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  • (monsters screaming)

  • - [Reggie] The moment I first laid eyes on the monster,

  • I wasn't scared.

  • I didn't scream the way I knew most people would

  • at the sight of the towering beast,

  • with it's horned head, its evil red eye,

  • its bloody saw for an arm.

  • No, when I saw Colossus for the first time,

  • I'm telling you, I was hyped.

  • Excited as hell, I grinned,

  • knowing that I just discovered the monster

  • that would make all other competitors tremble.

  • That would prove I was the best brawl wrangler

  • in the business.

  • That would make Myka's pathetic troop of monsters

  • look like a bunch of puppy dogs in comparison.

  • Colossus hadn't been easy to capture.

  • We had to electrify him with cattle prods and tasers

  • hooked up to a 240 watt generator.

  • And that was just to get the big creep down to his knees.

  • Only then, after he'd already slaughtered three of us,

  • was I able to get the shock collar around his neck.

  • Now, I stared at him, heaving and roaring with anger.

  • Standing in the middle of the fighting ring,

  • and I couldn't wait to see how he was going to perform.

  • Monster Brawl was tomorrow.

  • An organized fight between real monsters,

  • where audiences could bet on the monster of their choice.

  • Today was just a warm up,

  • but what a warm up it was going to be.

  • Colossus tried to rip apart the fence again,

  • and it electrocuted him. (electricity sizzles)

  • Making the bad man shake

  • like a kid with a fork in the socket.

  • I would've thought I'd've learned his lesson by now.

  • That's the thing about monsters,

  • they might be tough but some are dumb as rocks.

  • "You'll get good, Reggie."

  • I turned to see Mars, the boss' new assistant beside me.

  • A pretentious twit, if you were asking me.

  • "Boss is gonna love this.

  • "A premium fighter like Colossus,

  • "that's gonna translate to a lot of tickets, man.

  • "Cold, hard cash."

  • "You don't need to tell me," I said,

  • unable to keep the smug satisfaction out of my voice.

  • "I've been doing this a lot longer than you."

  • Mars nodded, "Fair enough.

  • "Just remember, Myka is the jealous sort.

  • "She gets wind of this,

  • "she's bound to come knocking."

  • Myka was the leader

  • of the biggest fight night in the Midwest.

  • A creepy, little, old woman with a nasty set of nails,

  • that looked scarier than half the monsters

  • she employed to entertain the masses.

  • She was our biggest competitor,

  • and the boss didn't like her.

  • None of us did.

  • Only this kid, Mars,

  • seemed to have some sort of strange fascination with her,

  • almost like he admired her.

  • I stepped into his face.

  • "She won't get near him.

  • "That monster belongs to us, got it?"

  • Mars held up his hands in surrender and sauntered off.

  • I shook my head, annoyed,

  • then nodded to the guys by the cages.

  • "Bring in the ugly one," I shouted.

  • "Let's introduce the fighters to each other."

  • "You sure, Reggie?" one of the guys asked.

  • "Boss said to keep the other one in its cage

  • "until showtime tomorrow.

  • "Said he was too dangerous for a warm up."

  • "Don't make me repeat myself," I said, gritting my teeth.

  • I wasn't gonna wait for tomorrow.

  • I want to see how strong Colossus really was.

  • If anyone was a match for my monster

  • it would be the one they found in the hole,

  • the one they called.

  • "Brute," the men shouted,

  • throwing it into the middle of the ring,

  • temporarily disabled by the shock collar around its neck.

  • It was a massive, fleshy creature,

  • with a head shaped like a football,

  • and a protruding set of fangs that looked more alien

  • than monster.

  • So ugly, he made Colossus look downright cuddly

  • in comparison.

  • "Let's see what you two are made of," I shouted,

  • adrenaline coursing through me.

  • There was nothing as good as watching two monsters fight,

  • nothing as pure as the collision of flesh and blood,

  • the sound of cracking bones,

  • gnashing teeth,

  • blood spurting, these were music to my ears,

  • and right now I was expecting an orchestra.

  • Colossus fixed its red eye upon the Brute,

  • and roared through its metal mask, rearing its horn,

  • like a rhino about to strike.

  • The Brute got up from his knees, growling with a wet,

  • guttural noise that gave you goosebumps just hearing it.

  • Although the Brute was shorter than Colossus

  • by a decent foot,

  • he more than made up for it with speed.

  • He didn't have the armor Colossus did,

  • he was pure, rotten flesh.

  • The two monsters stood there, frozen,

  • facing each other like two cowboys in a spaghetti western.

  • "Who's gonna draw first? I wondered with a dark smile.

  • "My money's on Colossus," I shouted.

  • I knew we weren't suppose to bet until Monster Brawl,

  • but how could I resist?

  • I had caught the monster,

  • surely I should be able to make a profit off of him.

  • And then it happened,

  • Colossus charged at the Brute,

  • swinging his massive, mechanical saw at the creature

  • with the force of a cargo trailer

  • barrelling down the highway.

  • I was sure he was going to make contact.

  • Nothing could dodge an attack that powerful.

  • But the Brute swerved out of the way just in time,

  • leaping onto Colossus' back,

  • and ripping his ugly fangs into the monster's neck.

  • If it hadn't been for the shock collar

  • he probably would've torn a hole clear through him.

  • A second later,

  • Colossus grabbed the Brute with his clawed hand

  • and swung him over his head,

  • slamming him into the ring floor like a pro wrestler.

  • He lifted his foot to crush the ugly beast.

  • My hands clenched into excited fists, he was gonna do it.

  • He was going to destroy the Brute.

  • Again, the ugly monster was too fast for him.

  • Spinning out of the way,

  • slashing at Colossus' exposed knee,

  • making his leg buckle, blood spurt.

  • Blood was drenching the floor.

  • Clearly the Brute had hit an artery.

  • And now the Brute was seizing its chance.

  • Leaping on top of him once again,

  • biting the exposed skin of Colossus' shoulder,

  • ripping off a whole chunk of flesh.

  • "Dammit!" I shouted, frustrated.

  • "Where's the remote?

  • "Get him off!"

  • I saw Mars in the control booth, watching.

  • Then he nodded, electrocuting the Brute,

  • forcing him to fall off at once.

  • "Let's try that again," I said, hiding my disappointment.

  • I knew the Brute was fast,

  • but all it would take was one hit from Colossus

  • to put the monster in its place.

  • "Come on," I growled at Colossus as he slowly turned around

  • and picked up the Brute with his clawed hand.

  • "Hit him!"

  • To my delight, Colossus did as he was told,

  • jamming the saw through Brute's stomach,

  • making blood spew all over the slippery floor of the ring.

  • One of the guys blanched.

  • "Reggie, how we gonna patch him up before tomorrow?

  • "Enough!"

  • "It's enough when I say it's enough," I shouted,

  • blood lust taking over now.

  • I didn't care if the Brute had been disgraced.

  • The thing healed inhumanely fast

  • and I watched as it backed away up against the fence,

  • cornered,

  • as Colossus stalked closer and closer.

  • My hands were clenched into shaking fists.

  • The tension in the air was thick.

  • Unbearable. (monsters growling)

  • I was about to see my prize, my Colossus,

  • defeat the most powerful monster we'd ever found before.

  • He lifted his bloody saw,

  • roared once more.

  • "Run it down!"

  • But the dummy swung too close to the fence again.

  • It shocked him, frying him to a crisp.

  • The Brute seized his chance,

  • ripping at Colossus' torso,

  • taking chunks of flesh clean off.

  • (metal clanging) (blood spurting)

  • "Mars," I shouted, "hit the juice again!"

  • But when I turned to look

  • at the window of the control booth,

  • Mars wasn't there.

  • "Mars!"

  • That's when the lights went out.

  • The power died,

  • and all was quiet.

  • "Reggie," one of the guys shouted, terrified.

  • "What happened?

  • "Where's?"

  • A moment later I heard the unmistakable sound

  • of a head being ripped right off its shoulders,

  • which meant. (electricity sizzles)

  • The backup generator kicked in and I stared

  • aghast at a massive hole in the fence.

  • Both of the monsters were out.

  • They were slaughtering all of the brawl wranglers

  • one by one. (metal whooshing)

  • Turning our arena into a bloodbath.

  • I had to get to the remote as fast as I could

  • to activate their shock collars.

  • I ran toward the control booth,

  • but as I entered the door swung open on the other side

  • and Mars stood there holding it,

  • smiling.

  • "Looking for this?

  • "You may wanna look behind you instead."

  • My eyes widened as I heard the sound of its heavy,

  • inhuman breathing through the metal mask,

  • smelled the hot stink of the creature I had captured,

  • felt it looming over me, impossibly tall.

  • Colossus was right behind me.

  • I slowly turned around to face him

  • and that's when I felt it,

  • jagged, piercing sensations as it rammed its blade

  • right into my stomach. (blood spurts)

  • The saw activated, (saw whirs)

  • splitting me even further,

  • tearing my intestines out like a tangle of electrical wires.

  • Its red eye bored down on me as I shook.

  • (saw whirring drowns out speech)

  • Blood pouring from my mouth.

  • It raised its clawed fist to cave in my skull.

  • This was the end.

  • "Enough," a high pitched croak resounded.

  • And then,

  • Colossus' shock collar activated and it dropped me.

  • Lurching backward, under control once again.

  • "We have what we came for," the old woman's voice said.

  • "Colossus will make for a wonderful addition

  • "to Fight Night.

  • "You did well, Mars."

  • "But what about the Brute?" he asked.

  • "Forget the Brute, we'll get it later."

  • I turned on my side,

  • faintly noticing that my entire stomach

  • had a hole clear through it.

  • I turned to look at the source of the voices.

  • It was her, Myka, the leader of Fight Night,

  • the largest monster fighting competition.

  • She had come to steal my monster.

  • She had come to destroy Monster Brawl.

  • Mars was her lackey all along.

  • I spat out blood, laughing, delirious.

  • "You think you can control them without me?"

  • I asked, feeling my life drain from me.

  • "He'll kill you all.

  • "I'm willing to bet on it."

  • Myka tsked, looking bored.

  • "But you already placed your bet, didn't you, Reggie?"

  • She nodded to Mars, the traitorous scum.

  • "Go ahead, let Colossus have one more kill, just for fun."

  • Mars smiled, turning dow the knob on the electricity.

  • I turned to look at Colossus, regaining his strength,

  • slowly standing to his full height.

  • He took a lumbering step toward me.

  • Then another, slowly drawing out my death.

  • "Come on," I shouted.

  • "Is that the best you've got?"

  • But he stopped and nodded to the shadows,

  • as if he was orchestrating something.

  • Who was in the shadows?

  • But then I saw them,

  • all the monsters I ever caught emerging from the dark.

  • They all had new electric collars around their necks.

  • A new master in Myka.

  • And they were coming for me.

  • Colossus stood still as a statue

  • and watched as they swiped and tore,

  • each ripping off a piece,

  • blood gushing from every laceration.

  • Three of my fingers, a leg.

  • I watched them feast upon my body parts.

  • Fighting each other for the scraps.

  • I tried to fight them off but I was too weak now,

  • and losing too much blood.

  • They were the real fighters, not me.

  • They were the ones used to being thrown into a ring.

  • They were doing exactly what I had taught them.

  • But only one monster was going to end me,

  • to claim my heart for himself, Colossus.

  • I expected him to be fast about it.

  • But instead of swinging his saw, crushing my head,

  • the monster slowly, methodically pressed its massive,

  • scaling foot down upon my chest.

  • The air left my lungs as I felt my ribcage split inward.

  • My lungs punctured.

  • My heart was going to be next.

  • But as I looked into the monster's red, unblinking eye,

  • I realized,

  • he was enjoying this, savoring it,

  • more intelligent than I've ever understood.

  • He was just like me,

  • the sound and sight of carnage was his greatest joy.

  • As the monster's foot pressed harder,

  • flattening me like a human pancake,

  • and all lights began to blink out around me,

  • I saw my former monsters all watching me,

  • their eyes gleaming,

  • enjoying my annihilation.

  • I heard Myka cackling with joy.

  • She had won her prize tonight.

  • But I had won too.

  • Colossus had proven just how monstrous he really was.

  • (dramatic music)

(monsters screaming)


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B2 中高級 美國腔

FIGHT NIGHT|"蠻牛對巨人"| 地穴電視擴展宇宙|爬行者之家 (FIGHT NIGHT | "Brute vs Colossus" | Crypt TV Extended Universe | Creepypasta)

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    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日