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  • Welcome back everyone

  • This is minoo at Anglo-link and this is now the fourth video in our

  • learning the tenses series

  • As I've said before if you haven't seen the previous videos you may want to go and watch them first

  • in this fourth video

  • I'm going to explain the differences between the present perfect

  • "I have done" and the past simple "I did"

  • When you're ready, we'll get started

  • Right

  • Present perfect and past simple

  • Let's look at formulation first

  • You remember from the previous video that the present perfect is

  • formulated with the verb have and the past participle of the main verb

  • I have played tennis

  • You have played tennis

  • He/She has played

  • We, you and they have played

  • Now let's look at past simple

  • Past simple there are two types of verbs

  • regular verbs and

  • irregular verbs

  • For regular verbs you simply add "ed" to the end of the infinitive for example:

  • I played tennis

  • and it's the same form for all pronouns

  • I played

  • You played

  • He/She played

  • We, you and they played

  • For irregular verbs you would have to go and learn the form from a list you can go to our website

  • where you will find a list of the most common irregular verbs

  • Which you will have to memorize

  • That's all for formulation. Let's move on to usage

  • Right

  • Recap on the usage of present perfect which we looked at in the previous video

  • Action that is complete at the time of speaking

  • Examples were:

  • I've studied three sections until now

  • I've already done half of the exercises

  • He has driven 500 kilometers so far

  • Let's look at the past simple

  • Past simple is similar to present perfect

  • in that it also refers to a completed action in the past

  • But this time there is a clear reference to the specific time of the action in the past

  • Let's look at the examples

  • First example:

  • I've studied three sections until now

  • The action is complete, but we don't know when

  • If we add "the when element" if we specify the time in the past

  • the tense changes to past simple

  • Let's watch the change

  • I studied three sections last night

  • Let's look at the second example

  • I've already done half of the exercises

  • Let's add a specific time in the past

  • and the verb changes to

  • I did half of the exercises before lunch

  • and our final example:

  • He has driven 500 kilometers so far

  • Let's add the specific time in the past and watch the change from present perfect to past

  • simple

  • He drove 500 kilometers yesterday

  • Let's look at the timelines for a better picture of the differences

  • Here's the present perfect

  • that you saw in the previous video

  • an action in the past

  • completed at some point

  • We don't know when or we don't care to mention when

  • the action is complete

  • at the time of speaking

  • Now

  • if we mentioned that specific time in the past if it fits out past time we

  • we must change to past

  • simple

  • Action completed at a specific time in the past

  • There is no longer any connection with now

  • For example:

  • yesterday

  • two weeks ago

  • when I was 10

  • ETC

  • Let's look at some common mistakes

  • The most common mistake is using the present perfect

  • Instead of the past simple

  • for example saying something like

  • We have bought this car two months ago

  • Because we are mentioning a specific time in the past

  • Two months ago

  • We should use the past simple

  • We bought this car two months ago

  • another example

  • I have slept well last night

  • Once again last night refers to a specific time in the past

  • so we need to use the past simple

  • I slept well last night

  • Another example

  • She has met him when she was at college

  • Again when she was at College

  • refers to a specific period of time in the past

  • and therefore, we should use past simple

  • She met him when she was at College

  • The mistake can be made the other way around

  • Using the past simple where present perfect is required

  • For example:

  • I already called him

  • Already means sometime in the past

  • until now

  • it's not specific

  • Therefore we should use

  • The present perfect

  • I have already called him

  • I must point out that

  • I already called him is some time is acceptable in American English

  • Let's look at two other examples

  • Where the past tense is used

  • She just came back you might hear this especially in America

  • but really the correct tense is

  • she has just come back

  • because just

  • Doesn't refer to a specific time in the past

  • It tells us that the action is complete

  • Not a long time ago

  • And let's look at our last example

  • Prices went up this month

  • This month is not a reference in the past

  • the month continues, it's a present time

  • It means until now in this month, so we should use the present perfect

  • Prices have gone up this month

  • Well, that's all for this video. I hope you've enjoyed watching it

  • As you know you can now go to our website to read the explanations and do the exercises

  • to review this point

  • Thank you for watching I'll see you in the next video. Bye now

Welcome back everyone


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A2 初級

現在完成時與過去簡單時 - 學習英語時態(第4課)。 (Present Perfect vs Past Simple - Learn English Tenses (Lesson 4))

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