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  • Hey guys, it’s Micaela, and this week I’m in Tokyo.

    大家好 我是Micaela 這一週我待在東京

  • Sharla invited me up to Tokyo to collaborate with her on her project, so I decided to take

    Sharla 找我來東京來跟她一起處理一個專案 所以我決定

  • that opportunity to kind of take a little bit of an extended stay up here in Tokyo.

    藉由這次機會在東京 待久一點的時間

  • And I rented this Airbnb and I kinda wanted to show you because it was really cheap.

    這次我使用Airbnb來訂房 我會介紹給大家是因為這次房價超便宜的

  • I always use Airbnb, I never stay in hotels anymore because, um, hotels are overpriced,

    我常使用Airbnb所以變得也比較少訂飯店住 對我來說飯店會超過我的預算

  • and they're small, and crowded, and just overall super lame.

    小間 壅擠 整起來說就很不優

  • So, I wanted to show you the airbnb that I got for this trip, this small visit to uh,


  • Tokyo.


  • First of all, this apart is old as balls, but I feel like, in Tokyo, you're really hard

    首先 我覺得這間公寓有點舊 但我覺得東京真的很難

  • pressed to find something that is close to the station, and affordable, and like, spacious,

    找到是接近車站的住宿 負擔不會太重且寬敞又新的地方

  • and new.

    找到是接近車站的住宿 負擔不會太重且寬敞又新的地方

  • I think if it was a new apartment, this would cost a fortune.

    如果是新的公寓 住宿一定是一大開銷

  • And, right away, we've got this nice spacious kitchen, which I quite like.

    再來向右走有了這個漂亮寬敞的廚房 我很喜歡

  • It's very simple.

    房間的廚房很簡單寬敞 如桌椅所示大約可以容納4位家人左右

  • Very spacious, you could stay here with a family I guess, have four people at the table.

    房間的廚房很簡單寬敞 如桌椅所示大約可以容納4位家人左右

  • You could even cook if you wanted to...There's a gas stove right here.

    你甚至可以下廚 如果你想...這邊還有瓦斯爐

  • Oh, all the dishes are down here.


  • I kinda wish that our house was like, as clean as basic as this but yeah.


  • Um, so then we go the kitchen and we turn right, we've got a beautiful little living

    恩...然後我們走進廚房 正右方是這間漂亮的小客廳

  • room.

    恩...然後我們走進廚房 正右方是這間漂亮的小客廳

  • And I guess like, size-wise it's not a very big living room, but I guess the way they've

    我覺得就規模言 客廳不是很大 但屋主

  • designed it, with the long couch, the small table, the small tv, tv stand, it feels big.

    設計使用長椅 小桌子 小電視 小電視架 讓住的人感覺很大

  • It feels big, and I love the red and the green combination.

    房間感覺超大 而且我超愛紅色與綠色的搭配

  • It just makes the room look alive.


  • I actually, I think the, I think that these couches can make an extra bed.

    其實我覺得這些沙發 是被當作額外的床

  • Yeah, this definitely folds down.

    對 這個沙發可以向下折

  • So these fold down into like, two extra beds.

    所以這些沙發折下後 就會變成兩張額外的床

  • And, in the bedroom itself we have, two beds here.


  • These are very basic.


  • They're not, you know, the most comfortable beds in the world, but, they do the job.

    雖然不是世上最舒適的床 屋主這樣處理是很棒的

  • And because I'm cheeky I slept in one the first night, and then I slept in this one

    我也厚臉皮的一天睡這張床 然後昨晚我睡那張床 不要問我為什麼

  • last night because I dunno, because I can.

    我也厚臉皮的一天睡這張床 然後昨晚我睡那張床 不要問我為什麼

  • Hotels in Tokyo, they'll run you anywhere between $80-150 a night, depending on the

    東京的酒店會因為位置的關係 一晚約$ 80-150(美金)之間

  • location, and this was $41 a night, and it's like the size of 5 hotel rooms.

    這間約5間酒店大小的房間 才1晚$41(美金)

  • It's crazy.


  • Um, the one down side, as it is an old apartment, like, the bathroom is quite dirty.

    嗯..缺點是房間是屬於舊式公寓 衛生間也蠻不乾淨的

  • This is the shower room.


  • I'll show you.


  • This is the shower room, and this is like the laundry, this is my towel, I used the

    這是浴室但也是洗衣間 這是我的毛巾 這是我用過的

  • towels so they're kind of messy, but um, yeah, then, the bath is like this thing, with like

    毛巾 所以看起來有點亂 然後浴室長得像這樣 接著一條管子

  • a little hose.

    毛巾 所以看起來有點亂 然後浴室長得像這樣 接著一條管子

  • HOSE.

    毛巾 所以看起來有點亂 然後浴室長得像這樣 接著一條管子

  • The toilet, actually the toilet room is quite cute, I like this, it's adorable.

    廁所的話我倒是覺得很可愛 我還滿喜歡的

  • And they decorated the door.


  • "Where do you plan to go on your next trip?"




  • And I can't get over how just like, spacious and comfortable and just like, wonderful this

    我也不知道該怎麼解釋 這個地方又寬敞又舒適又棒的公寓讓人很放鬆

  • apartment was, because, I dunno, I just like, I found it very relaxing.

    我也不知道該怎麼解釋 這個地方又寬敞又舒適又棒的公寓讓人很放鬆

  • I DID see a cockroach in the stairwell, and that, but I mean like cockroaches are just

    我確實在樓梯間看到了蟑螂 我意思是想表達蟑螂...

  • such a thing in summer in Japan, like, if you live on one of the lower levels of an

    在日本的夏天是常出現的生物 若你住在較舊的公寓

  • apartment complex, you cannot avoid cockroaches.


  • They just get in everywhere.


  • And you know, like, they're..


  • They're cute?


  • I dunno.


  • I try not to think about them too much, like I don't love them, but I don't...

    我試著不要去想他們(蟑螂) 我本身也不喜歡這些(蟑螂)

  • They're not going to ruin my day.


  • So yeah.


  • There was a cockroach in the stairwell, and it was huge, and it did startle me, but like

    是有一些蟑螂在樓梯間 有點大卻不會嚇到我

  • it didn't make me feel like this room was any less safe or clean or whatever.

    不會因為這樣讓我覺得 這房間不安全或不乾淨

  • Uh, yeah.


  • Um, I'm gunna put a link in the description to my referral link, because if you come to

    恩...我會將相關的連結放在影片說明處 如果下次要來

  • Japan and you wanna try Airbnb, and you use my referral link, you will get like, I think

    日本 而且您想嘗試嘗試訂看看Airbnb 使用下方我推薦連結訂房的話

  • $30-40 dollars off your stay, and then I also get a referral bonus, and then I can stay

    可以折抵$ 30-40(美元)住宿 然後我也能夠獲得推薦獎金 我就能訂更多不同airbnb的房子

  • at more airbnbs.

    可以折抵$ 30-40(美元)住宿 然後我也能夠獲得推薦獎金 我就能訂更多不同airbnb的房子

  • If we could both get a discount, that'd be really nice, because then when I come up and

    如果我們都能獲得折扣 那就很棒 因為當我下次來

  • visit Tokyo I don't spend as much money on accomodation, and I can spend it on other

    訪東京時 我就不用花那麼多預算在住宿上 我就可以花在住宿以外的費用了!

  • things!

    訪東京時 我就不用花那麼多預算在住宿上 我就可以花在住宿以外的費用了!

  • Yay.

    好吧 我得走了 我朋友正在等我

  • Alright, I gotta go, my friend's waiting for me, but yeah.

    好吧 我得走了 我朋友正在等我

  • Talk to you again soon, bye!

    我們下次見 掰~

Hey guys, it’s Micaela, and this week I’m in Tokyo.

大家好 我是Micaela 這一週我待在東京


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