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  • Did you know that your Myers-Briggs personality type can seriously affect your marriage and

  • personal relationships, not to mention your career? Are you an INFP? An ESTJ? Iím Rena

  • Hedeman, professional certified coach, and in this video Iím going to tell you about

  • the four key sides of your personality based on the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator

  • Test, and how knowing and understanding your OWN type can seriously boost your success

  • and fulfillment in your close relationships and your career. Have you ever argued with

  • your honey about what you want to do on a Saturday night? One of you wants to go to

  • that big party but the other just wants to chill out, just the two of you? Or on a weekend

  • morning, one of you makes a to-do list and a schedule, while the other prefers to take

  • the day as it comes and be more spontaneous? Or at work, maybe youíre super detail-oriented

  • and organized so it drives you crazy that your colleague isnít? As much as we often

  • get frustrated with others in our lives who donít think the same way we do - as much

  • as weíd like to think weíre ìrightî ñ the truth is our personality types are just

  • different! I have no affiliation with Myers-Briggs or anything ñ Iíve just studied it extensively

  • as a career and life coach. I first took the test 17 years ago, and it has helped me enormously

  • in my marriage and in various jobs and rolesve played including business owner, mother,

  • daughter, sister, friend, you name it. You see, it measures how we think, make decisions,

  • and relate to people and situations around us. Iím going to give you a quick overview

  • and tell you how you can find out your unique four-letter type. There are four main facets

  • ñ or quadrants ñ of the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator, which is based on psychological

  • theories developed first by Carl Jung. The first quadrant is Extrovert-Introvert, the

  • second is Sensing-Intuition, the third is Thinking-Feeling, and the fourth is Judging-Perceiving.

  • Now if youíre not familiar with these terms ñ and even if you are ñ the names used here

  • are pretty misleading and unclear if you ask me. Butll explain what theyíre all about.

  • And at the risk of getting too personal, Iíll tell you my personality type and my husbandís,

  • and how knowing our types has really helped us have better communication, mutual understanding,

  • and a solid marriage for almost 17 years. Ok, Iím an ENFJ. That stands for Extrovert,

  • Intuition, Feeling, Judging ñ well you obviously know what extrovert and feeling mean, but

  • the words Intuition and Judging donít mean what they sound like at all - well I mean

  • at least for this test. But letís look at Introvert-Extrovert first. This is not the

  • same thing as being shy vs self-confident, as many people incorrectly assume. Itís about

  • how you get your energy and how you like to focus your attention. Being an extrovert,

  • I really like being around a lot of people and activity. Thatís not to say I donít

  • need my alone time too sometimes, but I recharge my batteries by interacting with people and

  • sharing ideas. My husband, on the other hand, is an introvert ñ and although heís totally

  • fine with going to parties and being with a large group of friends, that does not recharge

  • his batteries. What does is being alone or with one other person, reading quietly, or

  • listening to music. So on a Saturday night, Iíd be psyched to go to a party ñ I love

  • seeing my friends and meeting new people. I find it so interesting and stimulating to

  • get to know them and learn what their passions are. It energizes me! My husband, on the other

  • hand, in that particular situation prefers to have long conversations with just one or

  • two people the entire evening. But his first choice for the evening would probably be to

  • go out for dinner or a movie just the two of us instead. So does that mean heís anti-social

  • and Iím shallow or superficial? Absolutely not! It simply means weíre wired differently!

  • We recharge our batteries differently. So, knowing this, we try to support each otherís

  • needs and make sure we keep a balance of both in our lives together. The second quadrant

  • is Sensing-Intuition. Pay no attention to those words because as I said before, theyíre

  • really not good descriptions at all. This quadrant is important because itís how we

  • communicate, and approach the world around us. People who are sensing tend to be very

  • detail-oriented, organized, and to the Intuitive type, they might even seem like control freaks.

  • Intuitive types tend to prefer to look at the big picture; theyíre more conceptual

  • in how they look at things. If you asked a ìSensingî person where the restroom is,

  • for example, they'll give you very detailed directions like "you see that green door? Well

  • go a few steps past that, then take a left, about 20 feet down the hall you'll find it,

  • 3rd door on the right." The ìIntuitiveî person will say ìturn left over there and itís

  • on your rightWhen I was younger it used to really bug me when my dad would give me

  • directions anywhere because they were so detailed! I swear, heíd say things like ìafter the

  • stop sign, youíll pass three rose bushes on your right, then you go exactly 5/8 of

  • a mile and youíll see a sign that says ëchildren at playí and thenÖ.î I mean obviously Iím

  • exaggerating but you get the picture! Clearly my dad is Sensing and I am Intuition ñ I

  • am definitely more of a big-picture thinker and communicator! The third quadrant is Thinking-Feeling

  • ñ these words are pretty self-evident. It relates to how we perceive the world and how

  • we make decisions. Thinkers prefer to make decisions based on facts, reason and logical

  • analysis. Feelers, on the other hand, like to make decisions based on their values and

  • what personally feels right to them deep down inside - they tend to trust their gut. The

  • fourth quadrant is Judging-Perceiving, another one where the words seem to make no sense

  • ñ it has nothing to do with being judgmental or perceptive. In a nutshell, a judging person

  • prefers to plan and schedule things out ñ they like structure and organization, they

  • love to-do lists. They donít feel comfortable last-minute changes or surprises, and they

  • feel satisfied when they complete tasks. A Perceiver, on the other hand, likes to takes

  • things as they come, you know, go with the flow. They prefer to leave things open-ended

  • and flexible, and they get satisfaction from having many options available to them. Several

  • of my friends tell me they often clash with their spouse on weekends because one of them

  • is a planner and wants to schedule out their day, whereas the other wants to have no plan

  • and leave their options wide open. Neither one is ìrightî or ìwrongî ñ each is just

  • a different way of approaching our life experience. Most of us tend to be a little of both, in

  • each of the four quadrants, but we all usually feel more comfortable using one style over

  • the other. Knowing how you tend to operate in each of these four areas and being aware

  • of your preferences can really help you seek out job situations that are more suitable

  • for you - and communicate better in relationships for more mutual support and understanding.

  • So you want to know what your Myers Briggs personality type is? Or maybe youíve already

  • taken the test but want to know how to interpret your combo of letters to see what career is

  • best suited for you or how to communicate better? I donít normally say this publicly,

  • but send me an email and Iíd be happy to share my resources for free. You can email

  • me through my website ñ you can see it below. If you found this

  • video helpful or interesting, please subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking on the subscribe

  • button down there ñ oh and while youíre at it, hit the thumbs up button too! And if

  • you have a question, put it in the comments below, and I promise to answer it. Thanks

  • for watching RenaTV, for women ready to discover and design whatís next!

Did you know that your Myers-Briggs personality type can seriously affect your marriage and


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邁爾斯-布里格斯性格測試 (Myers-Briggs Personality Test)

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    Penny 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日