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  • - Hey everybody, I'm Karol G and today

  • I'm going to be teaching you my Colombian slang.

  • [upbeat music]

  • Okay, [speaking in foreign language].

  • We really say [speaking in foreign language].

  • And [speaking in foreign language] means,

  • like, "Hey, what's up?,"

  • "What up bro?"

  • It's like that, that's [speaking in foreign language]

  • [speaking in foreign language]

  • These words in English, this word is keys,

  • like the keys for the car and keys for the door

  • but for us in Colombia, it's keys, too,

  • but normally in our slang we use this for friends,

  • like you call a friend [speaking in foreign language].

  • He's my [speaking in foreign language].

  • He's my friend. He's my [speaking in foreign language].

  • So this is super Colombia, like super,

  • super Colombian word is [speaking in foreign language]

  • and that means "crush" in English.

  • So when I was in school I used to say my crush is Brad Pitt.

  • My crush is not Brad Pitt, but let's just put an example.

  • My crush is Brad Pitt, you in Spanish say,

  • [speaking in foreign language], this is super Colombian.

  • [speaking in foreign language] is a liquor,

  • a Colombian liquor.

  • Like if you take just one, two, or three you're gonna die.

  • You're going to lose your mind.

  • You're going to do really bad things at night

  • if you drink [speaking in foreign language]

  • This is our Colombian, like shots.

  • Oooh, [speaking in foreign language].

  • Right now I'm asking to myself,

  • why is [speaking in foreign language],

  • because it doesn't mean anything in the dictionary.

  • [speaking in foreign language] in Colombia is a fruit.

  • This means like I have a hangover.

  • Hangover, yeah.

  • They say that if you go to a club and you drink a lot

  • and at the next day, you're dying,

  • you are [speaking in foreign language].

  • Super [speaking in foreign language].

  • If you drink a lot and if you drunk a lot

  • [speaking in foreign language] at the next day probably

  • or for sure you're gonna be [speaking in foreign language],

  • dying in your bed, asking for help, asking for that.

  • Oh, [speaking in foreign language]

  • This is super mom word.

  • [speaking in foreign language] is when somebody

  • is screaming at you, yelling at you, bothering you.

  • Look, I love you mom but you [speaking in foreign language].

  • [speaking in foreign language] Yay!

  • [laughing]

  • [speaking in foreign language], this is my word.

  • It's a Colombian word and we use

  • [speaking in foreign language] for a really broken heart

  • but it's like something you can not get over it,

  • like you're thinking so much, you're sad,

  • and you say it for a boy,

  • like "I'm in love and he broke my heart."

  • I'm in [speaking in foreign language].

  • [speaking in foreign language], this is super Colombian.

  • [speaking in foreign language], when we say

  • [speaking in foreign language],

  • like, "Hey, yesterday we went to that club

  • and that club was super [speaking in foreign language]."

  • Like was super cool, was super amazing.

  • Like the other day, you present me a boy

  • and he was super nice,

  • he was super [speaking in foreign language].

  • Like you say [speaking in foreign language]

  • to something cool and nice and fresh and cool.

  • Oooh, [speaking in foreign language]

  • Oooh, I love this one.

  • [laughing]

  • It means, in our Colombian slang,

  • that we are going out of the houses.

  • In Colombia, it's really usual on holidays

  • to go everybody out of the houses in the same town,

  • and you go out in the houses and we put a pot,

  • a really big pot with a lot of oil.

  • So you put fire and when it's really burning the oil,

  • you put beef, meat, chorizo, chicken,

  • and that's a [speaking in foreign language].

  • It's delicious, it's so bad for your diet,

  • but it's a really good [speaking in foreign language].

  • Lucas!

  • Lucas, in the complete world, means Lucas, a boy,

  • [speaking in foreign language], an uncle,

  • a father, a friend.

  • Lucas is a name but for us, Lucas are the bills.

  • So you don't say like, one dollar.

  • You say, one Lucas.

  • You don't say one [speaking in foreign language]

  • You say, one Lucas.

  • For example, in [speaking in foreign language], you say,

  • That's how you use the word "Lucas."

  • So for example, I'm working

  • because I want to have a lot of Lucas.

  • Oooh, [speaking in foreign language]

  • [laughing]

  • You are missing an "R."

  • We say [speaking in foreign language] when we want to...

  • If I like a boy and I want him to know that I like him,

  • I'm going to [speaking in foreign language].

  • [speaking in foreign language] in English,

  • the perfect translation is throw the dogs,

  • but for you it's flirt, right?

  • So, okay, [speaking in foreign language], flirt.

  • [laughing]

  • [speaking in foreign language]

  • [laughing]

  • This is like my grandmother's way to say something.

  • It's super old, oh my god, this is super old and super,

  • I don't know who used this.

  • If you say this in Spanish, everybody's going

  • to be laughing at you because this just means no.

  • Like for example, can you lend me please 10 dollars to buy?

  • No, no, no, [speaking in foreign language]

  • That means [speaking in foreign language]

  • is just a way to say no.

  • Okay, [speaking in foreign language].

  • This is a word that everybody use in Colombia.

  • It's our way to say that somebody is a really good friend.

  • It's my [speaking in foreign language].

  • She's my [speaking in foreign language]

  • or he's my [speaking in foreign language]

  • [speaking in foreign language]

  • We use this a lot, like,

  • [speaking in foreign language], Colombia.

  • So that's it, that's the way we speak in Colombia.

  • I hope you learned a lot of words.

  • I hope you go to Colombia and to visit us

  • and to use these words.

  • I love you, mwah.

  • See you next time.

- Hey everybody, I'm Karol G and today


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卡羅爾-G教你哥倫比亞俚語|《名利場》雜誌 (Karol G Teaches You Colombian Slang | Vanity Fair)

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