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Did you know that your Myers-Briggs personality type can seriously affect your marriage and
personal relationships, not to mention your career? Are you an INFP? An ESTJ? Iím Rena
Hedeman, professional certified coach, and in this video Iím going to tell you about
the four key sides of your personality based on the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator
Test, and how knowing and understanding your OWN type can seriously boost your success
and fulfillment in your close relationships and your career. Have you ever argued with
your honey about what you want to do on a Saturday night? One of you wants to go to
that big party but the other just wants to chill out, just the two of you? Or on a weekend
morning, one of you makes a to-do list and a schedule, while the other prefers to take
the day as it comes and be more spontaneous? Or at work, maybe youíre super detail-oriented
and organized so it drives you crazy that your colleague isnít? As much as we often
get frustrated with others in our lives who donít think the same way we do - as much
as weíd like to think weíre ìrightî ñ the truth is our personality types are just
different! I have no affiliation with Myers-Briggs or anything ñ Iíve just studied it extensively
as a career and life coach. I first took the test 17 years ago, and it has helped me enormously
in my marriage and in various jobs and roles Iíve played including business owner, mother,
daughter, sister, friend, you name it. You see, it measures how we think, make decisions,
and relate to people and situations around us. Iím going to give you a quick overview
and tell you how you can find out your unique four-letter type. There are four main facets
ñ or quadrants ñ of the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator, which is based on psychological
theories developed first by Carl Jung. The first quadrant is Extrovert-Introvert, the
second is Sensing-Intuition, the third is Thinking-Feeling, and the fourth is Judging-Perceiving.
Now if youíre not familiar with these terms ñ and even if you are ñ the names used here
are pretty misleading and unclear if you ask me. But Iíll explain what theyíre all about.
And at the risk of getting too personal, Iíll tell you my personality type and my husbandís,
and how knowing our types has really helped us have better communication, mutual understanding,
and a solid marriage for almost 17 years. Ok, Iím an ENFJ. That stands for Extrovert,
Intuition, Feeling, Judging ñ well you obviously know what extrovert and feeling mean, but
the words Intuition and Judging donít mean what they sound like at all - well I mean
at least for this test. But letís look at Introvert-Extrovert first. This is not the
same thing as being shy vs self-confident, as many people incorrectly assume. Itís about
how you get your energy and how you like to focus your attention. Being an extrovert,
I really like being around a lot of people and activity. Thatís not to say I donít
need my alone time too sometimes, but I recharge my batteries by interacting with people and
sharing ideas. My husband, on the other hand, is an introvert ñ and although heís totally
fine with going to parties and being with a large group of friends, that does not recharge
his batteries. What does is being alone or with one other person, reading quietly, or
listening to music. So on a Saturday night, Iíd be psyched to go to a party ñ I love
seeing my friends and meeting new people. I find it so interesting and stimulating to
get to know them and learn what their passions are. It energizes me! My husband, on the other
hand, in that particular situation prefers to have long conversations with just one or
two people the entire evening. But his first choice for the evening would probably be to
go out for dinner or a movie just the two of us instead. So does that mean heís anti-social
and Iím shallow or superficial? Absolutely not! It simply means weíre wired differently!
We recharge our batteries differently. So, knowing this, we try to support each otherís
needs and make sure we keep a balance of both in our lives together. The second quadrant
is Sensing-Intuition. Pay no attention to those words because as I said before, theyíre
really not good descriptions at all. This quadrant is important because itís how we
communicate, and approach the world around us. People who are sensing tend to be very
detail-oriented, organized, and to the Intuitive type, they might even seem like control freaks.
Intuitive types tend to prefer to look at the big picture; theyíre more conceptual
in how they look at things. If you asked a ìSensingî person where the restroom is,
for example, they'll give you very detailed directions like "you see that green door? Well
go a few steps past that, then take a left, about 20 feet down the hall you'll find it,
3rd door on the right." The ìIntuitiveî person will say ìturn left over there and itís
on your right.î When I was younger it used to really bug me when my dad would give me
directions anywhere because they were so detailed! I swear, heíd say things like ìafter the
stop sign, youíll pass three rose bushes on your right, then you go exactly 5/8 of
a mile and youíll see a sign that says ëchildren at playí and thenÖ.î I mean obviously Iím
exaggerating but you get the picture! Clearly my dad is Sensing and I am Intuition ñ I
am definitely more of a big-picture thinker and communicator! The third quadrant is Thinking-Feeling
ñ these words are pretty self-evident. It relates to how we perceive the world and how
we make decisions. Thinkers prefer to make decisions based on facts, reason and logical
analysis. Feelers, on the other hand, like to make decisions based on their values and
what personally feels right to them deep down inside - they tend to trust their gut. The
fourth quadrant is Judging-Perceiving, another one where the words seem to make no sense
ñ it has nothing to do with being judgmental or perceptive. In a nutshell, a judging person
prefers to plan and schedule things out ñ they like structure and organization, they
love to-do lists. They donít feel comfortable last-minute changes or surprises, and they
feel satisfied when they complete tasks. A Perceiver, on the other hand, likes to takes
things as they come, you know, go with the flow. They prefer to leave things open-ended
and flexible, and they get satisfaction from having many options available to them. Several
of my friends tell me they often clash with their spouse on weekends because one of them
is a planner and wants to schedule out their day, whereas the other wants to have no plan
and leave their options wide open. Neither one is ìrightî or ìwrongî ñ each is just
a different way of approaching our life experience. Most of us tend to be a little of both, in
each of the four quadrants, but we all usually feel more comfortable using one style over
the other. Knowing how you tend to operate in each of these four areas and being aware
of your preferences can really help you seek out job situations that are more suitable
for you - and communicate better in relationships for more mutual support and understanding.
So you want to know what your Myers Briggs personality type is? Or maybe youíve already
taken the test but want to know how to interpret your combo of letters to see what career is
best suited for you or how to communicate better? I donít normally say this publicly,
but send me an email and Iíd be happy to share my resources for free. You can email
me through my website www.renahedeman.com ñ you can see it below. If you found this
video helpful or interesting, please subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking on the subscribe
button down there ñ oh and while youíre at it, hit the thumbs up button too! And if
you have a question, put it in the comments below, and I promise to answer it. Thanks
for watching RenaTV, for women ready to discover and design whatís next!