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morning, guys.
Long time no chill at home log.
I've been wanting to make, like a laid back hang out with me at my house type log, but I've been sick for the past week, so my voice sounds kind of weird.
That's why it's kind of like it's lingering in my throat.
The rest feels okay.
My Sinuses air finally starting to clear.
That's why I'm feeling a little better.
I'm so busy today.
We have so much of you.
So I got up early.
I just had a shower.
I am trying to let my hair air dry all the time now because I want it to be healthier.
I'm going on my natural hair color and I just want really healthy hair.
So it's gonna be wet relievers couple hours, but okay, let's start off by making a list of stuff that we need to do today or else I'm gonna forget something.
I feel like I've already forgotten half the things I'm supposed to do today.
Okay, one, we need to get veggies, and we need to do this super early because they sell Oh, really fast.
We go to the farmer's market and all the like housewives and the little old grandma's.
They get there so early in the morning they buy all the good stuff.
So gonna get veggies and tofu.
They're really good tofu there.
Um, I need Thio get a beating a card from my grandpa.
And did you shopping for giveaway for patri on all.
Explain that a little later on as well.
It's your little box stuffed with cuts.
I feel like I'm missing something really important.
I can't remember.
Well, we'll start with this and maybe you'll remember later on.
Yeah, Let's head out to the veggie.
Sore mornings are wrestle Time for the cats.
They're both really energetic.
So funny to watch.
You're destroying my to do list.
You want us to stay home and not do anything?
Morrow So cute.
He's learned that when I say by tomorrow it means I'm leaving and he gets really sad and he starts crying.
Morrow Gotta go, right.
It's the leader.
See you later.
It's your neighbor.
Bye by the door.
Our ho leading.
I got you a present.
We managed to get some stuff about some bread for later and I got a zucchini which always says that really fast.
I'm glad about that.
And they didn't have the good tofu, So I got some other stuff, but Well, yes, I got zucchini.
What is your present?
Come here.
This is one of the other things that was supposed to go on my to do list.
I remember when we got to the pet store, but I wanted to get him a warm bed because walls in Japan are really thin and they don't have insulation.
So in the winter, it's basically the same temperature inside that it is outside.
No, you put.
Listen, you gotta put this.
I want to get them something warm to cuddle up on.
You gonna sleep together?
Well, I think that's a success.
It looks like he likes it.
Hopefully learn it.
Us Thio don't both sleep together.
But bluebell take turns kindness toward to head out to do some shopping.
I'm gonna take some of this first.
This is Jin saying from Korea, I like to take this when I'm feeling sick or when I feel like I need some energy field.
He gives the energy.
I don't know if I'm just imagining it or what, but it's Jin saying Can't be bad for me.
So I take, like about 6 to 8 of these little gin saying pill things on Dhe feel like he gets rid of my cold faster.
They look like this and they smoke kind of weird, but I swear by them I'm just walking to the store and I hatched my 10 k egg because it's the event.
I got double Candies.
I got 64 Candies for hatching the larva tar, which was awesome because I was down to two Cam, unlike her three star.
Now Nicola's join me because we're playing Pokemon.
We're trying to catch the shiny sable.
I faked my way, right.
That's how I read it.
No luck yet.
Um, I'm gonna choose some stuff for the giveaway.
So we're looking through the snacks right now.
These air que no booze.
What is?
Uh, it's Chuck Opie, But like much a cheesecake flavor.
So many cute things.
Coghlan's Why are there no Pocky feeling?
That must be in a different row?
This is probably like the salty snacks.
And then there's probably sweets.
Not somewhere here they are.
This is the row.
I want all the fun stuff is always here.
The milk.
Well, look, it is granola green teas.
Kit Kat.
Those look really good.
I think I'll get that and then just include a few of them in the package.
Come with some fun gum.
This is white cider flavored gum ciders.
Kind of like seven up.
You like it?
It tastes good from these little wafer chocolates that come with one piece stickers.
I figured I'd get some of those because there were lots of people that enjoy one piece.
The kid's candy sections.
Always my favorite.
They always come with a good toy or stickers or something.
Use Little Kirby Gummies.
Come with stickers.
I think I'll get some of those.
Get this.
It's like Aqua Be that's with chocolate.
That's so fun.
Oh oh, Sailor Moon charms in these pok balls, there's a figure inside and a candy that's cool.
When should I get masterful like a weird candy kit?
You guys wanna weird candy kit?
There's a Morio gummies, and I made him a video with my sister Ned.
And Edna is always fun.
Tastes kind of weird, but it's fun in the hay.
This one's pretty cute.
Let's go with this?
Yeah, that's a cute one.
So I'm leaning?
Yeah, I think anyone would like that one.
They have this section of seasonal stationery, and it's so pretty.
I was thinking, I'll get different station or every time I rate letter is for my patrons, I think I'll get this one.
This one's super cute.
I found a gotcha for the box.
It's melon pun, but it's a turtle and it's squishy.
It's perfect.
That's everything for me.
But it was his question.
Thank you.
Halloween dog.
Are you copy?
Any skitter core edition?
So all the stuff I just picked up of the mole is going to be for my Petri and give away this month.
I'm gonna be doing monthly giveaways on there.
Um, yeah, I started up a tree on I mentioned on Twitter and Instagram already, but I guess this is my official launch since I'm now mentioning it in a video.
I've been doing YouTube for six years now, and up until now, I didn't feel the need for a patriotic If you're unfamiliar with picture on, it's a place where you can make a monthly pledge to support your favourite youtuber or artists there's all different kinds of creators on there, but you up until now, I didn't really see any need to make one YouTube AdSense ad revenue was pretty stable, and I was able to make a living off of it.
But with all the issues that YouTube's been having recently with ads, I'm sure you follow at least one YouTube or on Twitter.
Ah are on YouTube, but has complained about all the things that are going on recently.
It's made it so hard to support yourself as a full time YouTuber.
It started off with them getting rid of all the good paying ads and AdSense revenue just cut in half, and all of a sudden our income was half of what it has always been.
Up until now and then They started this new program where they like to de monetize videos, which means take the odds off of them so that we don't make money for absolutely no reason.
It's an automated system that does it, and it picks up the most random videos to remove the ads from like, totally family friendly content.
And it just takes the ads, often says it's an inappropriate video and the content is not suitable for advertises.
So so many YouTubers have been having problems without recently.
And it's just been so stressful because YouTube seems so Don't care about us at all.
But thank God for communities like Patri on, um, were you to risk and set up another way to have some income to support their contents.
So, yeah, that's why I decided to put the page together.
Go check it out.
If you're interested.
I put together some rewards for people that would like to become a patron of me.
I'm not gonna change anything that I'm doing now.
You guys are all still going to get all the videos and everything that I make, like usual for free.
Um, in no way do you need to become a patron.
It's basically just some bonuses to say thank you to people that want to support me that little extra.
That's it.
But I am doing monthly giveaways on there.
So if you're interested in participating in those go check of the page holding you down below, I'm really liking it.
I have 40 45 patrons so far, and we have this little community that we've built here.
It's kind of like a Facebook.
I can post photos and, like little Blawg posts, kind of update people.
What I'm doing behind the scenes.
Yeah, I'm having fun with it.
So it's been cool.
He's using that bad.
It's a success.
I just remembered what I was supposed to write on my to do list, and now it's too late.
I was supposed to take my update shots for get fit with me.
It's already been four weeks and, like, three days, there's something today I'm already like over the four week point.
But if I don't take them in the morning, I've already eaten in like my stomach sticks out and stuff, so it's gonna have to wait till tomorrow.
I'm doing good, though.
I'm doing good.
I haven't weighed myself yet, but I'm happy with how I look.
You're gonna make dinner now.
If you missed my bootable recipe, tonight's basically just gonna be like the super simple version of that really easy to put together.
Whatever vegetable do you have in the fridge on race and then for the sauce, it's four ingredients.
Maple syrup, peanut butter, soy sauce, um, five ingredients.
I lied sesame oil and chilli sauce.
You don't really need the chili sauce, but it add some spice and it's nice bean.
So cut your vegetables into pieces about this big.
I found some broccoli's gonna put broccoli in a swell Um, he's gonna make the sauce, so just take a spoonful of peanut butter.
Maybe like one and 1/2.
I like using this instead of soy sauce.
Something good taste.
But, er I got this from my herb only Get down below if you're interested.
Um, think about two tablespoons about as well.
But I just randomly foursome in and I just make it to taste.
It's kind of hard to like Michael kind of hard to screw up this recipe on scene for maple syrup, you had one in a home.
This just depends how spicy you want.
It looks good, and then a little bit of sesame oil it and that's it in the sauce tastes so good.
Look, if you're someone who doesn't like vegetables, try making this recipe and I swear that this sauce will make you want to eat those vegetables used to use oil.
But I've been trying to cook them using just water recently.
Just here and then, like a tablespoon of water so they don't stick to the bottom.
Wait just for a little bit of water in there.
Most of it will operate when you're cooking.
And then I just put a lid on themselves, Steam away in there, and I'm gonna fry the tofu in this pound for the tofu.
I do like to use a little bit of oil.
I feel like it gives it a better texture about my race cooking over here.
In the meantime, this will be done.
The boat another 20 minutes or so.
Who won?
The veggies?
They're cooked in.
The tofu is kind of golden on the edges.
Ideally, you would probably want to get a little more, but I'm hungry.
So it's good enough?
Um put it on top of a little bit of race and then trees with this.
So so easy.
Doing can't sleep there.
Sleep in your bed.
What are you doing?
Sleeping your new bed.
Now what I need to do is take some photos with my koala mattress because they sent me the mattress.
Are free to make a review video about and then they like my video so much that they offered to sponsor an instagram post.
Soto pay me to post a picture on Instagram.
I think that's the first time a company has ever offered to sponsor an instagram posts.
And I'm really excited because I love my mattress and I'm happy to advertise for them.
So now it's just gonna be a struggle to get a cute picture, because I'm really about it.
Taking photos.
I'm gonna see a few words that will help me tomorrow has been in the bed, like ever since I brought it home.
That was such a good choice.
You'd like your bed.
Is it CO P Bloom is still up here.
And cat paradise.
She likes it here.
This is her favorite spot, your G.
You know?
Does he hide everyone?
I guess I'm gonna say good night here because Cuba, it's on, and I are gonna go and cuts the poking lawn.
Gonna go on our nightly walk.
We do that every night.
I tried to get in 10,000 steps a day, So if I've been inside, um, look, I mostly have been today.
Well, I guess I went shopping.
But other than that, I'm still about my 10,000 steps.
So we're gonna go for a nightly walk and make sure I get at least that and hopefully cut some a new poll.
Come on.
Can you get that shiny?
I'll see you guys soon.
Thanks so much for watching.