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  • Hi, my name is Ethan Bensdorf, and I'm a

  • trumpet player with the New York

  • Philharmonic.

  • So I started playing the trumpet when I

  • was ten years old. I took a class at the

  • Interlochen Arts Camp my first summer

  • there, and it was called "Instrument

  • Exploration," and every day we tried a

  • different instrument, and when we got to

  • the trumpet, it was kind of, I guess,

  • an immediate love affair.

  • I grew up in Chicago, just outside of

  • Chicago, and my parents would drag me to

  • Chicago Symphony concerts. So I grew

  • up listening to the legendary "Bud" Herseth,

  • who was the principal trumpet of the Chicago

  • Symphony for 50-plus years. I remember

  • immediately being drawn to his sound.

  • I attended the Northwestern University

  • School of Music. I was there at the same

  • time as Matt Muckey, who is the Associate

  • Principal Trumpet here in the New York

  • Philharmonic. Who would have thought

  • while we were in school that we would be

  • colleagues someday. And now, with the

  • addition of Chris Martin, he also

  • studied with the same teachers as Matt

  • and I. It's very cool to be in the same

  • section with people who have the same

  • sound concept, just the same idea of what

  • it's like to play the trumpet.

  • Chris just got here not too long

  • ago, and it's been an immediate click

  • from the beginning. The principal trumpet,

  • it's his or her job to kind of create

  • the mold of the sound of what the

  • section should fit into. And the section

  • is, the section's job to fit into the mold.

  • I play a lot of second trumpet, and

  • so it's my job really to make the first

  • trumpet sound good. So it's my goal every

  • year to kind of win the Best Supporting

  • Actor award. I do have a cute dog. I have a

  • five-year-old Vizsla. She's great. I take

  • her on runs. I take her to the park.

  • I've never been a dog person before I

  • got her. I grew up with cats.

  • I had a really, really fat cat. His name was

  • Tigger, and he weighed about 40 pounds,

  • and my uncle nicknamed him "Speed Bump,"

  • because he would just sit in the

  • middle of the floor, and people would trip over him.

  • Two memorable concerts come to mind;

  • the first one is Maestro Lorin Maazel's

  • final concert at Lincoln Center with the New

  • York Philharmonic as Music Director.

  • We did Mahler 8 — epic, epic symphony.

  • Another one was when we did Mahler 2 live on TV

  • for the ten-year anniversary of 9/11.

  • I've never felt the energy quite like

  • there was that night, on that concert, in the

  • Orchestra. The emotion was so high, and we

  • all just came together and elevated

  • everything. Everything was on another

  • level that I had never experienced before,

  • and you know the context of the piece,

  • and also the context of the event, and

  • the fact that we are live on TV. All

  • of these things were just like elevating

  • the entire Orchestra, and Alan Gilbert

  • included, the whole thing was just so

  • memorable and so emotional.

Hi, my name is Ethan Bensdorf, and I'm a


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在封面上。伊桑-本斯多夫問答 (On the Cover: Ethan Bensdorf Q&A)

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