字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hey guys! 大家好! So since I made a video... kind of laughing at the funny English that have in Japan here. 上次我拍了一個取笑日式搞笑英文的影片 I thought it would only fair to tell you guys about the stupid Japanese that I have seen in Canada. 我覺得應該也聊聊我在加拿大看到的搞笑日文 So it is really popular to get Kanji tattoos in Canada, America, or any those English-speaking countries. 在北美或其他英語系國家,非常流行漢字刺青 I’m sure. 有一次我在刺青店,看到牆上貼了一張大海報 But I was at the tattoo parlor and it have a big poster on the wall. 一邊是各種漢字,另一邊是英文翻譯 One side had all these different Kanji and then it had “English translation”, 我發誓一半以上的翻譯都是錯的 but I swear half of the translations was completely wrong. 跟真正的意思完全不同 Not even close to the actual meaning. 我也會說一點中文,所以我知道那並不是翻成中文 I speak Chinese a little bit too, so I know it wasn’t just like the Chinese translation or anything 不是日文或中文 it wasn’t Japanese or Chinese. 舉例來說,有個「馬」的漢字,然後英文翻成「狗」 For example, it have a Kanji like say, “horse” and the translation will be “dog”. 你在搞笑嗎? WHAT!? 人們就相信那種翻譯,然後刺在身上 People are trusting this getting tattoos of it and I know a lots of people don’t even like 我知道很多人刺青前不會查清楚真正的意思 thoroughly research the meaning of the tattoo they want before they’d get it. 如果你們對漢字刺青有興趣 So you guys are interested getting a Kanji tattoo 我對很棒的日文刺青沒意見 I have nothing against I’ve seen really awesome Japanese writing tattoos, 但拜託先查清楚真正的意思,畢竟刺青是永久的 but PLEASE research the meaning before you get permanently tattoo on your body. 問問日本人、華人,或任何懂那個語言的人 Ask Japanese person or Chinese person or someone who speaks the language well. 你不會後悔的 It’s worth it. 我看過最糟的一次是在城裡,有個男生穿著無袖上衣 The WORST one I’ve seen was a guy downtown, he was wearing a tank top and he had like 刺了兩個大大的漢字在手臂上 two BIG kanji here. 大概有這麼大 Maybe it is like... this big. 他刺了「名字」!「名字」! Namae! (名前) namae! (名前!) (It means name.) 哈?你在搞笑嗎? WHAT! WHAT THE FUCK! 他刺那個做什麼? What did he asked for? 我猜可能是,他問了一個日本人 I thought maybe like… he asked a Japanese guy. 我想要刺我的名字,你可以幫我刺上去嗎? Oh I want my name here. Can you tattoo my name? 然後日本人就嘿嘿地想,好啊,刺上「名字」 The Japanese guy is like hehe… ok and wrote name. 我不知道怎麼會發生這種事,但我想不出一個合理的原因 I don’t know how that happen, but I can’t think any legitimate reason 有人會想在手臂刺上「名字」 that he want “name” tattoo on his arm. 這是我的智障日文故事,但還有很多例子 Yeah. That was my retarded Japanese story, but there’s lot of other examples. 像是隨便印上漢字、平假名或片假名的T恤 There’s like t-shirts with random Kanji on them even hiragana and katakana 但組不成一個句子 that makes absolutely no sense 所以日本別難過,加拿大也沒多好 So don’t feel bad Japan, Canada sucks too! 對了,我現在戴的是「瀟灑帥氣」的假睫毛 By the way, I’m wearing my handsome lashes. 如何?有沒有比較帥啊? (Sharla speaking Japanese) Subtitled by Jhoe Rosales.
B2 中高級 中文 漢字 日文 搞笑 日本人 中文 名字 愚蠢的日本漢字紋身 愚蠢的漢字紋身 (Stupid Japanese Kanji Tattoos バカな漢字タトゥー) 11 0 林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字