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  • so I hadn't intended on making video today.

  • But then my friend gave me the greatest souvenir of all, which is in Japan.

  • This is a very popular on the argue, we argued.

  • It means present or souvenir, and whenever you travel somewhere in Japan or abroad, you have to buy something after buy souvenir, bring it back to your friends or colleagues or family on Tokyo.

  • Banana is one of the most popular on.

  • It's one of the few Suban is that I actually get very excited because it's just so good and, like most on the argue, has English on the front orbit a bit weird.

  • People gather to Tokyo from here with memories of their hope, and their Tokyo gets everyone's heard.

  • I don't really know what that means, but it's a nice thought.

  • Japanese people tend to be very careful when opening packages.

  • Okay?

  • And so here we go.

  • This is my favorite.

  • This is my favorite, uh, kind of cakes in Japan because I like bananas on.

  • I like it takes.

  • It's kind of yet cake on it.

  • What's what?

  • What matters is this side free cream filling, which is amazing flavor.

  • Mmm.

  • They're so addictive.

  • That's the problem.

  • I can eat a whole box in about half an hour.

  • Of course.

  • On a diet now.

  • So this is the only one.

  • I'm good.

  • So if you ever in Tokyo when you go back home, recommend Tokyo, Tokyo.

  • Been on the law.

  • Bubba, You think you are probably the most popular on the argue in Tokyo?

  • Have a friend that's going.

  • Do you take your orders?

  • I'll be bringing back this.

  • And if you ever coming to see me, please buy me this On what?

  • We'll give you some kind of special batch handshake, Right?

  • Let's crack on with that dog.

  • Just one you want to write.

  • Remember this expression in deep shit?

  • I made a bet with a friend.

  • I would lose 10 kilograms in 10 weeks.

  • Get Thio.

so I hadn't intended on making video today.


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A2 初級

東京最好吃的土特產(東京香蕉 (Tokyo's Tastiest Souvenir (東京バナナ))

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