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Hey, if you watched my show, Coco Travel Video, Sherry's the awesome person that helped us help to rest all around cuckoo.
So today we're gonna talk about years customs in Japan because I actually don't know that much about them.
And you guys have been asking me a lot in the comments and let's have you been sending me messages actually saying that you're coming in Japan for years and you want to know, like, what's exciting to do in Japan for New Year's?
So actually like, Yeah, I don't know too much about it.
I've only really, like, learned about a couple of New Year's traditions from, like my home state families and stuff like that.
So I figured we would get the pro for real.
Hello, a little bit more about what they do here.
For many years, you were saying that where you're from and Eddie, Maine yes, is probably different than appear until you're probably different.
You think so, Like the main part is the same.
You know, it's a family thing, and we get together.
We eat like special dishes and what not?
But what's inside of the dish is probably different.
We too kinds of food.
One easy old city.
So it's like a lunch like that.
So inside that probably the same make it taste different is like the seasoning that we use.
It's like Little Charlie's little different.
But the biggest difference is the the soup that comes with the city like the Not like me.
What is it again?
Yeah, it's like I'd be so suit.
Yeah, has vegetables and what not?
It depends off the problem, Prefect.
Er yeah, because I heard that North.
They're different, too.
Yes, I think every place has their own special New Year's soup.
In my house, we use just the fish broth on.
Then we particularly put What's that?
What's that?
You see all the little fish dry fish that's equal us sees a little bigger one.
It's not sardine.
It's probably just lucky.
Washing Japanese kind of fish.
I do not know what fish names and kind of like a finish like this size is bigger than that.
You're not doing that and it's not dry.
I usually get brought dried small fish.
Yeah, yeah, but for this we said Sony.
Yes, assume And Tony we cut up washy on then put it in and we eat the meat as well.
Okay, so it's not just for the bra.
No, that's definitely different.
Because the one that I had up in where was I when I had it?
I was probably up north.
I remember being lots of vegetables and mochi and me So base, Ms Oh yeah, our Asia.
It was me.
So soy sauce space Think traditional soup that that you don't need is different.
Writing on the prefecture, I think there's a one weird one.
That's my my dad.
Do it.
But that's not from a team.
Mates from Kanagawa, I heard.
But multi, you put plain multi right?
Yeah, yeah, but he puts uncle way so like a dive like that.
Not so strange in like a salty soup, but a like a sweet dessert with fish.
I was thinking about me.
So, yeah, I kind of know working, but no fish.
I wonder if that's a Chicago Prefecture thing or if it's just your dad.
Maybe it's a little strange.
Okay, Basically like at one point that I want to stress to you guys is new Years in Japan is a family.
It's a quiet family holiday.
It's kind of like it's definitely not like the Canadian or American Party Party time.
It's not like that at all.
So it's kind of the opposite.
I always think of Japan is the office.
It, like Christmas is kind of more of like a go on a date, and New Year's is like quiet family time.
We're in like Canada in America.
It would be kind of switched where Christmas is the family time.
So, yeah, you kind of Japan on years.
Don't expect there to be like huge fireworks displays and like huge parties, and it's just not like that here.
Are there any fireworks?
20 years.
I think it's on Lee Tokyo, right?
Do they dio some?
That's what I heard.
But yeah, it's that rare that you don't even know if there's fireworks for many years.
So it used to be like January 1st 2nd 3rd No shops are open.
It's like giving in America.
So that's why we prepare a lot of food in the impartial food.
Yeah, right.
So and then, like the wife's can, like, relax and, like, take a break from everyday work.
Yeah, I'm gonna make that set.
You know it's crazy.
You guys only take some pictures of it here, but it's like so many little dishes.
But you can purchase them, right?
If you don't want to spend right effort.
Every supermarket.
I think you can get like you.
They're really cheap ones from, like, your local supermarket.
You can order them.
You need to pre order them for sure they're not.
You can just go there and pick one up, because everybody wants once you preorder or you could go to, like, a department store and get more expensive, right?
One that religious dollars.
Yeah, it's insane.
I think the funny thing about that is that most people don't like the food that's in it, right?
It's all like, yeah, like, Yeah, I like Japanese food rolls.
I don't mind eating them, but young people don't like eating fish.
You're like, I don't know most of Lee because this is a marriage off on us.
Traditional stuff like beans and fish on DS.
What kind of things are in there?
Mostly vegetables.
Yeah, lots of vegetables.
Probably very healthy food.
Very like Yeah.
Yeah, really healthy foods, like, really basic foods, but Usually when you talk about upset you with young people, I want you.
But I could totally see, like older Japanese evil loving it because it's all this super traditional foods.
Does the whole family gather at someone's home to eat like the New Year's food together?
Or do you kind of go and visit everyone's houses and see your family?
Or how does that really work?
Usually, I think it's instance everything's depending on the family.
But my family used to go to my grandparent's house on my mother's side because my grandma, my, that's I live together.
Oh has agreed to be, Oh, do that on.
Then we go to my grandma's house and then all the relatives, relatives come to my grandma's house.
They come and go, kind of Okay, so we're basically eating the whole time, just constantly eating right and say hi and then, like, you know, you have to say, like, I must stay over there.
Yeah, he's like an important phrase.
Okay, much.
Then you can get a post Emma from your uncle, and they are there any other phrases used for New Year's?
Ma, please say those those sentences.
Yeah, those air phrases that we usually use like greeting when you need somebody but for, like, New Year's cars.
Yeah, a lot of things like Kinga scene in What's that?
That's basically, like is like, literally like happy you.
So yeah, e guess it's like the Chinese way of writing with four.
Yeah, Yeah, that happiness.
Or like Geishu Oh, gay.
Is that OK?
Oh, welcome.
Welcoming spring.
It was like we kind of count new years as a started start of this year.
I really like how When you want to say, like, happy New Year, Like in a casual where they say, like, shirt it also you're chatting to your friends.
You can use that.
It's super casual, though.
Merry Christmas, dude.
Maybe Cody?
Yeah, everything.
Be sure in Japanese.
Yeah, that's a really, like common way to say medical.
Can't say that to your boss.
No, no, no, I I do like you go to use with your friends Or if you're taking like New Year's pretty great together, people would definitely write that really young, casual way to say it.
So if somebody was coming to Japan on New Year's Day or like around that time.
What would you suggest That they could do here?
That would be fun.
Because they won't have the host family, right?
So they can't really do the whole like, Oh, Sochi regulation.
But what could they do?
I think they can't go to, like Shrine.
Yeah, temples and a big part.
Like I care that everyone but a lot of people tend to wear kimono.
Just go to just visit to the shrine.
So even though you can't wear kimono because that's a lot of work, I can't wear a lot of work, you know, like a story.
Probably get them.
We hired them.
You could write.
That's like experience.
Yeah, but just go up to the shrine and just, like, watch those people like Japanese International Way.
That's that's fine.
And you can get like, you're only Koji, right?
Like you're you're Look, you're like, look for the future.
And I'll tell you, if you're going to be, like, really lucky or like a really crappy year.
Don't tell you what your year is gonna be like.
Are you only supposed to get one of those per year?
Because, like people, every time they go to the trying always getting like old me, Koji, but only supposed to just get one in years.
It doesn't matter.
I don't think, he mutters.
It's the same as the charm because, like, only supposed to be for Nia is too right.
Is that for just New Year's?
But if you get from one trying, that's fine, Okay?
But in the Japanese, Shinto believes in like there are many gods, right?
So if you get a little like charm from this try and that's right, that's right, Then, like we say that concussive Oh, like they different gods, they're gonna fight over like which one's gonna like this one.
That's really interesting.
I've always wondered about that because everywhere you go, they'll be little things like being sold for things like health or to protect you when you're driving or to give you, like, good luck with your studying or your work or something, and, like lots of tourists will just like, Well, this is so cool, just like by everywhere on Yeah, I usually violent like a souvenir.
Like when I went dish Coker and we climbed that mountain.
I got some from the top of this really cool temple.
Apparently, as long as you get them all from one shrine, you could get several of the crew of the year and it will be okay.
That's good to know.
That's really useful.
But yeah, visiting shrines and temples depends.
The family is like a Buddhist, then able to temple you instead of trying.
So I guess if you're either and you're just here for, like, the cultural experience, really mind you even happened.
Definitely born that really religious.
Anyway, I kind of just take like aspects out of each right.
It was like we like my family goes, goes to shrine for the New Year's.
But if we have a funeral, we do in a Buddhist temple, and if you get married, you might do it like the Christian way.
It's, yeah, religion in Japan's kind of it is a culture.
Yeah, more like a culture than our religion.
That's true, But New Year's, I would recommend for you guys.
You have to definitely go to the shrines.
But prepare for them to be insanely busy because everybody goes to the shrine for New Year's to get their fortune and to pray for a good year on.
Yeah, it's crazy.
It's like a It's like if you went to a really big mutt city, it's the same feeling with so many people.
And they'll have, like, stalls with food and stuff, right?
So I think so.
Yeah, they usually have with the little food stalls is basically just like a big festival.
Yeah, but don't expect there to be any big night time parties when it turns midnight like people are gonna be like yelling and screaming like it's a lot like in Canada.
Do you know the tradition were like It turns midnight on New Year's?
Everybody like open the front door like bang pots And no, everyone doesn't belong people doing.
It's like it's normal.
You wouldn't be like one of those people doing.
I don't do that.
E clubbers, like people are late like that.
But that's definitely it's not a big, noisy holiday.
Very quiet.
Yeah, yeah, calm festival.
Yeah, but I think it's nice to have the difference.
So if you're here for New Year's and you were expecting a big, exciting party and you're disappointed they don't have that, I would like to take it as an opportunity to try something new and definitely go to the shrines because it is really cool.
Seeing people dress up in their cumin, all friends get your fortune right?
Just like a different experience.
It feels really nice and peaceful.
It's like a nice fresh start to the year.
You can go and pray for good luck and stuff.
So for kids, they get published.
Oh yeah, I've never been a kid in Japan's best Part of this is like a ball like around things that kids for the New Year's Day.
They get coins from their family on relatives on the turns into more like bills lately.
Not really, Mama, but that's like the biggest time off the year that kids get like like a couple of 100 books.
Yeah, that's another way that it's kind of like Christmas at home, because for us, we get like, money in our Christmas cards, and we get lots of presents and stuff, but they don't do that here on Christmas.
But news is for the kids is exciting.
They write some money because, like all the different relatives, give them what you've done.
Alright, so it piles up more relatives.
You have the better because you get more and more.
When did they stop giving a shit?
Like what age do you think?
I think it's just defending of the family.
I think I usually look once you start, you start like working.
You kind of like extinct.
Don't let any more of your own money you don't really need, Like our help.
I knew some high school students were still getting it, so yeah, I would say probably up until university must most families give Thanks.
I hope you guys learn something about years.
Thanks so much for a teacher thing for me.
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