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  • my God, Jack.

  • SEPTA kind way meet.

  • Hi.

  • Nice to meet you guys.

  • Well, I Well, I know because he's, uh he's a YouTube personality.

  • Okay, He's actually Yeah, he's Ah, he's out of his element here.

  • Yeah, not what you do know.

  • I'm usually yelling and swearing of things.

  • A lot more weight.

  • Really nice to meet you guys.

  • How's the press tour going?

  • Suffer?

  • It's amazing.

  • You're exhausted yet.

  • It's going.

  • I am exhausted.

  • I'm exhausted today.

  • I couldn't sleep last night.

  • It's it's about It's a combo of the lag and the hsieh jal because they didn't really give us our turn around.

  • Oh, yes, yeah.

  • I'm a delicate flower that needs a full 12 hour turnaround elected yet and that counts from like once I close my hotel door.

  • I don't want to see daylight for full 12 hours.

  • That's understandable.

  • The shades go shut.

  • Well, your England So you never see daylight any hours of the day.

  • But yes, so the movie last night and was pleasantly surprised again I was shocked to see that you could pull it off again is the 1st 1 I as well as many people who I think were skeptical about it.

  • That it wasn't gonna live up to the original.

  • But I loved it.

  • I thought was super fun.

  • You were Jack.

  • Skeptical.

  • Kai?

  • Yes.

  • Good.

  • Get coli.

  • I'm gonna take that one back.

  • That was not skeptical.

  • Including Gap.

  • Dick, I It was right there.

  • Skeptics.

  • Waas.

  • It's how much better thinking be when you take out the l think skeptical.

  • I skeptic It's a disastrous name to begin with, so yeah, what?

  • Um, but yeah, it was so fun to see you guys because you were back in the same role again.

  • Back in the saddle, in the same role, with some new skills included.

  • No, Dex, you got to do nunchucks this time.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • And you actually use nunchucks.

  • Now, can you believe it?

  • Did you actually trained to use nunchucks for really?

  • Almost has me in the damn.

  • I had to practise, and it was really, really difficult to control those things.

  • Did you study Bruce Lee?

  • Yeah, I did watch that Best of all time.

  • Yeah, he was.

  • He was really fast.

  • I'm really good at mining.

  • Uh, known checks.

  • Is it?

  • Nunchucks?

  • Are nunchucks.

  • Nunchucks.

  • Nun, Nun, nun, nun or dumb?

  • No, none.

  • Nunchucks.

  • Juicy booty nights.

  • This secret out takes because John C.

  • Reilly's characters trust Rockwell was giving a clinic on doing nunchucks.

  • And he said, You can stop a bullet with a num Chuck if you do it properly.

  • Has anyone tried to stop a bullet with a number?

  • Yeah, I'm sure it's something.

  • Okay, everything's happened to some point.

  • Does anyone have a billet?

  • I do not want to be a pair of that.

  • I'll get in a lot of trouble, but it was fun to see you guys like back all together.

  • You guys just seem like you have so much fun when you're recording these types of movies.

  • Do you have a favorite scene that you got to shoot for this one in particular?

  • I mean, I know what my favorite scene waas I feel like I'm telling this story too much.

  • Do you feel you know where I'm going?

  • I always feel like you're revealing a little something that I thought was our secret.

  • But I think I know what scene you're gonna talk Way were all really scared of some mandrills in the scene.

  • We were surrounded by man eating mandrills killer killer, uh, eight.

  • And then right before action were no right after action were all the whole cast were all but two.

  • But do back to backs.

  • Yeah, Mandras were about to die and then they say, Action And I had one locked and loaded release and I just let the trumpets your onto us action And I stayed in it.

  • I stayed in character.

  • Oh, and yeah, I destroyed that particular take on The director is angry, but I think everyone knew that a legendary moment had happened and that we would be talking about it throughout the junk.

  • Really?

  • I was saving the day.

  • It was that your favorite scene or your favorite scene?

  • It wasn't my favorite scene.

  • It's just my favorite story to tell.

  • That's a good girl.

  • You loved it.

  • You know, I still wake up in a little night laughing about that, not even joking it.

  • Just like here's for the owls.

  • I feel like it's good luck.

  • It loosens up the cast.

  • It creates a bomb.

  • Yeah, it makes it more like a family.

  • Yeah, the family that farts together states together doesn't rhyme.

  • Probably the farts together, sharks together.

  • What's at some point it's gonna happen.

  • Is that far?

  • Yeah, it's exactly what you think it is.

  • Well, you think it's gonna be a far It's when you gamble and lose.

  • And you shot yourself.

  • Yeah, and you've ordered change very quickly.

  • But Jack, talk about YouTube stuff.

  • It's just been so fun to watch you, like every Friday come up with excuses not to play video games on your channel.

  • Well, most Fridays, we actually changed it.

  • Thio new episode coming soon Because I couldn't be live with the restriction of having to be on a schedule.

  • So you you're becoming full youtuber now.

  • Yeah.

  • Restrict yourself.

  • Exactly.

  • Do what you want.

  • I mean it really.

  • It really was my son's brain.

  • Child.

  • I have to give him the credit.

  • It was his idea to do a game of chance.

  • And yeah, I never actually do any real gaming little bit here and there.

  • Yeah, but I'm old school gamer.

  • Ana, it's been fun to do.

  • Uh, we've got some more surprises coming before the end of the year.

  • You'll see.

  • Yeah, I really like the one you guys did together.

  • Plane crash landing, Crash bandicoot, my favorite, because it just came out when I was playing it on my channel.

  • So see, you guys played as well.

  • Is that so?

  • One of us had a really good tightly Nike.

  • I love that game.

  • Yeah, it's amazing.

  • You fell into my trap.

  • I wasn't gonna mention job Linsky gaming's.

  • But you mentioned that, I think.

  • What?

  • Did I mention it?

  • No, I mentioned it to someone else to get them to do it.

  • Yeah, I forget who that was.

  • That was cool.

  • You were the only one from the Castillo who I could ensnare.

  • And then I got Aquafina.

  • But I was too scared to ask to win or Kevin, because I was afraid that they would reject me.

  • But I knew you were gonna be game.

  • I was gay because your gamer Yeah, well, the movie's all about, um, like your friends and your family and coming together.

  • And what sort of dealing with self doubts and self worth issues and self value on that kind of stuff.

  • And relying on your friends and getting your friends to help you and your times of need.

  • So I talked to a bunch of people doing YouTube who all leave comments all the time talking about how they're dealing with their own self doubts and self issues and things like that, and they look up to you guys and everything.

  • But I'm always curious you guys ever because you're at the top of your game doing big movies and everyone thinks that you're bulletproof.

  • So do you ever have, like, your own anxieties and doubts that you go through before doing stuff?

  • Yes, of course.

  • So many different forms of anxiety.

  • Like, Can I do this?

  • Well, words come out.

  • Who am I?

  • How do you deal with it?

  • Just let it kind of happened, I guess, like I'm sort of used to the process of it now that it's like, Oh, this is part of the thing that I do before I do the thing and then when I do the thing, the thing is okay.

  • But it's just part of my mental preparation that goes, like fight or flight mode alot you don't you're not gonna die.

  • There's no lions here.

  • You're fine about you.

  • I'm filled with with anxiety and self doubt.

  • And, uh, yeah, I've I've tried all kinds of techniques to, like, get over my stage fright Yeah, but, um, yeah, you gotta just remember to breathe and, uh, and imagine imagine it's going well and being okay with if it doesn't go well moving, just live in the moment.

  • I think Give yourself permission to not be a perfectionist.

  • Like, if it doesn't go well, that's okay.

  • And you're really hard on ourselves if it doesn't go well, look, if you give yourself that permission and suddenly, like, alleviates a lot of the pressure because everyone's gonna have a stinky take it some point.

  • It really is about letting it go on getting on to the next take.

  • Because if you dwell on life one bad you know, man, you could ruin like, ah, whole day and they'll turn into a week of like, not being on your a game.

  • Right?

  • Stick and move.

  • Yeah.

  • Shirt Move on.

  • Got a sharp move on.

  • You just got failure.

  • Way to success.

  • A fresh pair of underwear in the world.

  • There's gotta be a title.

  • Jumanji three.

  • That shard of destiny.

  • Something short of destiny.

  • It's not it, that's not it, but it's like a second.

  • Just even the sheriff of Destiny.

  • Shorts ahoy, Jim!

  • Angie, A sharp story.

  • Let's go, Jonas executives, Or what the fuck are they?

  • That interview is going on.

  • You see if you can say what everyone should leave it in.

  • I don't get it.

  • Uh, since you manji is a re boot, I was curious if there's any movies from your childhoods that you would love to see being rebooted in this modern age old question, mine would have been Jim angy Because I love that movie.

  • So much.

  • Grew up so much.

  • Okay, Yeah.

  • Choose that one because we did it.

  • I'm gonna say anything.

  • Well, I'll help you because I know that you're obsessed with with scary movies and the direct a scary movie about some point.

  • The problem is like picking your favorite movies is that you don't want to remake that one.

  • It's right.

  • Perfect.

  • I know you don't want to remake the Shining.

  • It's too good It's there.

  • Leave it alone.

  • The Exorcist, Jack in the roll off the girl.

  • What?

  • I'm gonna be the You're confused about everything that you can wait.

  • The shirts are cysts.

  • Continent.

  • One of the great lines in here with a terrace.

  • Your brother sucks cocks in hell.

  • What on?

  • Amazing cinematic moment.

  • Uh, yeah, it would.

  • It's true.

  • Instead of the vomit.

  • Yeah, it's a good sharp.

  • It's just like an explosive green diarrhea over ever.

  • The depth on the walls.

  • That's no funniest idea ever.

  • We have to make this movie.

  • Oh my God, I can't believe I'm starring in your next director.

  • Let's make it.

  • That's a little bonding in a TTE.

  • Some point, that's the best place to ever leave often interview.

  • So thank you.

my God, Jack.


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迄今為止我做過的最有趣的採訪(傑克-布萊克和凱倫-吉蘭)。 (The Funniest Interview I've Done So Far (Jack Black & Karen Gillan))

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