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Hey guys! Good morning!
Long time no see on this channel
I feel like it's been forever
I apologize for that but
I've actually been working on lots of things behind the scenes
There are some new things that I'm preparing to do with this channel this year
So thank you so much for being patient!
However, I have been uploading a lot on my vlog channel
If you haven't checked that out yet, please go do that
It's more like behind the scenes, what I'm doing in my daily life
My hobbies, products I'm liking, foods I'm making... stuff like that
But today I'm going to be volunteering at an animal shelter
And I really wanted to upload this video over here because
I think it's a topic that several of you guys have been interested in
So I'm going to go with two of my friends, Allie and Nicole
We're going to be volunteering at a shelter that takes in dogs and cats
from other shelters that were about to be put down
So other shelters can hold cats and dogs for a while
But if they can't find homes for them, many of them will kill those animals :(
Whereas this shelter will take those animals that are about to be killed and
they will bring them in and look for new homes for them
and they never kill the animals
They will take care of them until they pass away naturally if they have to
So I think this is a really great place
and I'm really looking forward to volunteering with them
and showing you guys what it's like
And hopefully encouraging lots of you guys to do it as well
if you live in Japan
Or if you're here for a while and you would like to go check it out for a day
All the information will be down in the description box
However, their website is only in Japanese
You may be able to use the Google website translating function to find your way around it
If not you might have to have a Japanese person to help you out with it
Sorry about that, they do not have an English website unfortunately
Anyways we better get going because I've gotta be there really soon
And I'm super excited! So let's go!
All right we're going in!
So it's a house! I wasn't expecting that!
Somebody purchased a house and turned it into a shelter
Are you guys ready?
It's a little smelly
All right we got some slippers for you
Just close the door behind you
It's all for cats
Some dry food, towels and toys
Could I get your name?
Sharla and Nicole
So the dogs here...
You're so cute!
So a lot of them are adopted from
Chiba animal shelter, Saitama animal shelter...
the ones that have to put dogs down
So this place doesn't put dogs down
Look at her lashes
Ok, what!?
Look at those lashes!
Tell me your secrets!
Are you excited?
A lot of these dogs are either a little bit sick
This is the one that when she got adopted
If you see her tail she doesn't have any hair
She didn't have any hair
She didn't have any hair and was so undernourished
She was so skinny
But she's getting a lot better
These are the bigger dogs
You're excited!
Hi how are you?
He came in with his sister
So his sister got adopted, he's a little bit shy
We're going upstairs to see the cats now!
There's a cat room on the second floor
Awww there's so many!
So cute!
He's so friendly
So cute
He's really cute
He's been here since he was really small
He just loves people
You wanna play don't you? You wanna play?
He's so cute
You wanna come play?
This calico is a female, her name is Sorata-chan
She was rescued and brought here by a passerby
She was really tiny and her eyes and nose were
in really bad condition
So bad we thought she might lose her eyes
But she's doing so well now
She looks great
You're so happy
Oh wow, are these all the cats they've had?
When they come in groups they name them in groups
Udon, Soba
That's such a good idea
You like to name them in groups right?
Oh there's a Luna!
We sometimes name them after food
You're so cute
Oh you wanna bite me?
Do you want attention?
What are you doing?
So cute
So happy
So if you're interested in adoption any of the pets
there's a couple things they look for
They're ok with foreigners, which is great
Of course they just tell you that if you are going to leave Japan...
that you need to take the pets with you, you can't just abandon them when you leave
That seems like common sense, but some people would do that
So they do make sure that the person is committed to adopting the animal
You need to have a house that allows pets
Sometimes that can be difficult in Japan
Lots of apartments don't allow you to have pets
They will check to make sure your house or apartment where you're staying is Pet OK
And they said that's really about it!
Other than that they'll make sure that you're okay with putting lock on your windows
or a little gate at the door so the pets don't escape and they're safe in your house
They seem to be very flexible
A lot more flexible than other places where I've tried to adopt pets from
They turned me down right away because I was a foreigner
or because I would be out of the house for too many hours
But this place seems to be a little easier
So if you are in Japan and looking to adopt a pet
I will put the link down in the description box so check them out!
And every Sunday they have an open house here
Where anybody can just stop by, take a walk around the place
Look at all the pets and see if they are any that you're interested in adopting
Ow, my toe!
Do you like the yellow shoe?
Oh it's your sock that he likes
I told you not to wear clothes you're gonna miss
Well there goes your shoe
Hey hey hey
There you go
hey hey hey
So when we walk the dogs we take a leash
Hi Miranda
Going for a walk!
Good girl
Thank you!
Please wait in the yard
I think this is the first time I've ever walked a dog in my life
This'll be interesting
Are you excited?
Going to go for a walk?
Come on
Come on
You wanna smell it too?
Come on! Miranda, come on!
Come on, come on!
Good girl!
Yeah, there you go!
Aww he's so pretty!
We're home!
Thank you so much for watching
I hope you guys enjoyed that
I'm back home with my own pets now
Maro was having fun smelling all my clothes
Lots of dog smells that he's not used to
Right? Dog smells?
I'm going to link 2 videos here, in case you guys haven't seen these
Go check them out!
Make sure to subscribe to my channel for more Japan content, and I'll see you next time!