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Good morning guys!
It is day 2 of the YouTuber road trip
and we are at...
Geibikei Gorge
Which is beautiful so far!
Look at this place! It's so gorgeous!
And what we're gonna do is... Get on a boat
Presumably one of these boats in the background here
and someone is going to paddle us through the gorge!
Jun got us an English pamphlet
so I can show you guys what kinda stuff they got here
Looks like there's lots of different things that we're gonna see on the way
Chris said that he came here in the fall before
and I can just imagine that it was amazing
because the fall leaves in Japan are gorgeous
Somebody is going to hand paddle us down this gorge for an hour
And it was only 1,600 yen
I guess these are the boats we're going on
Or maybe those ones over there with the roofs?
I'm not sure
So this is interesting...
We take off our shoes to get onto the boat
This is so nice!
And take a life cushion
We need crowd funding for Chris' new socks guys
Yeah, Kickstarter
It's so peaceful
I wanna live here!
I hope these videos inspire you guys to explore Tohoku if you come to Japan
I really enjoy here a lot more than I do Tokyo
It's a completely different experience of course
Tokyo is more exciting, and party culture
Whereas there are so many gorgeous places to check out in Tohoku
Yeah that's my goal of this Tohoku series
Is to inspire you guys to come here, and not only Tokyo
The trip down the gorge is about 2km
The trip there and back will be about an hour
The first point of interest is on the right here
It's known as Mirror Rock
The reflection of the water sparkles on the rock
This rock is 60m high
If you take a good look at the rock
Bonsai, Cedar trees and other plants are growing naturally
out of the rock, so it's also known as Bonsai Rock
I like this place better than Matsushima
I feel like this should be in the top 3
The water is shallow in most areas
So if you happen to fall in
just stand up
As we pass by you can throw a coin and make a wish
Was that Rachel? That was good!
Ahhh so close
This one spot is 5-6m deep
Oh wow!
Wouldn't it be so nice to swim here?
This area looks most beautiful in the fall
This is the view you will see on TV, magazines
advertisements in stations, commercials etc.
All right, so the boat has docked
and we've got 20min free time to explore this area
and then we're gonna head back
So you guys see, not that one, that one right there!
The eye shaped hole in the back
They sell five stones
Wooden balls? I can't tell what they are
for $1
and we have to try to get them in that little hole
and then we can make a wish, our wish will come true
Oh there's different ones!
All right guys, what should we choose?
Oh there's a really cute beetle in there!
I'm gonna choose one for love
One for long life
This is a great kanji lesson
En, en, how should I explain en?
Like, connections?
Something like yeah, that's probably the closest, connections with people
One for good luck
Ah! Kizuna
All right, these are the 5 that I have chosen
Oh that was so close!
Literally 2cm
So powerful!
I'll show you how it's done
Stand back
Aw, come on!
Wow, you have to throw it really hard
Don't know if I'll be able to do it
I think it might've gone in!
I didn't quite see it...
All right, the guys made that look really difficult
Let's see what I can do...
Come on Sharla, you can do it!
Long life
Aw shit...
I'm gonna die really soon ^^;
Aw you've gotta get love in
There's no way you can miss this
That's really hard
Good try, good try
We're going to get one of these plaques
and write on it all together
Jun got one of the rocks in the hole
So we will use Jun's power to make our wish come true
We have our top secret wish
that we can't show you guys
or else it won't come true
We are gonna put it... Where's the best spot guys?
Hey, people seem to like this spot, it's crowded
Should we put it here?
Seriously though, why?
I like this one, I feel like this is a good one
I'm gonna put it right here
And it looks like we gotta turn it around
because everyone else's wish is on the outside
Fingers crossed it comes true!
All right, looks like it's time to go back
Thank you very much for joining us today
All right guys, that concludes our trip down the gorge
That was amazing, I can't express how much I enjoyed that
It was so gorgeous, and relaxing
And I really like how it didn't feel touristy at all
They kept everything in its natural state
and it was just so nice!
I think this is the most enjoyable thing I've done in Japan so far
In the total eight years that I've lived here, so
I would super recommend that any of you that come to Japan
or already live in Japan
come here and try this!
It's not even expensive
The only trouble is having to get up here from Tokyo
or wherever you live
But it's more than worth it!
I really hope this video has inspired some of you guys to check out Tohoku
I love it here
It is so beautiful, look at this place
Thank you for watching, I'll see you soon! Bye!
Road Trip Vlog Series is on my other channel!