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  • It's the hospital ship being dispatched to New York Harbor to treat Corona virus patients in the stricken city that may soon be overflowing with patients.

  • The United States Naval Ship Comfort has added.

  • A 1000 bed capacity is staffed by naval doctors and nurses.

  • Special hours air being set aside.

  • It stores across America for the elderly to briefly leave the shelter of their homes to buy food.

  • Victoria Okano is in Los Angeles.

  • We're here in one of the largest supermarkets in Los Angeles, who are among the first to offer early hours for the elderly and those in need.

  • It's part of an effort to allow them access to vital items such as neat.

  • As you can see, there's a crowd here behind me, and this is one of their first stops.

  • But while stores across the nation are closing, gun stores are open and selling weapons in record numbers and fear of social chaos breaking out.

  • There are lines way down the street outside this gun store in L.

  • A backup.

  • First time by I've been wanting to purchase a handgun, and I think now's a good a time as ever.

  • The Corona virus outbreak is now officially nationwide, with cases in all 50 states.

  • West Virginia was the last to fall victim Million's turn to their faith in times of crisis.

  • But there is a disturbing development at a Roman Catholic church in Queens, New York Ah, Eucharistic Minister That's a lay person who distributes Communion has tested positive for Corona virus.

  • He had close contact with hundreds of churchgoers on Ash Wednesday just three weeks ago.

  • Brooklyn Nets basketball star Kevin Durant is among four Nets players who have tested positive.

  • And now questions are being raised about why entire teams like the Nets and the Utah Jazz could be tested when there's a nationwide shortage of test kits.

  • Almost seems like the more wealthy and powerful you are, the more able you're a more able you are to access a test.

  • New York Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted with Hall Due respect test should not be for the wealthy, but for this sick president, Trump was asked about the controversy today.

  • Do the well connected go to the front of the line?

  • Well, that you'd have to ask them that question.

  • They I've read No, I wouldn't say so, but perhaps that's been the story of life.

  • ABC News correspondent Kaylee Hartung is tested positive days after reporting on the Corona virus outbreak in the hot zone area of Seattle.

  • Had that runny nose the next morning, woke up and really was knocked off my feet.

  • I was.

  • I was fatigued.

  • I was not looking forward to getting out of bed.

  • I had a headache just right between the eyes.

  • I was congested.

  • The Today show's Hoda copy was alone at the anchor desk today.

  • Savannah Guthrie, who was feeling unwell, co anchored from home.

  • I'm in my basement right now.

  • Here's what happened.

  • I wasn't feeling my best little sore throats and sniffles.

  • I wouldn't have thought anything of it.

  • But we are in different times, aren't way.

It's the hospital ship being dispatched to New York Harbor to treat Corona virus patients in the stricken city that may soon be overflowing with patients.


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如何 "原地避風"? (How to ‘Shelter in Place’)

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