字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey guys! 大家好~我今天下午有點時間,所以我在FB上問了大家 I had some free time this afternoon so I asked you guys 看看你們有什麼疑問,關於我、日本 on my Facebook page if there are any questions you wanted to ask me 任何問題都行 um about myself or Japan or just whatever. 我有陣子沒拍這種Q&A影片了 Um I haven't done many of these Q+A videos so 我在YouTube上收到一堆email,但我沒時間一一回信 I get lots of Youtube emails that I don't have time to reply to 希望可以透過這支影片回答道你的問題 so hopefully I can answer some of those questions in this video 第1題:你最喜歡的日本零食是? What is your favourite Japanese snack of all time? 好難選...有太多可以選了 This is very difficult there are so many good ones to choose from 但我最愛的應該是雷神巧克力 but my absolute favourite would probably be Black Thunder 第2題:你最愛的神奇寶貝是? What's your favourite Pokémon? 這題也好難選... Um this is so hard to choose too 我很喜歡雷丘 I really like Raichu 還有派拉斯,是不是很怪啊? Um... I like Paras 我猜現在你們一定這麼想 which is a really weird choice 我喜歡他可愛的聲音 I'm sure you're all thinking 第3題:你心目中第一名的東京餐廳是? Um I just really like its voice I think. I think it's really cute 我前天去了一家素食餐廳,非常好吃 Where is your favourite place to eat in Tokyo? 我記得英文店名是Journey什麼的 I went to a really delicious vegan place the other day actually 剩下的英文很怪,我會在旁邊附上全名 I think it was called Journey in English 因為我記不得全名了 哈哈 Um... 東西超好吃,我想即使不吃素的人也會愛上 The rest of the name is really weird 我點了素的牛肉燴飯,有點像燉菜配上糙米 I will put it right here 還有鬆餅,超~~~~~~~~~~美味 Cause I can't remember what it was called 有鮮奶油,上面鋪滿新鮮水果,太好吃了 But that place was so yummy 第4題:你最喜歡的日本城市是?為什麼? even if you're not vegan I think you would love it 我以前住在東北地區 Um I had a hayashi rice dish 在岩手縣的盛岡市 which is kind of like a stew I guess with rice 我很喜歡那裡的生活 and their pancakes were so good 主要的原因是,那裡很像我的故鄉─加拿大的維多利亞市 they had like a cream and a fruit topping 到處都是樹木,也比東京來得涼爽,因為地理的緣故 oh it was so yummy 人也比較少,所以不會太擁擠,但又不會太偏僻 Which city in Japan do you like the most and why? 完美介於城市和鄉村間的一種平衡 Hmm... 所以,目前為止,我心目中的第一名是盛岡市 I used to live up in Northern Japan in a city called Morioka 第5題:除了關東地區,你還想去哪裡旅行? It's in Iwate Prefecture 其實我還沒去過本州以外的地方 Um I really liked it there, 所以我很想去北海道、四國、九州,任何地方都行 I think um the main reason is because it's very similar to my hometown, Victoria, in Canada 我去過本州滿多地方了 Lots of nature, um a little bit cooler weather than you'll find in Tokyo since it's pretty far up north 但還沒去過其他地區,所以我都很樂意 and... less people 第6題:你喜歡住在日本的原因是? definitely less crowded 這個好難回答,我就說我想到的第一個理由吧 but it wasn't like a super countryside town it was kinda a nice balance between city and countryside 我很喜歡日本人不會過度雞婆這一點 Um I'm gonna say so far my favourite place would probably be Morioka 走在路上也不會有人隨便對你鬼吼鬼叫 Other than the Kanto Region where do you want to take a trip to in Japan 或是跟你搭訕 Um well actually I have never been off of the main island of Honshu 除非他們想練習英文,我遇過幾次那樣的人 So I would love to visit Hokkaido or Shikoku or Kyushu 我的意思是,當我在加拿大的街上,就會有那種男生 Um anywhere 對我說些噁心話 actually 當你在等公車,陌生人會找你聊天 I've done lots of traveling all up and down the main island 當然,有時候這樣是滿好玩的,當你也想跟別人聊天時 But so yeah I haven't been off of it 但有時你就只想獨處 so I would definitely love to visit any of the other islands 沒那個心情跟陌生人聊天 I think that would be really cool 在日本,這樣的情形不太會發生,我欣賞這點 Hi Sharla what is your favourite thing about living in Japan and why? 人們管自己的事情就好,沒有人會打擾你 Ah... This is really hard to pick just one and I'm just gonna say the first thing that comes to my head 在日本我比較自在,因為我知道不會有人隨便打擾我 I really like how people in Japan kind of just let you do your own thing 第7題:你最喜歡的日本商店? so if you're walking down the street you won't get lots of people yelling at you or coming up and talking to you 如果是服飾店 um unless they wanna practice their English 應該是原宿的SPINS和WEGO I do get that sometimes 兩間店的風格很類似,都開在原宿,都是強烈的街頭風 but um what I mean is kind of like in Canada I'll walk down the street here and I'll have guys yelling something at me 兩間店我都喜歡 or um if you're sitting at the bus stop strangers will start talking to you 第8題:你計畫在日本住多久? and sometimes that's cool, like sometimes you know you're in the mood to talk to people 另外,是什麼原因讓你一頭栽進日本文化? but other times you just like wanna be by yourself and you don't wanna you know you're not in the mood to talk with random people 我的確有計畫要在日本住一段時間 and that doesn't happen often in Japan 但還沒想好要待多久,因為我很隨興 so I really like that 如果有天我準備好定居在另一個國家的話,我會去的 it's always very um people just mind their own business and they let you do your own thing 但目前我還沒有長期的規劃 and i just feel a lot more comfortable going outside in Japan because I know that many people won't bother me 此刻我很享受住在日本 What is your favourite Japanese store? 也在這裡找到工作了,之後我會再專門拍影片談那件事 I'm assuming they're meaning like clothes for shopping 我對未來還沒有明確的計畫 in that case I would say probably Spins or Wego 至於什麼原因讓我一頭栽進日本文化? I can't choose one they're very similar 我開始學日文是在13歲的時候 um they're both in Harajuku they have very like cute street fashion and I just love both of them 我記得很久前的影片裡提過我是怎麼開始學日文的 Do you plan to stay in Japan for as long as you can? 但影片年代太久遠了,應該沒人看過,所以我再說一次 Also, what sparked your wish to study and get into the Japanese world? 在加拿大的學校你得學第二外語 It would be interesting to hear 唸八年級時,法文是必修課 Um... Hmm... 到了九年級,你可以繼續學法文,或是改學其他語言 That's kind- I- hm... 我覺得自己有法文基礎了,所以想學新的語言 I do plan on staying in Japan for a while 有俄文、西班牙文、日文,好像還有德文 I don't know how long that will be, I'm pretty... random 大概有三四種語言可選,我覺得日文有點酷,就選啦 If all of a sudden I feel like moving to another country one day 一時興起啦 I will do that so I can't really decide on my long term plans yet 當我開始學,我真的愛上日本文化,而且日文學起來也很好玩 um at the moment I'm really enjoying living in Japan 但我沒有好好唸課本,所以其實我的日文成績很爛 I have a job which I will talk about in the future 上高中後,我還是很喜歡日文,而且在學校裡的日本社團交到很多日本朋友 Um I wanna make like a proper video about it 我很喜歡日本的文化和人,所以這就是我持續的原因 but um long term wise, I'm not sure yet 這題好有趣! And what sparked my wish to study and get into the Japanese world... hm... 第9題:你會像日本人戴口罩嗎?好像沒看過你戴? Er... I first started studying Japanese when I was I think 13 你沒看過我戴是因為我在拍影片,如果戴上的話,大家就聽不到我的聲音了 Um I think I mentioned this in a really crappy video that I made a long time ago about like how I started studying Japanese and stuff 口罩會把聲音蓋住,但平常我會戴口罩 but that video like sucks I don't even want you guys to go watch it 而我戴口罩的原因有好幾個 so um I will say it again 像是我生病的時候 But I... In Canada you have to choose a third? Third language I guess it is 或是我要去人很多的地方時 We study French 像是要去新宿車站逛一整天,我就會戴口罩 Um it's mandatory to study French up until grade 8 以防別人把感冒傳染給我 and then in grade 9 you can choose another language to study 當我沒化妝時,我也會戴口罩 you can either continue on with your French or you can choose another one 哈哈 我知道這聽起來很蠢,但日本女生如果早上沒化妝 And I thought I already have like a basis of French down so I'll move on to another one 她們會很不好意思在眾人面前露出素顏 and we had I think Russian, Spanish, er... Japanese 我也是,因為我是金髮碧眼的外國人,大家都會盯著我看 um German? There might have been German 雖然我比較習慣這種注目睽睽的視線 No, maybe not 但我不習慣素顏上街,這時就會戴口罩 um anyways we had like 3 or 4 languages to choose from and I just thought Japanese sounded cool 第10題:日本人會在意刺青和耳洞嗎? so I picked it randomly 這真的要看你的職業 And um as I started studying it I really fell in love with the culture and the language was fun to learn 如果你在時尚產業工作,刺青和鮮豔髮色都可以接受的 I wasn't much of a book studier so I got pretty bad grades 在原宿和澀谷你會看到很多這樣的人 in my Japanese classes actually 看你的工作是什麼,有些店員身上有超多刺青和耳洞 er in high school 但他們的職場文化允許,所以就沒關係 but I still really enjoyed the language and I made lots of Japanese friends 但大部分情況下,沒錯,人們輕視身上穿環的人 through um like a Japanese club we that had at school and I just yeah I guess I just fell in love with the culture and the people so 這也是我沒再戴針式耳環的原因,以前我兩隻耳朵各有三個耳洞 that's why I stuck with it 耳洞其實沒關係 Now this is an interesting one 所以如果你有一堆耳洞,別擔心 Do you wear a mask like a lot of people in Japan do? 只是我沒再戴了 Like in flu season etc? I've never seen you in one 以前我還有鼻環和唇環,但我全都拿掉了 Um well the reason you haven't seen me in one is because um if I wore one 因為我想在日本工作,如果你身上有打洞穿環會很難找 in my videos you wouldn't be able to hear me talking cause it really muffles your speech 會大大限制你的工作機會 but yes I definitely do wear a mask 所以我拿掉了,但滿難過的啦,因為我喜歡我的耳洞,我想要戴回去 There are actually several different reasons that I would wear one 我現在的工作超不日本的 I wear one when I'm sick um I wear one when I'm going to like a crowded area say like hm... if I'm gonna go to like maybe Shinjuku Eki 他們不在乎我的穿著打扮,我想耳洞應該也沒關係,也許之後我會再開始戴 and I go shopping there all day I might wear a mask just so that I don't catch a cold from someone 謝謝收看!因為要回答的問題太多了,所以這集有點長,剩下的問題請收看Part2^^ And I'll also sometimes wear a mask if I'm not wearing makeup I know that's silly but um that's a thing in Japan People will wear the masks if they don't have time to do their makeup in the morning and they feel awkward out in public without makeup Um which I do because lots of people look at me because I'm different looking I have blonde hair now which makes me stand out even a little more than I used to so I feel very awkward when I'm out in public and I'm not like, I don't have all my makeup on so sometimes I'll wear a mask for that How do body mods go over in Japan? Do people look down on them or do people not really care? Um... It really depends like what you're doing If you work in the fashion scene then you can totally get away with having tonnes of piercings and tattoos and crazy hair colours it wouldn't matter at all you see lots of that when you go into like say Harajuku or um even areas in Shibuya It depends what you're doing like it's some of the store workers will have tonnes of piercings and tattoos and er it doesn't matter because that that's fine for their job Um but in general yes they do look down on piercings which is why I don't have mine anymore I used to have um three in each ear ear piercings aren't like err looked down on at all here actually so don't worry if you have tonnes of ear piercings that should be fine but I-I ended up taking those out anyways I had my tragus and my nose and my lip and yes I took them all out because I wanted to get jobs in Japan and it's really hard to do that um when you have piercings it just really limits your choice of jobs so that is why I took those out I find that really sad because I love piercings and I really want them back My job now is very... very... how can I say, not Japanese they don't really care what I look like, what I wear, and I don't think they would mind if I had piercings so maybe I will put them back in the future
A2 初級 中文 日本 口罩 日文 原宿 法文 原因 關於日本生活的問題!您在日本最喜歡的地方、餐廳、商店是什麼? (Questions about Living in Japan! 日本で一番好きな場所、レストラン、店は?) 26 3 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字