 一點鮮 A little spicy, sweet, and savory. 螃蟹的味道 很好吃 A little crabby, and tasty. 怎麼吃這個螃蟹呢 So how you can eat. 你可以拿著這端 這邊有肉 You can grab this, and there's some meat here. 韓國的花蟹殼比較軟 This kkotge, flower crabs, the shells are softer. 肉很容易就可以吸出來 我會示範一下 You can suck the meat easily, and I'll show you how to eat it. 像這樣 Like this. 用你的牙齒 With your teeth. 這個小東西 我不知道裡面有多少肉 And this small guy, I don't know how much meat is inside. 還有湯 And soup. 很好喝 Really delicious. 泡菜 Kimchi. 全部都是我新鮮做的 I made all freshly made. 所以才那麼好吃 That's why it's tasty. 這絕對不是第一次去約會你要吃的食物 Definitely, this is not for the first-time date food. 你能想像嗎? Can you imagine? 第一次見面 他或她看到你的吃相 Suddenly, once he or she sees this, like this. 還是留到你們彼此熟悉了 Later, when you get to know him or her better, 就不用擔心這個了 you don't have to worry about it. 今天我們做了韓式螃蟹湯 Today, we made kkotgetang, Korean crab stew. 希望你喜歡 Enjoy my recipe. 下次見 See you next time! Bye! Bye! (happy music)
B2 中高級 中文 螃蟹 韓式 清理 韓國 鯷魚 冰箱 韓國燉蟹 (Kkotgetang: 꽃게탕) (Korean crab stew (Kkotgetang: 꽃게탕)) 20 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字