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  • They've assured us that we're not gonna get wet, but then they gave us this to wear.

  • So I feel like we're gonna get wet.

  • I have never ridden on a boat like this before. Looks like it goes really fast

  • We are on a boat. We're straddling the seat like a pony.

  • I guess that's so we don't fall into the water

  • Kowai (I'm scared)

  • Apparently lots of bears and deer come to drink out of the water from this spot right here.

  • I thought we couldn't see any

  • I've got a new hairstyle, but that was freaking awesome.

  • Ride this boat that was so much fun. It was so exciting.

  • I'm just arriving at tonight's hotel.

  • It's so nice.

  • Oh my God. I'm so excited to stay in here.

  • It has the amazing smell of the tatami mats. I love that.

  • A leg massager. Yes.

  • Oh my God, I love it.

  • Great, I'm gonna change into my ryokan (traditional Japanese hotel) wear and grab some dinner downstairs.

  • Alrighty! They even give you a selection of what color of slippers you want to wear. I'm gonna go with red.

  • Beautiful.

  • This hotel is so amazing. They have this little fire area here.

  • So the restaurant is apple themed. It's adorable.

  • I love this.

  • The buffet is gorgeous. They have a really nice selection of vegan foods as well

  • and everything's really clearly labeled, so you know what's included in the ingredients.

  • It's 9 p.m., and we're gonna take a shuttle bus out to the forest for this outdoor bath.

  • It looks amazing. It's gonna be quite dark when we get there, so I don't know how much I can show you guys,

  • but hopefully there'll be some light.

  • We were given a pair of shorts and a little dress to wear in the water

  • because right now is kon-yoku (mixed bathing) time

  • So there's men here as well, so they asked that we wear this clothing

  • But there are mixed spots where you don't have to wear clothes too.

  • Look at how nice this bath is. It's pretty dark out here, but they have some lights

  • to light up the place. It's so peaceful.

  • It was raining and earlier, and it was just perfect,

  • because the rain kind of cools you down while you're in the bath.

  • Good morning guys, welcome to day three. I just had a really amazing breakfast down at that restaurant.

  • They had soy meat but looked like gyudon, beef bowl.

  • So I just put it on top of rice and had that for breakfast.

  • I was not expecting that and I just checked out and gave them my key, and they gave me this.

  • It's a scented leaf.

  • So today, we're going first to a sake brewery for tour.

  • Bye. ("Have a nice tour." on the green banner)

  • We just started our tour and we're seeing the

  • storage building.

  • I'm where they're storing fresh sake. I can smell it.

  • Here it smells like amazake (sweet fermented sake). It smells really good.

  • The second floor of the brewery is set up like a little museum

  • where you can find lots of antiques sake-related items.

  • So the more of the rice they remove, the better sake tastes. It tastes a lot different.

  • Time to head to the station to catch our Shinkansen to Hokkaido.

  • But Hokkaido is an island. How do you get there by train?

  • The Shinkansen actually goes underwater. It's a one-hour ride quite quick actually.

  • Welcome to Hokkaido.

  • So we just made it to the top of a mountain here in Hakodate. The Sun just set

  • and this is the view from the top of the mountain.

  • It's gorgeous. I love how you can see the outline of the coast

  • and you can just picture the map of Japan.

  • You can see like the exact outline. It's so cool. It was a really pretty sunset today, too.

  • We're back in the hotel now. We just got back from a dinner party. It was pretty crazy.

  • I took a little bit of video.

  • So I'll show you that here.

  • So after eating a really delicious buffet of local foods from around Hokkaido,

  • we were given a presentation to learn a little bit about some of the famous spots around town,

  • and then they did this amazing mochi pounding performance.

  • Check this out. It's so cool.

  • So we had a pretty awesome night. We are gonna go to sleep now. Tomorrow is our last day.

  • We're gonna spend it in Hokkaido here. We're gonna go to the morning market,

  • and then we're gonna go to a park, I think later on. So look forward to that. We'll see you tomorrow.

  • Okay, good morning from Hokkaido. It's raining a little bit today, but it's not bad.

  • We had like a pretty heavy downpour the other day, so this little bit of rain isn't bad at all.

  • Basically there's lots of seafood for sale.

  • Melons. Melons are very famous in Hokkaido. Lots of dairy products. Hokkaido's dairy is also famous.

  • You'll see lots of ice cream

  • and that's what it is. It just lots of fresh food, so you guys can buy here.

  • It's raining today unfortunately,

  • but

  • there's lots to see and there are some indoor shops as well if you don't want to be outside in the rain.

  • We're in a really beautiful area of Hakodate right now.

  • It looks like the name of this area is Motomachi Koen (Park) and behind me,

  • get the view,

  • the coastline there.

  • I came up here to show you guys, this building actually.

  • Hakodate was actually one of the first ports to open up for international trade in 1800s

  • and because of this Western culture was introduced into the area,

  • you can see lots of western-style buildings around.

  • Many of the buildings in this area of Hakodate are quite old.

  • They have these really nice stone streets.

  • Actually the streets here are known as some of the most beautiful streets in Japan

  • and you'll be able to see them in lots of commercials, dramas and movies.

  • All that exploring made us quite hungry,

  • so that we headed to Sara-no-tsuki Restaurant in Hakodate for some fresh steamed veggies.

  • Look what they prepared for us.

  • These look so good. It's a steam nabe. It's steaming.

  • You don't put the vegetables in the broth. You steam them on top.

  • Little bamboo rock, that's so cool. Inside this one, they're cooking some rice and vegetables.

  • If you leave it inside for long enough you'll get a nice,

  • crispy golden bottom to the rice. That's the best part.

  • That lunch was delicious.

  • It was so filling. We shared one of those

  • big steaming plate of vegetables between two people.

  • I think it would have easily fed three, possibly four.

  • So full now. We're taking the bus to a location an hour away. It's a very beautiful park.

  • I just saw pictures of it. Can't wait to get there. Hokkaido is so beautiful.

  • This is the view from the bus of the mountains there. And the ocean is over on this side.

  • Onuma Quasi-National Park is located just 20 kilometers north of Hakodate

  • and can be easily accessed by train.

  • This park is known for its beautiful lakes

  • and the absolutely gorgeous dormant volcano in the background.

  • Walking trails let you explore the island throughout the park which are connected by small bridges.

  • In the warmer months you can join a sightseeing boat tour for just over a thousand yen.

  • If you're looking to try some interesting ice-cream flavors,

  • Onuma Park certainly doesn't have a shortage of those.

  • I really hope you guys enjoyed this four-day tour through northern Japan.

  • And I hope it gave you some ideas for when you're traveling to Japan, please come up to the north.

  • It's absolutely gorgeous. The people here are so friendly.

  • They're so happy to see people up here visiting their area.

  • Please give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, and I will see you soon. Bye.

They've assured us that we're not gonna get wet, but then they gave us this to wear.


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A2 初級

我在日本北部做了什麼!??? (What I Did in Northern Japan! ??)

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