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  • Well, there's a very different feel here, isn't it?

  • People are nowhere near as friendly, and everyone's so stairs.

  • Eyes asking questions.

  • What are you doing here?

  • You?

  • Why you're here while you're walking?

  • I think it's got something to do with the fact that we're right on the border and there's a big military presence here.

  • Everyone's quite suspicious.

  • The authorities could pull the plug on my expedition on.

  • They seem to be everywhere.

  • So it stops in this town store and told a local intelligence agency to find out if we're gonna be allowed to pass it.

  • On board is only a day's walk from here.

  • So tensions are high.

  • Foreigners are not usually allowed to come to this area.

  • So the cops arrived within minutes.

  • Okay.

  • Thank you.

  • I have listened that not making the picture off the area, You know, it's a lot to make picture.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • No date just arrived.

  • Yes or no?

  • Do you in two more days?

  • Way negotiating a growing crowd After 30 minutes, we're finally let through under the protection of Officer Medawar, his a k 47 on a slightly squeaky bike back on the mountain road.

  • It's easy to see what made the ass Store valley one of Pakistan's most popular holiday destinations.

  • This has gotta be one of those spectacular places.

  • It's certainly not what I expected Pakistan's look like with the pine trees in these blades and meadows so peaceful it's always been a ski resort.

  • Yet despite the authorities best efforts, few foreigners visit this land.

  • It seems such a waste.

  • But I'm not here for sightseeing.

  • Tomorrow will head towards the Line of Control.

  • It's seen violent skirmishes for nearly 70 years.

  • I'm sure the army won't let me cross.

  • But I plan to walk these mountains wherever they lead me.

  • I can't turn back.

  • The next morning we reports with Officer Medawar too.

  • Gory cots Police station.

  • Our armed escort could get no further.

  • So here you finish.

  • Finish finish.

  • OK.

  • Do we have somebody else to come with the suits?

  • You and Chuck your what?

  • It seems not well, thank you.

  • Thank you very much for your help.

  • Malang and I must push on with no escort.

  • At moments like this, you can run into the rarest of fellow travelers.

  • It's It's almost biblical, isn't it?

  • The A with the tassels.

  • Decorations on the horses just like a colorful.

  • I wondered if we'd run into these guys.

  • They're back awhile.

  • Moments.

  • For centuries, they drove their herds freely across the Himalayas.

  • But the line of control block their movements, meaning fewer.

  • Now Rome, as they please.

  • Where do you go just the whole season?

  • Do you have some other animals?

  • Well, they already that walking.

  • He's in a hurry later that day were met by brooding clouds as we begin the final approach to the Line of Control.

  • The thing with this route is that it takes me right through the heart of the Himalayas.

  • The problem is, it also takes me through one of the most heavily militarized zones in the world, the border between Pakistan and India.

  • We're walking straight into a conflict zone.

  • What happens now is anyone's guess.

  • Something like, uh, school way to India in the other minds minds.

  • So here we finished.

  • I can't quite believe we've got this far, you know, so close.

  • Well, close enough.

  • This is the end of the road in Pakistan.

  • I must now return and cross into India at the official border 1000 miles to the southwest.

  • I convert Julie.

  • See where I'll pick up my journey.

  • Just over those hills there is India Stones again, just the other side of that mountain.

  • But there is a downside to reaching here.

  • I'll be leaving my Afghan diva behind.

  • This is it.

  • This is the end of the road for from a long line is gonna go back to Afghanistan.

  • But the mummy had me soon, my friend.

  • So I love love is and it's my best worker friend into one month, which is in Afghanistan, in Pakistan now we are in the hand off the world it is.

  • It feels like the end of the world, isn't it?

  • It's very atmospheric, moody place.

  • Um but this is where we have to say goodbye, Milling.

  • Unfortunately, I'm so sorry about this.

  • Take it easy.

  • It's been good.

  • Yeah, Johnny, you do.

Well, there's a very different feel here, isn't it?


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B1 中級

試圖穿越軍事控制的邊界進入印度|萊維森-伍德:行走在喜馬拉雅山上。 (Trying To Cross A Military Controlled Border Into India | Levison Wood: Walking The Himalayas)

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