字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Standing here in the midst of this bustling modern street, it's difficult to 站在這條時髦熱鬧的街道上 imagine that this town - the town of Onagawa - was once on the front line of 你很難想象這個叫做女川的小鎮 the tsunami that struck on March 2011 At 2:46 in the afternoon just 15 miles 曾在2011年3月,首當其衝遭受了海嘯的襲擊。下午2點46分, from where i'm standing now a magnitude 9 earthquake triggered a devastating 史上最大規模的9級地震引發了毀滅性的海嘯,捲走了整個小鎮。 tsunami which swept through the bay and washed away the entire town. In the space 高達15公尺的海嘯在短短數小時以內摧毀了 of a few hours the tsunami with waves of up to 15 metres high destroyed 70% 女川町約70%的建築物 of Onagawa's buildings and claimed the lives of 827 people, almost 10% of the 奪走了827人的生命,相當於該鎮近10%的人口。 town's population. Looking at the images of the aftermath you might easily wonder 親眼目睹了受災的景象 how the locals here could have possibly hoped to recover from such a disaster 在數小時內被剝奪了家園、生活和家族的在地居民,如何能從這樣一場災難中走出來呢? and yet from the debris of the tsunami Onagawa and many towns along the 然而,女川町和其他沿岸地區的許多城鎮不僅迅速從海嘯的災害中復興 coastline have not only come on to quickly recover but gone on to thrive 而且以更強烈的社區意識和積極嶄新的 and succeed with a stronger sense of community and a renewed spirit of entrepreneurship. 企業家精神重新獲得了成功與繁榮。 Seven years have passed since the most powerful earthquake ever 地震永遠改變了人們的生活,即使已經過了7年 recorded in Japan wreaked havoc upon the Tohoku coastline, but the echoes of the 其影響仍然存在於人們的生活之中。 disaster still live on through the people whose lives were forever changed by it. 我來到位於東北海岸線的女川町和氣仙沼市, I've come to the towns of Onagawa and Kesennuma and the Tohoku coastline to 見到那些向該地區注入新生命, 在最惡劣的情況之下仍能保持樂觀向上的精神的人們, 聆聽他們那鼓舞人心的故事。 hear the inspiring stories of those who are breathing new life into the region. 故事的主人公包括讓該鎮充滿凝聚力的町長, From an eccentric mayor who brought a town together, to entrepreneurs and even 開創獨特的商業模式, 或採用前所未有的方式進行地域宣傳的創業家, Japan's most famous actor who have chosen to start new businesses in the region. 經歷了失去親人的傷痛卻沒有放棄未來的民宿主人等形形色色的人。 To the owner of an award-winning in who tragically lost her family but 他們是對未來抱著積極心態的人們, never stopped looking forward to the future. 我認為將來一定會有美好的事情發生。 Because they are people who have such a positive mindset about the future I 海嘯過後,在日本發生了什麼事? think that there's going to be amazing things that are going to be happening 梶屋陽介先生擁有自己的工作室,名為「Glide Garage」 here going forward. 設計手工製作的豪華吉他。 Yosuke Kajiya owns his own workshop called the "Glide Garage" designing 陽介出生於九州南部的種子島,為了他的新事業 handcrafted luxury guitars. Originally from the distant island of Tanegashima 千里迢迢來到1,000公里以北的女川町。 他的創新吉他「Questrel」極其特別, at the Japanese mainlands southernmost point 因為它不使用任何螺絲釘或膠水, Yosuke moved a thousand kilometers north to the town of Onagawa to start his new business. 而是採用日本木匠建造神社和寺廟時的傳統技法, His innovative guitar known as the "Questrel" is unique for not using 將木材嚴絲合縫的拼接而成。 any screws or glues, instead using the same traditional Japanese carpentry 這把吉他沒使用任何螺絲釘或膠水嗎? techniques used to build shrines and temples, where wood is carefully carved and slotted together. 是的,完全沒有 So it doesn't use any screws on the neck joint? 那麼背面也沒有使用螺絲釘或膠水了? 好厲害。 No, no screws and no glues. 而你是世界上唯一一個在做這種吉他的人? 是的 Oh my god so on the back there's no screws, no nothing. 這把吉他是陽介和奧山清行先生共同設計的。 奧山清行先生曾經策劃過法拉利Enzo, And you're the only company in Japan - in the world - who's doing this and using this system? Yes. 是日本最著名的工業設計師之一。 It was desgined in collaboration with Ken Okuyama, one of Japan's most celebrated industrial 這麼說, designers who previously masterminded the Enzo Ferrari. 法拉利Enzo的設計師設計了這把吉他? So the guy who's 那肯定是個好東西。 designed Ferraris is designing your guitar? Yes. 由著名設計師設計,並以獨特的製造工藝而製成的這款特殊而高級的樂器Questrel, You know they must be good then. 儘管價格從7500美元起 Between the guitars famous designer and the unique production method the 卻仍不乏狂熱的用戶竟相選購。 Questrel has been selling for up to $7,500 to enthusiastic buyers keen to Glide Garage get their hands on the exclusive instrument. 是設立在女川町中心的創新型企業之一。 Glide garage is one of the 女川的人們並不是在原來的基礎上進行重建, new innovative companies that sprung up in the heart of Onagawa town; rather than 而是從零開始,興建一座新的城鎮。 rebuilding the old town the people of Onagawa 從車站到海邊的這條現代化的街道就是其中之一, 如今已經成為社區的中心。 invested their reconstruction budget, starting from scratch and building a modern 正是這種勇於投資城鎮未來的決策和氛圍, 令陽介這樣的創業家們着迷, town center and aiming to turn it into the hub for the local community and the 並使這一片在日本國內絲毫不引人注目的地區開始發生了變化。 air of change has attracted entrepreneurs like Yosuke 決定創業之後, to relocate to a typically isolated fishing town. 我就考慮把創業地點設在哪裡。 Next door to the Glide Garage is an equally innovative business acting as a showroom 我想起小時候經常來東北, for the unusual sight of the Danborghini. 便開始在東北地區尋找。 Produced from 500 pieces of 這裡給我的第一印象是良好的氛圍 corrugated cardboard and on a one-to-one scale, the Damborghini is the brainchild of 我認為作為製造業, local business owner Hideki Konnou. It's also a clever play on words given 最重要的是製作現場的氛圍,氛圍會體現在產品上。 that Danboru is the Japanese word for cardboard. Hideki owns a corrugated Glide Garage的隔壁是一間陳列室,擁有意大利跑車「Lamborghini」的實體模型 cardboard company and in recent years he's branched out into producing toys 「Damborghini」。 and model replicas from a giant Gundam robot to an impressive ATAT walker from Star Wars. Damborghini是用紙板製作的1:1大小的模型, I wanted to find out how he'd got involved with the new towns development. 由在地商人今野英樹先生發明, 也是紙板這個單詞的巧妙運用 With Lamborghini's blessing the Damborghini soon became Onagawa's 因為Dambor在日文中是硬紙板的意思。 unlikely mascot helping to reinvigorate the town's image and remarkably even 英樹經營紙箱加工公司,向運輸公司供應包裝材料, leading to Hideki meeting the Emperor himself when he paid a visit to the region. 近年來也製作玩具、巨大的高達機器人、 星球大戰的AT-AT Walker等複製品。 Hideki's inspiration for the Damborghini came from his long-held 我想知道他是如何與女川鎮發生千絲萬縷的聯繫的。 dream of owning a supercar - a dream that seemed far away when he and his family 女川町的鎮長是我的高中同學, 有一次偶然去女川見到鎮長, were forced to move to prefabricated housing after their home was damaged by the tsunami. 他說這個城市要建立新的街道,新的商業街, 問我能否提供協助。 However seven years later and with 我說,嗯,很好啊。 business booming and he's finally been able to get his hands on the real thing. 因為當時我也參加很多活動, 所以我說如果是活動的話可以幫忙。 Slightly better than the cardboard version. 可是他說不是參加活動, Becoming the mayor of a town that's been almost completely destroyed is no easy task 而是讓我在商業街開一家店。 and yet Yoshiaki sooner put himself 我說那怎麼可能 forward for the challenge the months after the tsunami in his home town of Onagawa. 我一直在製造業,沒做過零售, I met him overlooking the construction site of the new waterfront 不知道該販售什麼,沒有商品怎麼開店。 which is still being terraformed and raised several meters as a preventative measure for future Tsunamis. 碰巧那個時候很偶然的做了1:1的紙箱。 Whilst Yoshiaki trying to attract new people to Onagawa 那麼,就把這個放在女川開一間陳列室吧, 這就是當時的想法。 in the nearby city of Ishinomaki there's an entire industry Damborghini獲得Lamborghini認證後, 不僅成為女川的吉祥物, attempting to attract younger generations to their profession through 讓鎮上恢復了往日的朝氣, some unusual entrepreneurial initiatives. The profession of being a fisherman is 英樹還在天皇陛下訪問這裡時, 得到天皇陛下的接見 becoming less and less popular to younger generations and with that in mind 自從在女川上開始展示Damborghini以來, 前來探訪的遊客絡繹不絕,真可謂天造地設。 the local fishermen have launched a brand known as "Fisherman Japan" to 女川町長說這是 女川的殺手鐧。 showcase the more exciting and adventurous aspects of the trade. 不少海內外的遊客竟都是為此而來。 Last year they launched a somewhat unconventional service that went viral Damborghini的構思 online called "Fisherman Call". 來源於英樹長久以來對擁有豪華轎車的夢想。 So the idea is if you're a lazy student or somebody who's struggling to wake up 當他的家因海嘯受災,被迫和家人一起, in the morning you choose the time you want to be woken up and select your 這個夢想似乎變得很遙遠。 fisherman and then the next morning the fisherman who's out there somewhere 但隨著事業的成功,終於夢想正真了。 working in the Pacific Ocean will drop you a line - yes pun intended - 這個版本比紙箱版略勝一籌。 And wake you up and maybe even show you what he's caught. I mean it does 成為一個幾乎完全被摧毀的城鎮的市長絕非易事。 sound a bit gimmicky and yet there's something quite nice about connecting two 儘管如此,海嘯受災數月後, different people from different backgrounds and professions through the 須田善明先生還是在他的故鄉女川町接受了這份挑戰。 difficult daily task of waking up in the morning. 與他見面的地方,可以瞭望女川沿岸的建築工地。 在女川的沿岸地區,修復作業正在緊鑼密鼓的進行中。 My next stop is Kesennuma 為了讓在地居民可以繼續在這裡生活, 地基將加高幾公尺,作為抵禦未來災害的防災措施。 a port town further north which suffered extensive damage and I've come to hear 當重建這座城鎮時,女川的70%已經被摧毀。 how Japan's most internationally recognisable actor Ken Watanabe came to 而新的城鎮是要依靠全國民的稅以及以此為基礎的國家預算來進行重建的。 open his own restaurant in the town in the years after the tsunami. 所以,這筆錢就意義深遠, 我們應該建立一個通往未來世界的城鎮。 Unfortunately Ken Watanabe isn't here today he's off around the world 地震發生後,進入國中的學生們首先給我們成年人發表了一次演講。 somewhere making a movie but every day he sends a fax to the restaurant for 其中一個內容就是,比如那邊有一座將要倒塌的樓房, 他們說應該留下來。 customers to read so you can get some sort of connection with him nonetheless 還有自發的行動,比如為了給千年後的人們傳達訊息, and this is a book of all the messages he sent recently and this is today's one 石碑命名為「生命的石碑」, 告訴未來2011年發生了這樣的事情。 and it reads. 不管發生什麼,總之一定要逃跑。如果有人不逃跑的話,就算牽着他的手也要逃跑。 It's weird to think Ken Watanabe is 向千年後的人們詢問,女川町現在變成什麼樣了? out there somewhere in the world and he sent that to welcome in the winter season. 我們這一代人,不能說已經無能為力了之類的話, 不能奪走孩子們的未來。 I asked the manager Megumi what was Ken Watanabe's motive for getting 是他們,給了我們重振旗鼓的力量。 involved with Kesennuma and how the K-port came to be. 更獨特的創業構思, And of course the inevitable question; 來自女川町旁邊的石卷市。 How often does the man himself visit the cafe? 然而,漁夫這個行業在年輕人中逐漸成為了不受歡迎的職業。 After the tsunami many people from around Japan and internationally came to 在地漁民為了表明這份工作的樂趣和其具有冒險性的一面, volunteer during the difficult years of the region's recovery. Like me Nisshant Anu 創建了Fisherman Japan。 came to Tohoku as an English teacher on the Japan exchange teaching program 去年,他們在網上推出了一項有趣的服務, After teaching he returned home to the US but has since come back to Kesennuma 叫「Fisherman's Call」(渔民電話)。 to work for the local tourism department. I wanted to find out what factors have 這個服務是針對學生當中早上賴床的起床困難戶的。 led him to return. 只要指定起床時間,以及喜歡的漁民, So the first apartment I lived in, in Kesennuma was actually 第二天早上他就會從太平洋的某個地方打電話叫醒你, right behind a place called the Yatai Mura which is the recovery village 並且告訴你他在做甚麼。 temporary housing establishment for people who had lost their businesses in 透過每天早上起床這件辛苦的事情, the tsunami. So there's maybe like 15 or 20 different shops and restaurants. 將兩個不同背景、不同職業的人連接起來, I'd have to walk through to get home. Walking through the Yatai Mura on my way home 是一件非常了不起的事情。雖感覺有點噱頭。 people would be like "Hey Nisshan! Haven't seen you around in a while!" 接下來前往的是氣仙沼市。 "Are you doing alright? Sit down, have a drink. I've got a fish for you man." 這是一個在地震中同樣嚴重受災的北部港口城市。 "Come eat this fish" and then I'm like oh this is beautiful I'm home. 聽說日本最有名的演員渡邊謙在地震後, If you spend time in Kesennuma it's a mindset you'll find in abundance 在這座城市開了一間自己的餐廳。 a friendly optimistic attitude that can often feel the odds with the scale of 遺憾的是,謙先生今天好像不在這裡。 大概是在世界的某個地方拍電影吧。 the disaster and what the people have been through. 但他每天都會發一份傳真到餐廳供客人閱讀, Ichiyo Kannou is the energetic owner of the Tsunakan minshuku 讀這個會覺得這裡真的是謙先生的店吧。 a traditional Japanese bed and breakfast. The Tsunakan has a reputation that 這裡都是謙先生發來的傳真。這是今天發過來的。 stretches far beyond Kesennuma and Tohoku on account of Ichiyo probably 上面寫着 being the world's friendliest person. 「山上初雪降臨。雖然我習慣了冬天的景色, 但不知為什麼,初雪總有種令人心動的東西。」 In 2011 her entire home was destroyed by the tsunami 想到謙先生在世界的某個地方發來這封傳真, however her and her husband - a prominent local fisherman - rebuilt it and elevated it 實在有些不可思議。 several meters and reopened it as the Tsunakan. It quickly became popular with 渡邊謙先生在地震後,為什麼決定到氣仙沼開店呢? famous faces including Ken Watanabe often visiting and winning numerous K-port是怎樣的存在呢?我向這家店的經理MEGUMI小姐詢問。 awards along the way. 嗯,謙先生在這裡開店是因為,東日本大地震發生後,謙先生在東北沿岸各地區燒飯救災。到了這裡、 Wow. Ken Watanabe 氣仙沼的時候, 遇到了幾位可以稱得上是「夥伴」的非常優秀的人, he sat right here and then apparently he fell asleep like this. 正因為遇到了他們,才產生了想在氣仙沼開店的想法, 這是最主要的原因。 Ichiyo became a pillar of the local community in the years following the tsunami. 那時結交的夥伴一如既往的保持良好的關係, Just as Ichiyo and her family were putting the disaster behind them tragedy struck again in 2017. 酒屋和旁邊的魚店,還有這間餐廳的母體公司-咖啡店的經理,三個人和謙先生特別要好。 One day Ichiyo's husband, eldest daughter and son-in-law 因為旁邊的魚店老闆有一個願望,希望在這個被稱作沿海地區內灣,在能看到大海的地方開一家餐廳。 went out fishing and their boat overturned all three of 謙先生就表示, 好,那麼我來開這間餐廳,這就是契機。 them lost their lives in the accident. For several months Ichiyo 我理所應當的問,渡邊謙本人多久來一次餐廳? contemplated on the future of her business before deciding to reopen the Tsunakan and 「如果他人在日本,多說一個月會來一次。 continue doing what she loved. 趕上大型連休的時候,真的有粉絲們千里迢迢趕來, 說,因為是粉絲所以特意過來 When people think of the Tohoku coastline often they still picture those same 看看,他什麼時候來,等等。我覺得真得很了不起。 images we all saw on our screens in March 2011 but today if you visit the 和渡邊謙一樣,海嘯發生後,來自日本國內以及海外的各界人士,在該地區復興期間參加了志願者活動。 region you'll find that quite the opposite, that people carry a strong Nisshant Anu和我一樣是透過JET項目 (日本交流及教學計劃) sense of optimism for the future. Their stoic attitude towards the worst 來到東北,成為英文教師。 imaginable circumstances is not only inspiring but a testament to the 教完英文後他一度返回美國,但後來又回到氣仙沼, 開始在本地觀光協會工作。 strength of the human spirit. Obviously a disaster is not a positive 我想知道他為什麼回到氣仙沼來。 thing but I think the unique spirit of the people here is that they've sort of 「來到氣仙沼時, taken the disaster and taken the positives away from the disaster. The disaster 我最初住的是緊鄰屋台村的公寓。 happened and there's nothing we can do about that but where do we go from there. 這是為在海嘯中失去工作的人們修建的臨時住宅。
B1 中級 中文 海嘯 地震 日本 先生 地區 吉他 海嘯後的日本發生了什麼? (What Happened In Japan After The Tsunami?) 26 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字