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  • - Hey everyone, it's Natasha of

  • and this is ...

  • - Svetlana Khochay!

  • (laughs)

  • - Fancy Pants Hair.

  • - That's me.

  • - Today we are doing something totally different,

  • because we are celebrating 600,000 subscribers.

  • (upbeat music)

  • 600,000.

  • - That's enough.

  • - I'm really excited.

  • So what are we doing?

  • - We are gonna play

  • you laugh, you lose.

  • You were supposed to say that with me.

  • And we would love for you guys to play along with us.

  • In the highly unlikely case that you beat our score,

  • let us know in the comments below,

  • and let us know which jokes made you laugh the hardest.

  • - Let's get started. - All right, ready?

  • Rock, paper, scissors.

  • Rock, paper, scissors.

  • Oooh. - Oooh.

  • - Come on.

  • Oh, one more thing, stay tuned

  • because at the end, there's gonna be

  • an epic punishment for the loser.

  • - And we want you all to play along with us,

  • and keep track of your score.

  • Let us know in the comments which ones make you laugh.

  • - Mm-hmm.

  • All right, you ready?

  • - Yes.

  • - I ordered 2000lbs of Chinese soup.

  • It was a won-ton.

  • - That was good.

  • - [Svetlana] Good.

  • - What did the excited gardener do when spring finally came?

  • - What'd he do?

  • - He wet his plants.

  • (both laugh)

  • - That's so good!

  • - We both lose.

  • - Oh, man. - We both lost.

  • - Did you see that movie about the hot dog?

  • - No.

  • - It was an Oscar wiener.

  • - That wasn't funny.

  • (Svetlana laughs)

  • - I tried really hard.

  • - What did the sushi say to the bee?

  • Wassa-bee!

  • - That's okay, that's okay.

  • What do you call a bacon wrapped dinosaur?

  • - I didn't expect her eyes to be crossed.

  • - Jurassic pork.

  • - That was a good effort.

  • I have six mouths, four eyes, and three ears.

  • What am I?

  • - A freak.

  • - Ugly.

  • - What do you call a cow with a twitch?

  • - What?

  • - Beef jerky.

  • Jerky.

  • Beef jerky.

  • - That was a good one.

  • What do you call a mom who never toots in public?

  • - Me.

  • What?

  • A private tooter.

  • - Well played.

  • What did they ask the church chef

  • to put on all of their sandwiches?

  • - What?

  • - Miracle whip.

  • - Hmm.

  • - Is your heart made of stone or something?

  • - Mm-hmm (negative).

  • - Why aren't you laughing?

  • - You heard the rumor going around about butter?

  • - I have not.

  • - Never mind, I shouldn't spread it.

  • - Terrible.

  • (Natasha laughs)

  • I think we need to up the anti.

  • - What are we doing?

  • Wetting our whistle?

  • - That's right, we're gonna fill up our mouths with water,

  • just to make this a little bit more interesting.

  • (Svetlana laughs)

  • You look ridiculous.

  • Two cows were out in the field eating grass,

  • one cow turns to the other cow and says, "Moo!"

  • "Hey," the other cow replies, "I was just about

  • "to say the same thing!"

  • (Svetlana laughs)

  • - All right.

  • That was close.

  • Are you ready?

  • I have to say the joke first.

  • This is gonna be easy. (laughs)

  • (both laugh)

  • I wanna say the joke first.

  • - I think I got too much water.

  • - Okay, do it again.

  • I really wanted to be a vegetarian,

  • but I realized it would be a missed steak.

  • - I don't think that counts.

  • - We're still doing this?

  • - [Svetlana] We're still doing this.

  • - Okay.

  • - Got a good one, it's a good one.

  • Fill her up, all the way to the brim.

  • (both laugh)

  • Don't choke!

  • - (laughing) It's coming out of my nose!

  • (both laugh)

  • - [Svetlana] Okay, here you go.

  • You got something right there.

  • - Okay, try this again.

  • - What did the fried shrimp say to the rice?

  • Don't wok away from me.

  • (both laugh)

  • That was a good one, apparently that was good.

  • - Okay, come on, am I the only one that died on that one?

  • I wonder if anyone out there is beating our score right now.

  • It's my turn.

  • My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot.

  • - This is gonna be bad.

  • - It got so bad I had to take his bike away.

  • (Sveltana laughs)

  • - Oh, man, I can't, I can't, I quit.

  • I'm done, I'm done.

  • - Hold on, hold on.

  • We are at a tie right now,

  • and this is the elimination death match.

  • Double points.

  • - Let's do this.

  • - Loser gets punished.

  • - Oh, man.

  • Okay, all right.

  • A doctor accidentally prescribes his patient

  • a laxative instead of coughing syrup.

  • Three days later, the patient comes back for a checkup,

  • and the doctor says, "Well, are you still coughing?"

  • The patient replies, "No, I'm afraid to."

  • - I get it.

  • Things not looking good for you right now.

  • - Still counts.

  • Did you guys see that?

  • - No, I didn't see. - Did you see that?

  • - No, no, I'm laughing - Did you see that?

  • - at my joke that's coming.

  • Yours is over.

  • - Oh, come on, rewind.

  • - No, no, no, no. - Rewind!

  • - Hold on.

  • - Oh God, I already know what's coming.

  • This is gonna be bad.

  • - Okay. - I don't want it.

  • (Svetlana laughs)

  • Every time I look at your face.

  • What's wrong with your face?

  • - That's not nice.

  • - Okay. - Okay.

  • (laughs) I've got the giggles.

  • - I can't lose, I can't lose.

  • - An old lady at the bank asks me ...

  • (Svetlana scream laughs)

  • (both laugh)

  • Let me say the joke!

  • Okay, this is elimination death match.

  • - I know!

  • - I'd be more serious if I were you.

  • I'm gonna look over there.

  • An old lady at the bank asked me to check her balance,

  • so I pushed her over.

  • Your eye is twitching.

  • (Svetlana laughs)

  • (laughing) That was so bad.

  • That was bad, I'm sorry.

  • (both laugh)

  • That was bad.

  • (both laugh)

  • And the winner is!

  • (bell dings)

  • (both laugh)

  • Okay, I think we need to find out

  • what the punishment is

  • for the loser.

  • Okay so, we happen to have

  • a drawer full serrano peppers,

  • and you might want your water for this.

  • - Oh no.

  • - Because it's gonna get ugly.

  • (laughs)

  • - Can I get some milk to use?

  • - No.

  • - I've actually never had a serrano pepper before.

  • - This is gonna be really good.

  • - Can't be that bad.

  • - Okay.

  • - Not that bad. - Throw it over.

  • All right.

  • Oh, that's a big one.

  • Did you pick the biggest one?

  • Just give it a taste.

  • - Like that, just bite it?

  • - Just bite it.

  • Are you kidding me?

  • Was it not spicy?

  • Oh.

  • What's wrong with you?

  • Oh.

  • You don't have to eat it.

  • Spit it out!

  • Spit it out!

  • - I am a game player.

  • I am gonna suffer the consequences of my loss.

  • - Not me.

  • I didn't lose.

  • Oh, oh, where's my water?

  • Milk, milk, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • (screams) It's in my throat, it's in my throat.

  • It's bad I'm about to spit the milk out.

  • (Svetlana screams)

  • - It's getting worse!

  • - Why did you eat it?

  • - I ate it all!

  • I ate it all!

  • You guys, that gets worse as time goes on.

  • - It does, that's why I'm surprised you swallowed it,

  • because my mouth is on fire.

  • - What's it gonna be like later?

  • (both laugh)

  • - That was good.

  • If you guys enjoyed this video,

  • please give us a thumbs up and make sure to subscribe,

  • and again, thank you guys so, so much for subscribing.

  • 600,000 subscribers.

  • - That's a lot.

  • - It's a lot.

  • Mind blown.

  • Thank you so much for watching,

  • let us know what your scores were in the comments below.

  • Hey, again, don't forget to subscribe

  • to Svetlana's channel, she's Fancy Pants Hair.

  • Because she got fancy pants hair.

  • - And fancy pants.

  • (both laugh)

  • Mostly the hair.

  • - And, if you guys wanna see more hilarious videos,

  • check out one of our funny styling sessions

  • right over there, and our best bloopers right down there.

  • - What, in my pants?

  • - No, just point.

  • - Oh, oh there, farther down.

  • - Farther down, right. - Down.

  • - We'll see you next time.

  • - Bye!

- Hey everyone, it's Natasha of


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B1 中級

你笑你輸+她吃了什麼?(慶祝60萬用戶) (You Laugh, You Lose + She Ate What?! (Celebrating 600k Subscribers))

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日