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Hey, guys, Welcome to the last video from a road trip.
Siri's I really hope you guys enjoyed coming along on the adventure with us.
I filmed a little wrap up of the trip and I posted that at the end of this video.
So check that out.
If you'd like to see my recommendations on my favorite spots for the trip and the best times of year to go see the anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the video.
Thanks for watching.
Hey, guys, welcome to Day three of our road trip.
Where are we today?
The team of Jesus Christ, which is an actual real place in Al Maury.
Look at this home of historical romance on Jesus Christ.
Welcome to the village of Mystery and Raymond's.
Do you see there's numerous incredible attractions here.
Number one, of course, is the team of Christ.
But if the Team of Christ doesn't pique your interest, then number four certainly will.
Skunk cabbage group birthplace, skunk cabbage of Christ or skunk cabbage.
What spare you decide in the comments.
You expect to see the actual tomb of Jesus Christ on your trip to Japan?
No, I'm Skip School.
How did this all come about?
There's an explanation here as to how Jesus Christ came to die in this remote village of Japan.
I'll let you read it for yourselves if you're interested.
It's little things like that, are you?
Get over.
Which ones is great?
I think that's That's Jesus.
This is no trouble with his brother dies.
Thank you.
Maybe Jesus.
Little every ghetto.
I love it.
I don't think it's a tissue of lies.
It is interesting.
All right, Thanks.
Well, there's a little museum of the top.
If you wanna learn more about the legend of Jesus Christ dying here in this small town in all Marie Prefecture.
But we're headed off to our next location, which is toe what a leg.
Super beautiful lake that I've been to probably three or four times now.
But we really want to show it to Dave, who hasn't seen it yet.
And I'd love to go there again.
So that's where we're going next.
It's a little lake.
It is reading.
It's not that bad.
And we find such good weather for this entire trip.
But I really can't complain it all.
But look, the leaves are starting to change color.
We were hoping that once we made it off a little more north that they would be and they have started savory.
One kilometers squared.
It's a huge lake.
Let's climb this roof and see what it looks like from the highest point, right?
Oh, wow.
There's a few points.
If I never seen you here before.
You point it up here.
This is actually larger lake.
I'm so glad the leaves are starting to change color.
But imagine if it was, like mid fall fevered right now would be so nice up here.
We got some, though.
If we just stand right here, it looks like it looks like it.
Iss those ones over there starting though there started.
You could actually see through to one of the island's take a look.
30 jabbed a coin in it.
Normally have to pay 100 yen, but it got stuck.
So it's permanently usable.
How's school?
Yeah, cool.
Because crashed his drone yesterday Board of testing it out now and it seems fine.
All right.
I wave made its own worry city after about two and 1/2 hour hertz driving through the mountains were heading to a shammy sun restaurant because if you guys didn't know, Shammy said comes from all Mori Prefecture.
So they have restaurants here where you can enjoy a meal and watch a show me some performance at the same time.
Victor found an apple tree.
Look, you know where it all maury went?
Why, If I see Threepio, they've got all these really cool specialty Coke bottles all throughout Japan.
This is the arm or anyone.
So Norm's got this master plan.
We're gonna ask shammy sudden players if you could test out there shopping center like give it a shot of you that don't know dwarves approach shot, Sam player.
So I feel like fumble around a little bit and started playing really well, even let me touch it like that.
E Hoping to you is that Robert Downey Jr looks like it close.
Remember the food here being really nice?
That nice temper, huh, Dave?
You can try the all Maury garlic off.
You have some on the menu.
Trouble with life in the UK Try Maury Gold was all excited about it, and then we cut it out of Brighton.
Er, no.
You could try here.
What's your favorite thing about?
Show me some of your because it's both melodic and percussive at the same time.
It's not gentle parts mixed with these very heavy parts.
I started to like it because So if you haven't heard of them, check out their music.
It's like a combination of more modern rock and traditional Tennison.
It worked so well together.
Yeah, we're gonna eat some food and enjoy some shabby sense.
I hope you guys enjoy the performance.
Yeah, I'm on.
I I need a body.
You It was actually really nice about it.
A soon as I started playing.
He's like, Oh, I see what's going on here.
I really like him.
So the name of that restaurant was saying Go back.
Oh, I highly recommend you check it out if you come home, worry.
And this concludes our road trip.
You guys, tomorrow I'm gonna be filming a video with Norm over on his channel, so make sure you subscribe to him so you can check that out.
I really want to show you some spots around Tohoku to encourage you to come up here on your next year.
I hope I was definitely was the cliffs.
Thank you so much for watching, and I will see you guys again soon.
Oh, and that wraps up our road trip adventures.
I really hope you guys enjoy the Siri's.
And as for my favorite spot of the trip, I would have to say no suit down, guy.
You know, said Cliffs.
It was just so much fun exploring the beach and not knowing what to expect, really venturing through the cliffs.
And it's just such a gorgeous place.
I think going there in the summer would probably be the best time.
The drive through the woods to get to the beach is slightly dangerous, so you probably wouldn't want to go down there when it's no.
Here, I see.
So avoid the wintertime.
But the track down there is certainly worth it.
It was just breathtakingly beautiful.
I'm not sure that came across like that on camera, but I am going to head back down there next year, for sure.
I need to say a big thanks to my friend Quinlan, who was the one who suggested that we visit the cliffs.
He also has a channel here in Morioka.
He focuses on lots of outdoor adventures type stuff.
You guys are into that.
Go check out his channel.
He's a really great guy.
Joe Hama Beach must be the best swimming spot I have ever seen.
I will take you guys there next summer force and swimming and let you know what I think.
A couple of adjustments.
Commenters said that people aren't swimming because the ocean is known to be super cold up in northern Japan, even in the summer, I guess.
So I'll test that out and let you guys know next summer.
But as for the beach, that's definitely a spot you would want to go see in the summer.
It's not gonna seem as pretty in the colder months, it'll probably cloudy and a little gloomy looking.
So if you could get down there during the warmer season, that would probably be best.
However, the drive from Morioka to Miyako on the coast is best seen during the fall.
If you go when the leaves are starting to change color, that trip is just unbelievable.
It's hard to put into words.
They're just so many trees surrounding the road's getting us there, just rolling mountains of continuous, brightly colored fall leaves.
It's super cool.
Let me know what your favorite spot was in the comments or if you've been to northern Japan, leave a comment and let people know where you really think they should visit.
Thanks again for watching guys.
I will have the links to the channels of all my friends that joined along for the trip down below.
So please do go check them out and we'll see you again very soon.