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  • - Hey, guys, today we're going on a short

  • three-hour trip on the Coto Coto train,

  • one of the newer designer restaurant trains

  • to hit local railway lines in rural Fukuoka.

  • There are quite a lot of interesting designer trains

  • running throughout Kyushu already,

  • but the Coto Coto train is an interesting entry

  • to the market because of its close proximity

  • to Fukuoka City and its reasonable pricing.

  • Hey, guys, good morning, it's Micaela.

  • Today I am in Nogata, which is deep countryside Fukuoka.

  • I'm about to get on the Coto Coto train,

  • which runs along the Chikuho railway.

  • And this is really out there.

  • This is not along the main line

  • that runs between Fukuoka and Kagoshima,

  • so it's a little bit off the beaten path.

  • But this train is amazing.

  • I can't wait to show you what it's like.

  • The Coto Coto train was designed by Eiji Mitooka,

  • a popular Japanese train designer

  • responsible for many of the designer trains in Kyushu.

  • His affinity for fusing retro-style wooden interiors

  • with complex patterns and bright colors is a trademark

  • that can be seen in the majority of his designer trains.

  • There's patterns everywhere.

  • The ground is this wooden mosaic.

  • It feels very strange to be down on the floor,

  • touching the ground, but you can feel the crevices

  • between each block.

  • It's not like a smooth pattern flooring.

  • It's something that you can just tell has been made

  • piece by piece by piece.

  • The other highlight of this journey is the built-in kitchen.

  • This three-hour train ride features a multi-course

  • French-fusion menu, planned and executed

  • by Fukuoka's Michelin-starred restaurant,

  • La Maison De La Nature Goh,

  • which was also featured amongst Asia's 50 best restaurants.

  • The quality of food on this train is unreal.

  • So this is the Coto Coto box.

  • It's a bento box made with ingredients

  • from along the Chikuho line.

  • We have salmon and edible Chrysanthemum tartar,

  • steamed cauliflower, blueberry-flavored red cabbage,

  • croquette of giblet hotpot, boar hamburg steak.

  • So we've got boar meat today.

  • - [Man] Hell, yeah.

  • - Fried puffer fish, rolled Chinese cabbage

  • with monkfish liver, taro and onion quiche, jambon blanc,

  • and black beans and cream cheese bagel sandwich.

  • And that's just the first course.

  • There are five courses in total, including dessert.

  • And each course highlights

  • different seasonal and local ingredients,

  • fusing them together in unique and interesting ways.

  • All right, so I ordered some beer.

  • This is the Fukuchi Rich Beer,

  • that is made with local toyomitsuhime figs.

  • Now, I don't drink that often, but I am a sucker

  • for local fruits and flavors.

  • I like anything that's fruity.

  • And anything that uses local fruits

  • or regional specialty fruits.

  • This fig beer is really light.

  • It doesn't have that sourness that beer sometimes has.

  • Very light, easy to drink.

  • And has a nice, fruity aftertaste.

  • (relaxing music)

  • So every once in a while during our journey,

  • the train stops for about

  • 10 to 15 minutes at certain stations.

  • And we can get out, use the bathroom.

  • There's no bathrooms on the train.

  • So we can stop at the station, have a toilet break.

  • And at the stations,

  • locals are selling their handmade goods, their foods,

  • their local specialties at the station

  • for visitors to look at and possibly buy.

  • So here we can see some tsukemono.

  • This one is shiso flavored.

  • This one's miso.

  • Some preserved shiitake mushrooms.

  • Shiitake shoyu, so soy sauce for shiitake mushrooms.

  • This is really cool.

  • This is shiitake chazuke.

  • Chazuke is where you pour dashi over rice,

  • and you kind of make yourself a rice porridge.

  • So this is shiitake chazuke.

  • So you would put this chopped shiitake mushroom

  • over your rice, pour some dashi sauce over it,

  • and make like a mushroom porridge.

  • That's really cool.

  • This would be really good.

  • (upbeat energetic music)

  • - [Server] This is for you.

  • - Oh, yeah, happy birthday.

  • It's my birthday.

  • (speaking foreign language)

  • Happy birthday to you

  • Happy birthday to you

  • - So, it's not my birthday.

  • Oh man, it's not my birthday.

  • But the staff were very, very nice.

  • And they asked if I had a birthday recently,

  • or if it was my birthday soon.

  • And I said it was my birthday a month ago.

  • And they were like, "Close enough."

  • And so, they just brought me a birthday plate.

  • And everyone sang happy birthday to me.

  • And it was very surprising.

  • But I love the hospitality, I love the energy.

  • This is so cool.

  • And the birthday plate actually looks fabulous.

  • So it's really cool they got to show us that.

  • That that is something that they do.

  • Good job.

  • But everybody, everybody stopped to pay attention.

  • And it was, I'm a little shy.

  • Now this dessert.

  • I have been looking forward to this dessert

  • from the beginning of this trip

  • because everything that we've eaten up until now

  • has been amazing, so I know that this dessert

  • is gonna be incredible as well.

  • Let's just dig in.

  • (energetic music)

  • So the reason that this train exists

  • all the way out here in the first place

  • is because it's part of a bigger project

  • where Fukuoka is trying to bring life

  • back into the countryside.

  • As Fukuoka City's population increases,

  • the countryside population has been decreasing.

  • And so with the introduction of really fun activities,

  • such as kankou densha, designer trains,

  • they hope to bring more people back out to the countryside,

  • eating local foods and produce.

  • And hopefully stopping a few places along the way

  • and putting money back in to the local economies.

  • If you're looking for something very, very fancy

  • with incredible food, each dish has been delicious,

  • innovative, fun.

  • And just flavors that I've never even had before.

  • For a quick escape to the countryside and delicious food,

  • this was one of the best train trips I've had in Kyushu yet.

  • And one that I would absolutely do again.

  • (speaking foreign language)

  • Well, it's all done.

  • We have arrived at Yukuhashi Station.

  • And the trip is over.

  • All right guys, so I had a great time.

  • I'm about to head back to Fukuoka.

  • If you have enjoyed this video,

  • if you're interested in learning more,

  • check the description box.

  • I'm gonna put links to the Coto Coto train

  • and how to reserve, and how to get more information

  • down in the description box below.

  • If you enjoyed this video, let me know in the comments.

  • Let me know if you've tried

  • any of the designer trains across Japan.

  • There are actually so many.

  • All right guys, I gotta go.

  • (speaking foreign language)

  • If you wanna come to the Coto Coto train,

  • these lovely staff are waiting for you.

  • All right, I'm gonna head home,

  • but thank you so much for watching.

  • I'll see you next time.

  • Bye.

- Hey, guys, today we're going on a short


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日本當地的餐廳火車上提供的法國料理,在火車上提供的是時尚的法國料理。 (LOCAL RESTAURANT TRAIN IN JAPAN 電車で食べるお洒落なフレンチ料理!)

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