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brilliance, losing weight, this expression in deep shit.
I made a bet with a friend.
I would lose 10 kilograms in 10 weeks.
Get Thio.
You should.
47 119 It is now, So I'm someone that's never advocated running.
I don't understand why people derive pleasure from it's just moving, but faster than walking.
Luckily, I was placed in the Japanese countryside.
I have to say it is a place of beauty and magic on mosquitoes.
Jogging towards a volcano in a constant state of war is much more of an incentive to get out and joke than 10,000 yen.
But today is the first day of the diet, and I thought, I just kick things off with a joke before going to meet my friends.
Tonight he has a small band that he's doing some covers of some eighties music.
Next week, he wants me to help him out with the English lyrics on, although I properly planned to work out the finer points to the diet tomorrow.
Tonight, when we go out for dinner, I'm gonna try and in moderation, choose healthy food salads, things like that.
I don't think it's gonna be too too difficult to do.
I write the cheese from their way.
Although it may be too much to my talent.
This can't be famous.
Phone booth.
Should I stay?
Should like I'm not sure if this this playlist is genius.
Yeah, baby, She's got Rina's.
Do I fire you?
You're good.
All right.
Your band is gonna do well.
Okay, So I did eat a fair bit last night, but afterwards we went and did karaoke A.
And I suspect that probably burned off most of the most of the calories.
So I don't think it's initiate.
Remember, Theo today I've created a diet plan or so of guidelines.
What to do, What not to do.
So it's a little common sense kind of things like don't eat lots of sugar and soft drinks, fast foods.
And, of course, don't forget about the watermelon in the fridge and then on the do list, uh, run every day, Keep exercising, drink off water, eat fruit, Vegetables on dhe again.
So there's a kind of self guidelines to go that should should get things go.
Okay, so I've got to lose 10 kilograms in 10 weeks.
I think you'll find?
I can.
I'm already right.
I'm already quite thin.
Like this is This is This is good.
I think I can do it.
Yeah, my hands.
Are you five?
12345 high.
So it's been a few days now since the first video went up on dhe.
It looks like there's been quite a comments on there with people giving feedback and ideas on Whilst I'm exercising on trying to eat healthy, I'm open to any ideas on losing weight.
I'm gonna go on there, see what I can find and try and embrace any ideas.
I can look good.
Okay, Let's see what we've got.
So I need a low carb diet.
However, I can eat as much right as I want, as long as I exercise every day.
Just as long as I don't exercise more than three times a week.
High protein food to the way forward.
But I shouldn't eat me as it's bad for the planet.
And if I stick to a vegan diet on the only lose weight But be a better person.
But vegans can't eat me.
What is this?
Witchcraft Taik.
A terrific intake with absolutely no sugar, but I should like an apple.
Yeah, if I do the Atkins diet, the weight will just drop off.
Apparently, Atkins died overweight, showing his diet plan didn't really work.
However, I should just sort of why I know and create a time machine.
We'll go back to medieval France.
No one could agree on anything.
One of the few things people seem to agree on is that it looks like I have lost weight since I started making videos two years ago.
When actually, all I really did was just changed the camera angle from a low angle shot to a high angle shot.
So, for example, high angle shot, nice, nice lines.
There you go.
Like me take a selfie day and then you go low.
All you look like crap.
Today I thought I could go out and exercise, or I could bake an ingenious tick box, she to guide me to victory.
And that's exactly what I did Here is that dealer.
As you can see, it would take to you the past days off already because I'm factoring things already done.
But looking through the common sense to their wants, a pretty useful stuff in particular, my favorite one that came up a few times.
It's the one I'm already doing intermittent faster, which is basically where you could only eat for eight hours in one day from midday until late at night.
He from whatever.
Then there's a 16 hour period where your body not like eating anything just faster, and it said that helps your metabolism get going on helps burn fat.
Honestly, I don't know the finer details, but a lot of people have given it thumbs up and actually coincides quite nicely with my everyday die anyway, because I can't eat breakfast enough time.
Intermittent fasting.
I think it'll be interesting to see how that we've also got a quick workout in the morning.
Strength train.
The interval training.
7.5 hours of sleep can.
It's the optimum the mouth sleep, read one hour.
Study Japanese to Rama's Temple, its reflection.
So it's Culliver all around Mr Things to do if I do all these things and I've succeeded in having a good day, yeah, very poor take books.
She went thio what's known as a power spot today place where you can come and sit on feel rejuvenated feel energy on.
I love to just regularly come here and sit and think about how I could make the world a better place while I was there.
I did.
I did feel something here.
I came away thinking the lamb gonna be able to I'm gonna be able to do this on the power.
Spoke gave me confidence.
It's 11 o'clock originally, I feel bad and so terribly wrong.
But then I realized I came here as a scientific investigation.
The chicken and China was discovered.
It was a bad recently.
Terrible things happen.
But anyway, Donald, no longer selling chicken nuggets, we've got food.
No good things.
Not quite there yet.
But I wanted to come here, and I want to see the impact that, uh So it wasn't because I wanted me because I wanted to experience Lloyd.
Okay, so it's the end of the week on.
Now we're gonna measure myself.
I haven't had the healthiest of weeks in terms of diet, but I have been exercising every day and I have been doing intermittent fasting.
I think those two combined could have a positive effect.
I don't know.
So let's see Ugo 0 79 kilograms.
That is three kilograms down.
In a way, that's not bad.
I was told that people that start exercising and changed their diet lose a lot of weight in the first week or two.
I don't get to coffee sector said pretty much what?
That will win the bet.
Thanks for watching, and I hope to see you next week.
Barely over the past few months, I've become fat, so I'm now.
It did shit exactly.