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  • I'm realizing more and more about why I am

  • the way I am from when I was really little and I could hear my mom and dad

  • Arguing like about money or something

  • I can't talk to them about that because all they want to talk about is how tender the chicken is

  • That's the idea of a deep chat

  • You know every single time we're eating someone who variably comes out of a comment about the tenderness of the meat

  • Mom was depressed and I

  • never really focused on that, but it's

  • Clear that she was and I think that man if I had a problem that it was always a problem too much

  • I know it dad were arguing all the time, which obviously doesn't help things

  • I think that's why I have these issues with

  • Confidence and this whole like background of shame all the time and probably why I do this

  • OCD type stuff and explains drinking and explains drugs like

  • Huh, chicken's very tender -- extremely tender

  • We're not talking about something other than the food

  • 'Cause I come here every Sunday and we eat and all we talk about is the food

  • I've been reading this a lot and I think it explains

  • a lot about why things keep going wrong why I can't

  • Start a new relationship why works all over the place?

  • It's because I haven't received that bedrock of human love that everyone needs. Like -- Darling.

  • Anyone for more vegetables

  • This is why I think me and Alice broke up in the end-- Alice?

  • What are you bringing her in for?-- I could open a bottle of wine if you prefer

  • If I just had that confidence... -- Confidence?

  • What's that got to do with anything? -- Would you like some more ice cream? -- I've started to see a therapist

  • Why not a magician next? -- God mum, it's not the Middle Ages. It's a normal thing to do

  • It's just good to have someone to actually talk to about how are you feeling you charge him?

  • Have you been fishing anymore this month, Ian? -- No, I don't mean that

  • hmm

  • Your Aunt Sarah was here the other night, her eldest just got into University

  • I'm not saying these things to be mean. Well, maybe you should think about it before opening your mouth

  • I just think it's good to have a

  • some like constructive non blaming conversation about the way you feeling

  • Listen, I forgot to tell ya

  • Now put plenty of vegetables in here -- Yup -- Man, make sure you eat them you'll get a bit slim

  • I will do -- You getting enough?

  • Yes, yes

  • Hey man

  • Yeah, yeah it was okay sort of

  • Yeah, we talked but we just didn't really talk about that kind of stuff, like I

  • Just feel it's probably not conversation I'm gonna have with my parents

  • Yeah, probably better if it's just me and you and therapist and you know that

  • Mm-hmm did get some pretty good chicken though

  • very tender

  • The dark truths in our book things you should never tell children may not be suitable for children

  • But the book can offer solace humor and relief to the older ones among us. Click the link to learn more

I'm realizing more and more about why I am


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你該不該向父母抱怨你的童年? (Should You Complain to Your Parents About Your Childhood?)

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