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  • What youre looking at is no standard paper crane.

  • But it is a breakthrough development that could one day let us reuse spacecraft, build

  • epic superhero suits, or even harvest energy for electronicsand it all relies on the

  • ancient art of origami.

  • Okay, so let’s start at the beginning.

  • This is a metamaterial.

  • No, that’s not a hipster material that is obnoxiously self-referential.

  • A metamaterial is an artificial substance engineered to exhibit properties that we haven’t

  • actually found in nature... at least, so far.

  • Theyre designed with repeating structures allowing them to direct and control the flow

  • of electromagnetic or physical waves through them.

  • Metamaterials have incredible properties, like light-bending abilities or superconductivity,

  • that come from their structurenot their substance.

  • And that means that engineering teams, like this one at the University of Washington,

  • can make reality-bending properties emerge from something as simple as acrylic and paper.

  • This design in particular draws from the mathematical concepts of origami.

  • While the ancient art of paper-folding has been understood and utilized in Japan since

  • at least the 17th century, there are remarkably few studies about the dynamics of these complex

  • shapes that can fold and unfold from a two-dimensional sheet.

  • You might think about a Möbius strip, for example.

  • How many sides does it have?

  • Is it two- or three-dimensional?

  • Take that idea one (or a few hundred) steps further, and youll find the principles

  • of origami at the core of space telescopes, deep-sea robotics, drug delivery systems,

  • and artificial muscles.

  • In this case, these aeronautical engineers created a beautiful modular structure using

  • shapes they call TCOs.

  • Poetic, I know.

  • That stands for Triangulated Cylindrical Origami, which makes sense when you look at their shape.

  • Unlike other metamaterials, which typically tend to harden under compression, this structure

  • exhibitsstrain-softening behavior.”

  • This essentially means that the engineers found a way to turn a compression wave

  • that is, a push or heavy impactinto a tension wavethat is, a pull.

  • Let me say that again.

  • This structure, based on the way that its planes, creases, and tension points are arranged,

  • can LITERALLY REVERSE A PHYSICAL FORCEusing nothing more than everyday materials

  • and geometry.

  • If that isn’t magic, I don’t know what more you want from science.

  • What you can see in this 3D model is that

  • as the impact from the compression wave, shown in red, “propagates

  • or travels through this structure, it creates an opposite force

  • ahead of it: thetensile waveshown in blue.

  • This happens so quickly that the tensile wave actually opposes the impact,

  • softening it significantly.

  • This is pretty nuts.

  • Imagine football helmets or airbags made of this stuff.

  • Imagine how useful it could be in construction areas

  • prone to natural disasters, like earthquakes.

  • Or my personal fantasy: combine this with optical metamaterials, and you have yourself

  • an invisible suit of armor.

  • But I digress.

  • If we can find ways to efficiently convert kinetic, electromagnetic, or thermal energy

  • into electrical energy, we might be able to ditch conventional batteries entirely.

  • The conversion of one kind of kinetic energy into its opposite

  • is actually a huge step down this road.

  • And finally, one of the most exciting potential applications of this tech is recyclable spacecraft.

  • Since SpaceX’s Falcon 9 demonstrated that controlled re-entry, descent and landing was

  • in fact possible, engineers have been fascinated with the idea of reusable rockets that would

  • make space exploration cheaper and more accessible than ever before.

  • Build some landing legs out of this cootie catcher and the sustainable space race might

  • just blast off faster than we can imagine.

  • Pretty neat that an ancient craft is paving the way for incredible innovations

  • in 21st-century technology.

  • For more space origami, check out this episode of Focal Point on how NASA engineers created

  • a starshade that can fit in a rocket, but unfold to the size of a baseball field.

  • Don’t forget to subscribe to Seeker for all your materials science news, and let us

  • know in the comments below what meta-invention youre most excited for.

What youre looking at is no standard paper crane.


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B2 中高級

工程師為何轉向摺紙來創造可彎曲現實的超材料? (Why Engineers Turned to Origami to Create Reality-Bending Metamaterials)

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