字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey guys! I've got a new guest on my channel today. 大家好!今天有位新朋友到我的頻道來玩 This is Greg! 這是Greg He is also a student in Japan, so I thought it'd be cool to have him come on and answer 他也在日本讀書,所以我想如果能請他來回答 some of the most frequently asked questions I get about 那些我常被問到的問題,應該是個好點子 what it's like studying here, and 像是「在日本上學的感覺是什麼?」 some of the things we find hard 或是「遇到哪些困難?」 The coolest parts about studying in Japan 「在日本上學最酷的事情是?」 A whole bunch of different stuff. So both me and Greg are gonna answer your questions! 各式各樣的提問都有,所以今天我們就要來告訴大家啦 So let's get started 開始囉~ Sooo how did you end up in Japan? Did you apply for an exchange program through your home 你是怎麼來日本的?是在原本的大學申請交換學生嗎? university 在美國?還是...? in America? orrr....? 有個女生到班上來分享在日本的求學經驗 Well 以及那有多麼容易、 A girl came to our class and she was talking about how 又划算!因為有一堆留學獎學金等著你申請 she studied abroad in Japan, and how easy it is... 聽了後我就很想去日本,所以我就去了學校的國際中心 and how it's affordable! There are so many scholarships you can look into 去諮詢留學的細節 to study abroad 他們提供不同的學校讓我選 So then I just thought, I do really wanna go to Japan... so I went to my school's 讓我可以去日本 international centre and I asked them about studying abroad and they 喔 沒錯,我也是透過相同的管道 我就是去我加拿大的母校 told me a select number of options 告訴國際中心的承辦員 of different schools that I can go to in Japan 也因為我的大學和許多日本大學有合作 Oh cool, yah that's exactly the same as me then. I just went through my home 所以我可以選自己想去的地區 :) university in Canada 所以當你剛來日本時,你的日文程度是? went and talked to the international 我來之前有學過一年的日文 advisor there, and yeah also for me my 但在美國學習和日本學習的不同點是 university had several connections with universities in japan so I could choose what 在美國,進度很慢,而且我們比較專注在 area in Japan I wanted to live in :) 日本文學和日本史這樣的課程 So when you came here how was your Japanese level? 而不是真的在學語言,所以進度上慢很多 I studied Japanese for a year before I came here... but the 在美國,一年內沒有學到非常多... difference between studying here and 所以當時的日文對話程度是? back in america is that it 那時候你可以用日文對話嗎? it's very very slow and we're more concentrated on 在你剛來的時候? 呃...不行 other classes like Japanese Literature and Japanese History instead of 一年後的現在,有比較習慣了嗎? actual Japanese language, so it's a lot slower 好多了! we didn't learn as much... 所以在日本上學真的讓你的日文進步快多囉? but, for a year. 沒錯 我自己也是 So how was your Japanese conversation-wise? 把自己沉浸在語言和文化中真的很棒 Were you able to 你無時無刻都在使用日文 hold a conversation 像是在商店裡跟收銀員說話 when you first came here? Umm... no... 在郵局,你不得不講日文,所以你真的會學到很多 How do you find it now that you've been here for 比起在你自己的國家 about a year? 另一個我也常被問到的是 「你如何負擔在日本上學的費用?」 It's a lot better 學費不是超級昂貴嗎? Yeah 我覺得日本的學費沒有比加拿大的學費貴 Yeah, so... 我想在美國的高等教育學費 studying in japan has really improved your Japanese a lot faster? 應該更貴 Yeah, I find that as well. It's great to be 我想收費應該沒有調整太多 immersed in the 基本上就跟其他地方的學費差不多 language and culture and you have chances to use Japanese Greg在美國有申請學生貸款 all the time 而我申請到一些獎學金 when you go to the store 包括我的母校、 talk to the person at the cash register 日本政府、 At the post office, you're force to use it.... so you really do learn a lot more than 還有我在日本的大學都有提供 you would back in 所以獎學金也是一個很好的方式 your home country, I think. 協助你支付學費 Okay, one question that I get a lot is how do you afford to go to school in 有很多可以申請,我會在說明欄中附上一些網址 Japan, isn't the tuition crazy expensive?? 提供給想在日本求學的國際學生們,記得去看看 :) I don't find the tuition to be much more expensive than it was in 另外,日本政府也准許學生打工 Canada 一周28小時 I think even in America tuition is 你可以去申請工作許可 pretty expensive 有各式各樣的工作可選,像是教英文、 for post-secondary education. So I don't think the prices change much so 在便利商店工作 basically the same way you would pay for school anywhere else. 如果你具備基礎的日文能力 I think Greg is getting student loans from America 或是 and I got a few scholarships from 有些大學也提供工讀機會,我在我的大學辦公室工作過 my home university 這裡有許多工作機會,所以那也是一個 from the Japanese government, and from my 支付學費的方法 university here in Japan. 下一個問題 So scholarships are also a great way to 「我們是如何教到日本朋友的?」 help you pay for your tuition 「很難嗎?」 and there are many available. I'll post some links down in the description box of 「和日本學生有什麼溝通上的困難?」 Greg,你覺得呢? scholarships for foreign students that wanna study in Japan, so check those out :) 這個嘛... Also as a student in Japan you're allowed to work 事實上 twenty eight hours a week. 是非常困難呢 You're allowed to apply for a working permit. 因為我的日文沒那麼好 Sooo 還有 there are many jobs that you can do here, teaching English or working in a 像我說的,我在美國學過一年日文 convenience store, if you have a 但其實我根本沒學到什麼,因為進度太慢了 basic level of Japanese 而且我也沒用過日文,所以一切就像是從頭開始 or 但在學校裡,交朋友滿容易的 some universities offer jobs. I work in the office at my university. 如果你參加社團,或是跟你的輔導員聊天, But yeah, there are lots of working options so that's also another way that you 或是教別人英文的話 那倒是真的 can pay for tuition here :) 但除此之外 Another question 就變得非常困難 how do we find it 對 我發現 trying to make Japanese friends? Do we find it difficult? Do you have any problems 大部分的日本人都不好意思跟外國人說話 communicating with japanese students? What do you think about that? 或許因為他們不確定我們是否可以理解他們的意思 Well... 也可能是他們 it's 對講英文感到不自在 actually pretty 所以 hard at times because my Japanese level is not the best 你可能覺得他們不會對你超級友善 and 但我想如果你先打開話匣子 like I said, I studied for 並試著 one year in America but it's kind of like I didn't study at all because it was 與日本人對話,要交日本朋友也不是一件難事 very slow, and I never used Japanese. So here is kinda like starting all over. But 他們通常都滿友善的,而且也喜歡跟聊天 at our school it's kind of easy at times to make friends depending on if you 特別是外國人,日本人通常都想了解 go to clubs, or talk to your advisor 你的國家 or help teach English, something like that. 還有文化 That's true, yeah. But besides that 至於社團,如果你是在日本學校讀書的話 at times it can be hard to. 記得要多參加不同的社團,像是運動社團 Yeah, I find that 空手道、柔道、劍道... lots of Japanese people are kind of shy to 或是文化社團 talk to foreigners. Maybe because they don't know if we'll understand them 日本書道社、 or they're not 茶藝社 comfortable with their English ability 我參加過一段時間的茶藝社 so 還有什麼社團啊...? you may find that they won't try to be 動漫社! super friendly with you, but I think if you initiate the 誰不愛動漫! (笑) conversation and try to 你可以看動畫,然後討論內容 talk to Japanese people that it's really not that hard to make friends 藝術社團、合唱團 they're usually super friendly and they encourage 有各式各樣的社團,而且這是一個交朋友的好方法 conversation, especially with foreigners. They're usually really interested in 你會立刻和社團裡的每個人變成朋友 learning about your country 當你們每周都會見面時 and culture 當你發現 But yeah, as for clubs if you do join a school 自己必須去郵局或銀行 in Japan make sure you participate in lots of different clubs. Sports clubs, 而且你需要辦點事,像是開戶或寄包裹 karate, judo, kendo, all those kind of things. 你覺得 or culture 跟那裡的人表達自己的想法是一件很難的事嗎? aspects, like 有時候啦... Japanese calligraphy or the 好啦 其實非常非常難 tea ceremony 我知道自己想說什麼,但可能當時我忘了該怎麼說 I was in that club for a while. 或是我想太多了,覺得自己不知道 What other kind of clubs do we have... 所以我一般都是請日文比我好的人 An anime club 協助我處理 for anyone who likes anime 那是個好主意 You can watch anime and discuss it 如果你對自己的日文沒信心,就請朋友陪你 Art clubs, singing clubs 當你需要辦理一些複雜的手續時 There're all different kind of things and it's a really great way to make friends 即便是我,我覺得在銀行解釋事情真的很難 You'll become friends with everyone in the club like almost instantly as you get to see each 我不知道專業術語,太難了... other 而且大部分人都不太懂英文...你知道的 所以帶個懂日文的人是個滿好的點子 every week, so yeah. 或是請一個日本人陪你 How do you find it 如果你在日本上學,你可以和一些日本人成為朋友 when you have to go 他們可能會把你介紹給家人 say... to the post office or the bank, and you need to do something like open an 我相信他們會非常和善的 account or send a package? Do you find it hard to 也會想幫助你 talk to the workers and get across what you want to do? 最後一個問題! 你最喜歡在日本求學的哪一點? At times it's 那就是「我真的生活在日本」 像我前面說的 actually very hard because 在美國,學日文的速度很慢 I know what I want to say, but maybe I forget the word at 而且在課堂外,幾乎不會有使用日文的機會 the time or something like that. Or I think about it 在日本,你必須無時無刻使用日文 too much, and then I'm like, ohh I really don't know it... 所以滿好的 So usually I take 如果你是來學日文的話 沒錯,你的日文真的進步神速 somebody that knows more Japanese than me, so that helps me if 跟你剛來的時候比 I ever get caught 你會看到 Yeah, that's a good idea. 自己在日文上的進步有多快,真的很棒! Yeah if you don't feel comfortable with your Japanese bring a friend with you when you 即使你沒在日本參加任何語言課程 need to go do some of that complicated stuff. 只要你人在日本,天天使用日文 Even for me, I find it difficult to explain some things at the bank... I just 你真的會看見自己的日文光速進步 don't know the vocabulary, it's hard... 我很享受在日本的每一天 Most places don't know much English...So yeah that's a great idea to bring 日本的食物很棒 someone 到處都有雜貨店和便利商店 that knows more Japanese 不管你想買什麼都不難 像壽司啦、甜點啦 than you. Or even bring a Japanese person with you. If you're going to 各種飲料零食 你可以在我的影片裡看到一堆 school here you're gonna be making connections with Japanese people 我很喜歡介紹有趣的日本零食,說都說不完! they're probably gonna introduce you to their families, and I'm sure they would be and i'm sure they would be 真的很酷 super 你永遠不會無聊,永遠都有新東西等著你去試 friendly and wanna help you if you ever need someone to go somewhere with you. 還有各種活動,像唱卡拉OK、 Anddd lastly, what do you enjoy the most about your experience going to school 去購物、 here? 去遊樂中心、 Well, that I'm actually HERE in Japan. Because like I said before 射飛鏢、打撞球、 in America we actually 打保齡球 learned very slowly, Japanese, and in most cases we don't use it 實在有太多好玩的事情可做了! 而且我們住在城市,所以我們可以去 much at all besides in the classroom. So here we actually have 東京鬧區,像澀谷、新宿,一下就到了 to use it everywhere 太多好玩的事情了,那是我最喜歡住在日本的原因 So it's actually good 好啦!那就是今天的Q&A影片 in my opinion to come here and study Japanese. Yeah, your Japanese has gotten 如果你們還有其他的問題 so much better 請留言給我 since you first came here. 我會在之後的影片中再回答你們 Greg,謝謝你今天的加入! You'll see a 之後見啦!拜拜~~~ quick improvement in your Japanese for sure. It's really great. Even if you're not in actual Japanese language classes when you're in Japan. Just being here and having to use it every day you'll see a really quick improvement in your Japanese level. For me I really enjoy just everyday Japanese life. Japanese food is awesome there are grocery stores and convenience stories everywhere. So it's really not hard to get anything you want, sushi, sweets all kinds of drinks and snacks. As you've seen throughout my videos I like to introduce the interesting Japanese snacks, there's TONS It's really cool. You just never get bored, there's always something new to try out. Also activity-wise, karaoke shopping game centers darts, billiards bowling there's just so many cool things to do and we live in the city so we can go to big areas of Tokyo, Shibuya, Shinjuku super quickly and it's just really fu, there's so many fun things to do here. That's my favourite thing about living in Japan. All right! So that's all for our question-and-answer video today. If you guys have anymore questions please leave some in the comment section below, and I'll answer them in a future video. Thank you Greg, for joining me I will see you guys again soon! BYEEEE :D
A2 初級 中文 日本 日文 社團 學費 日本人 申請 Q&A 日本的學校。獎學金、交朋友、語言困難 (Q&A School in Japan: Scholarships, making friends, language difficulties) 14 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字