字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 A Day in Akita 在秋田的一天 We're getting on the night bus. (⊙◞▽◟⊙) 我們要搭夜巴了! (⊙◞▽◟⊙) Yeah! 耶~ R: All right, so we got this- J: Footrest? Nice. 所以我們這兒有... 腳踏墊?水喔! We got blankets... 還有毯毯 velcro pillows... 魔鬼氈黏著的枕頭 Nice. ( ° ー°) 水喔!( ° ー°) All right. Goodnight. 好呦晚安 This is also a really great way--if you get into an argument with someone... 如果你和人吵架了,這個東西很好用 Like, if I don't want to talk to Jun anymore I'm just like 比如說我不想和Jun講話 我只要這樣 "All right. I'm done." 好了,我受夠了 "I am exiting this conversation." 我要登出對話 "RIGHT NOW." 立馬就要! *ppbllblblppt* 休息站 REST STOP 在有些休息站有這種大型LED地圖 At some of these rest stops they have giant LED maps 他們會標示出每個廁所,而且告訴你哪些是使用中 that map out every single toilet and they tell you which ones are occupied 還有他們是坐式還是蹲式馬桶 and whether they're Japanese or Western toilets. 你可以精確的找到你想上的那一個馬桶 You can plot out exactly which toilet you want to go to. 這太不可思議了 It's amazing. 這裡像是日本販賣機的聖地 It's like the Mecca of Japanese vending machines. 咖啡~!!! COFFEEEEE 你想喝Blendy(日本品牌)咖啡嗎? Do you want Blendy coffee? 有這種的Blendy咖啡 There's this type of Blendy coffee. 也有這種Blendy咖啡 And there's also this type of Blendy coffee. 其中一個和別的不一樣 ♪ One of these things is not like the other ♪ 你能指出是哪一個嗎? Can you spot it? 你能指出來嗎Jun? Can you spot it, Jun? 這個嗎? This one? 玉米濃湯?! CORN SOUP?! 當自己家,別客氣 "Please make yourself at home." 我們又回到了秋田縣 我們去年有來參加生剝鬼祭 We're back in Akita again. We were here last year for the Namahage Festival. 生剝鬼是秋田當地的可怕惡魔 Namahage are terrifying demons native to Akita 每年一次出現在城鎮裡嚇唬人 who descend upon the towns once a year to TERRORIZE the people!!1! 你的妻子和兒子呢? Where's your wife and son? 他們做的事都寫在這本書裡了 How they are doing is written in this book, 你無可抵賴 so you can't hide anything from us. 你的兒子整天玩電動,都沒寫功課 Your son is playing video game all day without doing homework at all. 裡面關於你兒子的都沒什麼好事 I see nothing good written about your son here. 哎呀生剝鬼大人 Well, well, Namahage-san... 先別談這個... let's put that aside... OK所以生剝鬼其實是神的使者 Okay, so actually the Namahage are messengers of the gods 他們會拜訪鎮上的家庭確保他們的小孩都乖乖的 who visit families in town and make sure their kids are behaving! 所以這就是為什麼他們會害怕 So that's why they're terrifying-- 他們會嚇唬小孩讓他們乖乖的 TO SCARE KIDS INTO BEHAVING. 這就像日本版的 It's like the Japanese version of... 暗黑版的聖誕老人 opposite Santa. 好孩子 or 壞孩子名單? Naughty or nice list? 這間房子的屋主認識生剝鬼本人 The owner of the house knows the Namahage in person. 也許他們上過同一所學校? They might have gone to the same school? 生剝鬼會問孩子有沒有乖乖聽父母話 To kids, he asks if they've been listening to their parents well. 而對父母,他會問有沒有好好教導小孩 To the parents, he asks if they've been parenting the kids well. 我想我在這可以扮成生剝鬼 I guess I can become Namahage here. 你就要變成生剝鬼了 You're going to transform into Namahage. 我要去嚇所有小朋友 I'm gonna scare all the little children. 我很開心現在附近沒有小孩 I'm glad there's no kids around here now. 這件衣服還不錯嘛 This was a good shirt to wear. 快看! Look! You can't tell. 我像是個怪物 I look like a monster. 恐怖喔~ Scary ? 我什麼都看不見 I can't see anything. 說喔嗚~~ Say "UWOOGHH" 喔嗚~~~ UWOOOOGHHAHHH 你聽起來超像一個鬼 You sound like one. 喔嗚喔嗚喔嗚~~~ OHGHHHGHHGHHH 你是個很棒的生剝鬼 You make a great Namahage. 當地人認證! Approved by a local. 我們正在生剝鬼祭的地點,他們在準備中 We're at the site of the Kamakura festival, which they're building right now. 這有一層樓高 他們正站在超高的一堆雪上 It's like a story high. They're just standing on top of this giant thing of snow. 在這個人手下 Under this man, 有4到5組20人團隊,每組都要造100個鎌倉冰屋 there're 4 to 5 groups of 20 people each building 100 kamakura igloos. 他負責的是... He's in charge of... 我是boss I'm the boss. 現在他們要用這個推土機把雪和人堆上去 And now they have this bulldozer to put snow (AND PEOPLE) on top. 他們從地面開始蓋,然後把雪堆在上面 They build it from the ground up and then pack snow on top of it. 但在以前他們只用鏟子把雪堆起來 But in the past they used to just use shovels and flip it up. 這太費工了 That's so much effort. 你想試試嗎? Do you want to try working on it? 現在你要來試試看了 So you'll get to do this now. 我要來幫忙造一個冰屋 Yaaaay! 祝你好運! Yes, please. 現在他應該心裡OS:這個煩人的老外要來幫忙 I'm gonna help build one! 你們就不能讓她忙些其他事嗎? Good luck. 就讓她玩玩雪,你們等一下還可以重做 Right now he's like, "This annoying foreigner wants to help try..." 雪鏈! "Can you just let her do something?" 我該做什麼? "Just let her pack it on. You can redo it later." 痾...她該做什麼? SNOW CHAINZ [Why are there no Alaskan rappers with this name] 在這挖一些雪... What should I do? 你看起來像是職人了! Umm...what should she do? 謝啦! Scoop some snow here and... 歡迎回來 You look like a shokunin now! 真是太瘋狂了! Thanks. 這對你來說也太大了 Welcome back. 我看起來像專家嗎? That's crazy! 非常謝謝你 That looks way too big for you. 秋田在非常北邊,所以有很多雪 Do I look like a pro? 儘管在影片裡看不太出來,雪真的非常深 Thank you very much! 很多時候會不小心陷下去 Okay, so Akita is really far north so it gets a lot of snow, 帶上雪靴 and even though you can’t really tell in this video it’s pretty deep. 我在秋田買了雪靴,這是個絕佳的決定 There was a lot of unexpected sinking. 我們在城堡裡試穿小孩的衣服 Bring snow boots. 鎌倉冰屋是給小孩坐在裡面的 他們會邀請你進去喝杯飲料 I bought snow boots in Akita and it was the BEST DECISION EVER. 和吃麻糬 At the castle we tried on the clothes that kids are supposed to wear. 但那不是最重要的 The kamakura igloos are for kids to sit inside, and they’ll like invite you in for a drink. 什麼? And mochi. 在這部影片中還有另外一件很重要的事 But that’s not the most important thing. 是什麼? What? Jun There’s one other major thing we need to talk about in this video. 糟透了的 What is it? 雪天使 Jun's 蛤? TERRIBLE 你在幹嘛? SNOW ANGEL 有什麼問題嗎? What? 再努力試試看 WHAT ARE YOU DOING OK What's wrong with that? 不過這不是我們真的要說的 TRY A LITTLE HARDER 我們也看了超讚的太鼓表演 O-okay. 還有神社的祭司帶我們去摸神樹以求好運 Well that is not what we wanted to talk about. 不過你平常不能這樣做啦 We also saw a taiko performance, which was amazing. 所以除非他們說可以,不然不要去 And the shrine priest let us walk up to the holy tree and touch it for good luck. 順道一提食物也很棒 But you're not normally supposed to do that, though. 而且我們大概住到秋田縣最好的旅館了 So don't go do that unless they say you can. 它有一個超大的溫泉,不過很明顯我們不能拍裡面 And the food was great, by the way. 我有拍我們房間的導覽影片,只是太長放不進來 And we probably stayed in the nicest hotel in Akita prefecture. 所以如果你有興趣的話我會上傳到我的副頻道 It had a super huge onsen that we obviously couldn’t film inside of. 總之感謝觀賞 並請欣賞横手城堡看出去的風景 But I did film a tour of our room that’s way too long to put in this video 感謝JapanBusLines.com贊助我們的秋田之旅 so I'll upload that to our second channel if you're interested. 如果你想在日本要訂便宜的快捷公車 Anyway, thank you for watching, and please enjoy the view from Yokote castle. 他們有個英文網站 你可以輕鬆的尋找並訂在日本的公車票 Thanks to JapanBusLines.com for sponsoring our trip to Akita. 網站上有一堆選擇 包括婦女專用公車 If you want to book a highway bus in Japan, which is one of the cheapest ways to travel, 有充電插座的公車 they have a website in English where you can easily search for and book bus trips all across Japan. 如果你一個人旅行,還有單人專用座位 There are a ton of options from women's only buses, 以及更多 seats with power outlets, 我們將會把連結放在資訊欄裡 single private seating if you're traveling alone, and more. We'll put the link in the description box.
A2 初級 中文 冰屋 小孩 咖啡 公車 日本 嚇唬 日本喜歡嚇唬孩子的原因|秋田市 (How Japan likes to scare children | Akita) 13 1 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字